Springtime on the library grounds

Springtime on the library grounds
Library gounds

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Chazy Public Library new Gates computer

Betsy Brooks and Francie Fairchild complete hooking up the new public computer.
The network is already wireless. Two computers are available to the public.
These computers were purchased and upgraded through a matching Gates grant.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Trustees' Meeting Minutes of 7-30-08

Present: George Brendler, Emily Castine, Debby Powers, Pat Neverett, Tina Trombly, Francie Fairchild, director.
George called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. The minutes of May 28th were reviewed, corrections were noted and Emily made a motion to approve, seconded by Debby, passed.
Treasurers’ Report: Debby presented reports for May and June. Pat made a motion to accept as presented, seconded and passed. Debby told us that she has given a copy of our 2006-2007 and 2007-present books (quick books) to Carolyn Tetreault. Debby also had a list of questions she needs answers for which she left with Carolyn. Debby is waiting to hear from Carolyn to make an appointment. George said he would like to be there also. George also mentioned that he needs to go to the bank to have his signature on record.
Director’s Report: Adrian Carr, pianist, asked that we sponsor him in his grant request. It does not involve money, just our support. Emily will contact Sue Daul at the Cultural Center to get more information.
Computers- Betsy said some have arrived. The Friends of the library have voted to provide the matching funds.
Francie wants to go to a workshop in Potsdam on 8/20 at a cost of $10.00. She will go if she can get a substitute.
Second Betty Little grant of $2500.00 has arrived. Tina will send a thank you. Tina will also send a thank you to Chazy Westport Communications. A verbal thank you has been given to Jim Trombly.
CEF-is asking libraries to contribute to downloadable books. Tina made a motion to give $100.00 to CEF for audio books. The motion was seconded and passed. State funds are being cut 2% and these books are expensive. Debby wrote a check to CEF which Francie will deliver.
Maintenance-George will check with Chazy Hardware to fix screen in front door. Sign out front needs repair. George will check with Daniels’ Sign to get cost estimate. New hours need to be posted. Instead of summer and winter hours it was suggested that the new hours be; Tuesday 12:00-7:30, Wednesday 10:00-5:00, Thursday 12:00-7:30, and Saturday 9:00-12:00. Pat made a motion to adopt these hours, seconded and all in favor. The new hours will go into effect once the sign is fixed.
Committee report: Survey-Tina reported that 50 surveys were submitted. The most requested item was handicap accessibility and larger building. Over all patrons are satisfied with our service.
Policy committee-has not met but we do have a new gift policy in place. We must follow the American Library Association standards policy concerning privacy.
Old Business: We will dispose of old computers at Total Computers in Plattsburgh-no charge.
Quadra-centennial- the cost for the marker has risen. Maggie Dodds is working with Francie to reduce the wording to save money.
Wireless access for the library was discussed. Pat made a motion to buy a router for the library. It was seconded and passed. John Brendler will help with installation.
No standing committees to report.
Possible date for meeting would be the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Adjust as needed.
New Business: Friends Book sale will be 8/30/08. Next meeting will be 9/10/08 at 5:00.
Sagamore Conference report tabled till next meeting.
Francie and Betsy have started work on a plan for a capital campaign to renovate a donated building. The Trustees could use the format to start planning now for this future possibility.
Minutes were reviewed.
Motion to adjourn at 6:15. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Tina Tromby

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Wireless Internet now available

Please note that we have wireless internet capability at the Chazy Public Library. There are only a few outlets available for laptops. The upstairs room is available for laptop users on a limited basis.

Book sale great success!

Thanks to all our patrons for your participation in our successful book sale.
We had a beautiful day for the event with a good turnout.
Thanks, also, to those who helped out.