Kym Taylor from Peru school entertained a group of youngsters whith her interactive program in the Children's Room at the Chazy Public Library.
Activities related to the Chazy Public Library. Events Albums. Friends of the Library News.
Springtime on the library grounds

Library gounds
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Snow time reading Saturday the 18th
Kym Taylor from Peru school entertained a group of youngsters whith her interactive program in the Children's Room at the Chazy Public Library.
Friday, December 3, 2010
5th Grade Gift and Visit
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Unedited minutes of the Nov. 17th and Nov. 29th
A copy of the unedited minutes of the November 17th, and the November 29th meetings are available to the public at the Library.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Story Time for December!
Saturday 18 December - Story Time at the Chazy Public Library 10 to 11 a.m. ages 3 to 8
Celebrate the holidays with Kym Taylor, who reads from the following snowy books; Snow by Cynthia Rylant, Snow by Uri Shulevitz, Snow by P.D. Eastman, & Snow Day by Lester Laminack. Children will sing and make a craft that can be given to soemone specail.
Call 846-7676 to register or for more information.
Francie Fairchild
Chazy Public Library
Celebrate the holidays with Kym Taylor, who reads from the following snowy books; Snow by Cynthia Rylant, Snow by Uri Shulevitz, Snow by P.D. Eastman, & Snow Day by Lester Laminack. Children will sing and make a craft that can be given to soemone specail.
Call 846-7676 to register or for more information.
Francie Fairchild
Chazy Public Library
Thursday, November 25, 2010
At the Chazy Public Library
Route 9, Chazy, NY
From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
*Chances on beautiful
*Baked goods for Sale
*Children’s Room
Be an “Angel” and support our Library
Please sell the attached chances on the baskets:
$1 each or 6 for $5
Return Chances and Money to
Kathy Rynkowski
1262 Lakeshore Road
Chazy, NY 12921
At the Chazy Public Library
Route 9, Chazy, NY
From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
*Chances on beautiful
*Baked goods for Sale
*Children’s Room
Be an “Angel” and support our Library
Please sell the attached chances on the baskets:
$1 each or 6 for $5
Return Chances and Money to
Kathy Rynkowski
1262 Lakeshore Road
Chazy, NY 12921
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Minutes of the October 27th Trustees' Meeting
Minutes of Chazy Public Library Trustees’ Meeting
Chazy Town Hall
ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees George Brendler, Debby Powers, and Tina Trombly. Emily extended a special welcome to new Trustee Angela Swan. Also present were Caroline Harding, President of the Friends of the Chazy Library, Francie Fairchild, Library Director, and Tim Ryan from Dannemora Correctional Institute’s drafting department.
REVIEW OF MINUTES for 9/29/2010:
Motion by Tina, Second by Debby to review the minutes of the last meeting.
Motion by Debby to accept the minutes as corrected, second by Tina. Passed.
OATH OF OFFICE for new trustee, Angela Swan.
Angela will complete the term of Pat Neverett, who resigned in September
Official form will by notarized at the Town Hall tomorrow and returned to Emily.
Term expires May, 2013
Motion by George to accept September Report of Receipts and Disbursements. Second by Tina. Motion passed.
Motion by Angela to accept September Report for Renovation Fund. Second by George. Motion passed.
Motion by Tina to accept October Report for Renovation Fund. Second by George. Motion passed.
Francie presented the story time schedule in addition to new borrower statistics.
Karen Pepper, school librarian, has offered to donate $100-$200 in books from her earnings at the Scholastic Book Fair coming up November 1-5. Karen also volunteered to help pack, move and shelve books when the library moves. Special thanks to Karen. Report filed with minutes.
Floor Plan update by Tim Ryan: Review of bath and kitchen layout, discussion of safe haven area and location of support beams. Decision to relocate bath doors and kitchenette and to reconfigure storage space.
Friends of the Library Meeting Report by Carolyn Harding, President
Open house to be held December 5. Carol Ladd is chairperson. Request that the Trustees staff the drink table.
Membership drive coming up.
The Friends group is preparing to make a second $5,000 donation after January 1.
Next Friends meeting February 26, luncheon at The Station Café.
Periodicals: Emily received a renewal notice for Consumer Reports. Francie suggested we post our magazine titles on the library website. George agreed to make the change on the web. Angela suggested we renew magazines through the Jr. Class magazine drive when possible.
No other correspondence
Francie is working on a list of daily activities to be used as a guideline for substitute librarians.
Motion by Tina that we establish a “Sunshine Fund” from which to draw for flowers and gifts when appropriate. Each member would contribute $20 to start. Second by George. Motion passed.
Board’s Self-Evaluation Check List, V. F. in Policy Book: Trustees will complete and return by next meeting
Holiday Fund Drive: Motion by Angela to continue with the annual holiday fund drive. Tina seconded, motion passed. Angela will chair the event.
Director’s Performance Evaluation: Emily and Tina will complete this report by December 31.
Work Session at Clark Building: scheduled for October 31 at 1:00 to finalize location of circulation desk
Fund-raising Team – Tina Trombly: No report.
Grants Team - Emily Castine
Library Construction Grant Update: We passed Level I scrutiny, awaiting Level II results
USDA Status: USDA loan will not be pursued.
Legal Aspects Team – Angela Swan
Potential buyer for the Hubbell building has come forward. Angela will contact them to let them know we are not currently in a position to enter into a sale contract.
On-site Construction Team – George Brendler
Much of the renovation work can be done in-house by George with the help of community volunteers. George submitted a list of work projects completed in October. List filed with minutes.
Angela read over the motions and seconds for this meeting. Will re-organize the minute book into years. Francie has binders we can use.
NEXT MEETING: November 17, 2010, at 5 PM, Town Hall
ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Angela
Respectfully submitted,
Angela Swan
Chazy Town Hall
ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees George Brendler, Debby Powers, and Tina Trombly. Emily extended a special welcome to new Trustee Angela Swan. Also present were Caroline Harding, President of the Friends of the Chazy Library, Francie Fairchild, Library Director, and Tim Ryan from Dannemora Correctional Institute’s drafting department.
REVIEW OF MINUTES for 9/29/2010:
Motion by Tina, Second by Debby to review the minutes of the last meeting.
Motion by Debby to accept the minutes as corrected, second by Tina. Passed.
OATH OF OFFICE for new trustee, Angela Swan.
Angela will complete the term of Pat Neverett, who resigned in September
Official form will by notarized at the Town Hall tomorrow and returned to Emily.
Term expires May, 2013
Motion by George to accept September Report of Receipts and Disbursements. Second by Tina. Motion passed.
Motion by Angela to accept September Report for Renovation Fund. Second by George. Motion passed.
Motion by Tina to accept October Report for Renovation Fund. Second by George. Motion passed.
Francie presented the story time schedule in addition to new borrower statistics.
Karen Pepper, school librarian, has offered to donate $100-$200 in books from her earnings at the Scholastic Book Fair coming up November 1-5. Karen also volunteered to help pack, move and shelve books when the library moves. Special thanks to Karen. Report filed with minutes.
Floor Plan update by Tim Ryan: Review of bath and kitchen layout, discussion of safe haven area and location of support beams. Decision to relocate bath doors and kitchenette and to reconfigure storage space.
Friends of the Library Meeting Report by Carolyn Harding, President
Open house to be held December 5. Carol Ladd is chairperson. Request that the Trustees staff the drink table.
Membership drive coming up.
The Friends group is preparing to make a second $5,000 donation after January 1.
Next Friends meeting February 26, luncheon at The Station Café.
Periodicals: Emily received a renewal notice for Consumer Reports. Francie suggested we post our magazine titles on the library website. George agreed to make the change on the web. Angela suggested we renew magazines through the Jr. Class magazine drive when possible.
No other correspondence
Francie is working on a list of daily activities to be used as a guideline for substitute librarians.
Motion by Tina that we establish a “Sunshine Fund” from which to draw for flowers and gifts when appropriate. Each member would contribute $20 to start. Second by George. Motion passed.
Board’s Self-Evaluation Check List, V. F. in Policy Book: Trustees will complete and return by next meeting
Holiday Fund Drive: Motion by Angela to continue with the annual holiday fund drive. Tina seconded, motion passed. Angela will chair the event.
Director’s Performance Evaluation: Emily and Tina will complete this report by December 31.
Work Session at Clark Building: scheduled for October 31 at 1:00 to finalize location of circulation desk
Fund-raising Team – Tina Trombly: No report.
Grants Team - Emily Castine
Library Construction Grant Update: We passed Level I scrutiny, awaiting Level II results
USDA Status: USDA loan will not be pursued.
Legal Aspects Team – Angela Swan
Potential buyer for the Hubbell building has come forward. Angela will contact them to let them know we are not currently in a position to enter into a sale contract.
On-site Construction Team – George Brendler
Much of the renovation work can be done in-house by George with the help of community volunteers. George submitted a list of work projects completed in October. List filed with minutes.
Angela read over the motions and seconds for this meeting. Will re-organize the minute book into years. Francie has binders we can use.
NEXT MEETING: November 17, 2010, at 5 PM, Town Hall
ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Angela
Respectfully submitted,
Angela Swan
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Angela Swan sworn in as new Library Trustee
Minutes of the September 29th Trustees' meeting
CALL TO ORDER: V.P. Emily Castine (acting president) opened the meeting at
5:00 p.m. Present were Debby Powers, George Brendler, Tina Trombly, Francie Fairchild (Director), Carolyn Harding (Friends President), Timothy Ryan (drafting teacher at Clinton Correctional Facility).
MINUTES: Debby (M), George (S) to accept the minutes of 8/18/2010 as presented. Passed.
Debby (M), George (S) to accept the special meeting of 9/13/2010 minutes as presented. The special meeting concerned the signing of the grant application. Passed.
TREASURERS’ REPORT: George (M), Tina (S) to accept the report as presented. Passed. George (M), Tina (S) that the funds for the roof replacement have been paid in the amount of $8,000.00. Passed. George (M), Tina (S) that the funds for the new furnace have been paid in the amount of $8627.00. Passed. Copies of the reports are attached.
FLOOR PLAN PRESENTATION: Tim Ryan has been working with George on the plans for the building. Tim works at Dannemora Correctional and teaches drafting to the inmates. He handed out plans that are not stamped but will give us an idea of the use of space and where supporting beams will be placed. We reviewed the plans and much discussion ensued. Tim will try to attend the October meeting.
DIRECTORS’ REPORT: Francie handed out her report. Library aid is still unsure, no news from NYS budget. There may be a 25% reduction in aid. CEF will keep us posted. The Gates grant will be able to help us with computers in the (C) building.
CORRESPONDENCE: Tina delivered the painting and gift certificate to Robert Kagan. A note of thanks will be sent to Jeff Rigsbee and Brian Recore. A question as to whether the board can use library funds for gift certificates was brought up by Emily and George. Emily will looks into this matter. George requested that a thank you be sent to Kevin Menard at Cassella Waste Systems and Altona prison. Debby has printed thank you cards with the image of our new library. Everyone took a few and we will have these to send out.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NYS Real property exemption forms have been corrected and filed. These forms must be filed by March 1st each year. The director will take care of this and this task will be added to the list of duties and the yearly calendar of events. This year’s taxes for the (C) building will be $2700.00, school and land.
FRIENDS REPORT: Carolyn Harding said the book sale went well. Emily, co-chair, said they had a great team. The proceeds were about $826.00, this is better than last year. Ken Hertz was able to take all unsold books. Next Friends meeting will be 10/7/10 at 7:00 at the Weathercock.
The auction was successful and we netted $2794.50. Deb and Pat assisted Jeff Rigsbee and Brian Recore.
NEW BUSINESS: Pat has submitted her resignation effective 10/1/2010. She cited time commitments and health reasons for her decision. George (M), Debby (S) accepted her resignation with regrets. Passed. A letter of thanks will be sent and ideas for recognition will be handled by Tina. George (M), Debby (S) to accept the slate of officers presented for 10/1/2010, Emily Castine, President, Tina Trombly, VP, Debby, Treasurer, new member, Secretary, and George, Project Manager. Passed. Pat had recommended Angela Swan to fill her vacancy. Emily asked if anyone had any other nominations for persons to fill the vacancy. George (M), Debby (S), to have Angela Swan fill Pat Neverett’s vacancy. Passed. Emily will call Angela and welcome her to the board. Pat will pass her library materials over to Angela.
It has been mentioned that someone is interested in purchasing the (H) building. Debby (M), Tina (S) to table matter till a later date. Passed.
Grant Committee: Emily reported that the grant has been submitted by Julie Wever to Albany, now we wait. She also said that Lorna Forster was a great help with the whole process. George reported that the USDA pre-application needs to be amended and submitted by 11/1/2010.
Fund Raising Committee: no plans for fund raising till 2011. A copy of list of donors will be given to George, Emily and Angela.
Legal Aspects: Title insurance has not been received yet. Once we receive it we will house it in our safe.
On-site construction: NYSERDA has mentioned that we may be eligible for energy rebates. Chazy-Westport Communications has been in the building to assess where the phone cables will need to go. George also mentioned fiber-optic cable would be an asset to the library. Bob West (codes enforcement officer) has been over several times, George feels it is important to keep him aware of the project. George handed out a list of completed and soon to be completed projects and their associated costs or projected costs. It will be attached. George urged everyone to go to building and see our progress.
NEXT MEETING: 10/27/10 at 5:00 at the Town Hall.
REVIEW MOTIONS: Tina went over all motions made during the meeting.
ADJOURN: Debby (M) at 6:45.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Trombly
Tina Trombly, Secretary to the Trustees.
5:00 p.m. Present were Debby Powers, George Brendler, Tina Trombly, Francie Fairchild (Director), Carolyn Harding (Friends President), Timothy Ryan (drafting teacher at Clinton Correctional Facility).
MINUTES: Debby (M), George (S) to accept the minutes of 8/18/2010 as presented. Passed.
Debby (M), George (S) to accept the special meeting of 9/13/2010 minutes as presented. The special meeting concerned the signing of the grant application. Passed.
TREASURERS’ REPORT: George (M), Tina (S) to accept the report as presented. Passed. George (M), Tina (S) that the funds for the roof replacement have been paid in the amount of $8,000.00. Passed. George (M), Tina (S) that the funds for the new furnace have been paid in the amount of $8627.00. Passed. Copies of the reports are attached.
FLOOR PLAN PRESENTATION: Tim Ryan has been working with George on the plans for the building. Tim works at Dannemora Correctional and teaches drafting to the inmates. He handed out plans that are not stamped but will give us an idea of the use of space and where supporting beams will be placed. We reviewed the plans and much discussion ensued. Tim will try to attend the October meeting.
DIRECTORS’ REPORT: Francie handed out her report. Library aid is still unsure, no news from NYS budget. There may be a 25% reduction in aid. CEF will keep us posted. The Gates grant will be able to help us with computers in the (C) building.
CORRESPONDENCE: Tina delivered the painting and gift certificate to Robert Kagan. A note of thanks will be sent to Jeff Rigsbee and Brian Recore. A question as to whether the board can use library funds for gift certificates was brought up by Emily and George. Emily will looks into this matter. George requested that a thank you be sent to Kevin Menard at Cassella Waste Systems and Altona prison. Debby has printed thank you cards with the image of our new library. Everyone took a few and we will have these to send out.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NYS Real property exemption forms have been corrected and filed. These forms must be filed by March 1st each year. The director will take care of this and this task will be added to the list of duties and the yearly calendar of events. This year’s taxes for the (C) building will be $2700.00, school and land.
FRIENDS REPORT: Carolyn Harding said the book sale went well. Emily, co-chair, said they had a great team. The proceeds were about $826.00, this is better than last year. Ken Hertz was able to take all unsold books. Next Friends meeting will be 10/7/10 at 7:00 at the Weathercock.
The auction was successful and we netted $2794.50. Deb and Pat assisted Jeff Rigsbee and Brian Recore.
NEW BUSINESS: Pat has submitted her resignation effective 10/1/2010. She cited time commitments and health reasons for her decision. George (M), Debby (S) accepted her resignation with regrets. Passed. A letter of thanks will be sent and ideas for recognition will be handled by Tina. George (M), Debby (S) to accept the slate of officers presented for 10/1/2010, Emily Castine, President, Tina Trombly, VP, Debby, Treasurer, new member, Secretary, and George, Project Manager. Passed. Pat had recommended Angela Swan to fill her vacancy. Emily asked if anyone had any other nominations for persons to fill the vacancy. George (M), Debby (S), to have Angela Swan fill Pat Neverett’s vacancy. Passed. Emily will call Angela and welcome her to the board. Pat will pass her library materials over to Angela.
It has been mentioned that someone is interested in purchasing the (H) building. Debby (M), Tina (S) to table matter till a later date. Passed.
Grant Committee: Emily reported that the grant has been submitted by Julie Wever to Albany, now we wait. She also said that Lorna Forster was a great help with the whole process. George reported that the USDA pre-application needs to be amended and submitted by 11/1/2010.
Fund Raising Committee: no plans for fund raising till 2011. A copy of list of donors will be given to George, Emily and Angela.
Legal Aspects: Title insurance has not been received yet. Once we receive it we will house it in our safe.
On-site construction: NYSERDA has mentioned that we may be eligible for energy rebates. Chazy-Westport Communications has been in the building to assess where the phone cables will need to go. George also mentioned fiber-optic cable would be an asset to the library. Bob West (codes enforcement officer) has been over several times, George feels it is important to keep him aware of the project. George handed out a list of completed and soon to be completed projects and their associated costs or projected costs. It will be attached. George urged everyone to go to building and see our progress.
NEXT MEETING: 10/27/10 at 5:00 at the Town Hall.
REVIEW MOTIONS: Tina went over all motions made during the meeting.
ADJOURN: Debby (M) at 6:45.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Trombly
Tina Trombly, Secretary to the Trustees.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Peter Pan School children braved the rain
Fall Reading Starts!
Saturday 16 October 10 to 11 a.m. for children age 3-8
Room on a Broom
There is always room for one more...or is there, on the friendly witches broom?
Join Kristin McAuliffe reading this Halloween story, by Julia Donaldson, about a silly witch and a bunch of characters.
Call 846-7676 to register or for information
Room on a Broom
There is always room for one more...or is there, on the friendly witches broom?
Join Kristin McAuliffe reading this Halloween story, by Julia Donaldson, about a silly witch and a bunch of characters.
Call 846-7676 to register or for information
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Minites of Special Meeting 9-13-10
Special meeting of the Trustees
For The Chazy Public Library
Pat Neverett (President) called a special meeting for the sole purpose to witness the signing of the grant application.
Pat called the meeting to order at 6:35. We, the board, met at the Clark Building.
Present were: Pat Neverett, Emily Castine, Debby Powers, George Brendler and Tina Trombly.
Emily (M), Debby(S) This application completed in the preceding pages and accompanying documents for a public library construction grant to be administered in accordance with the requirements of Education Law 273-a (as amended by Chapter 57 of the laws of 2007) and Commissioner’s Regulations 90.12 was read and duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Chazy Public Library at a legal meeting on 9/13/2010. All in favor, passed.
Pat signed all necessary pages. There are 5 copies. Four will be sent to the State and Julie Wever will keep one copy at CEF.
Debby (M) to adjourn at 6:50. All in favor, passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Tina Trombly
Tina Trombly
Secretary to the board.
For The Chazy Public Library
Pat Neverett (President) called a special meeting for the sole purpose to witness the signing of the grant application.
Pat called the meeting to order at 6:35. We, the board, met at the Clark Building.
Present were: Pat Neverett, Emily Castine, Debby Powers, George Brendler and Tina Trombly.
Emily (M), Debby(S) This application completed in the preceding pages and accompanying documents for a public library construction grant to be administered in accordance with the requirements of Education Law 273-a (as amended by Chapter 57 of the laws of 2007) and Commissioner’s Regulations 90.12 was read and duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Chazy Public Library at a legal meeting on 9/13/2010. All in favor, passed.
Pat signed all necessary pages. There are 5 copies. Four will be sent to the State and Julie Wever will keep one copy at CEF.
Debby (M) to adjourn at 6:50. All in favor, passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Tina Trombly
Tina Trombly
Secretary to the board.
Minutes of August Trustee's Meeting
CPL Trustees Meeting
August 18, 2010
CALL TO ORDER: President Pat Neverett opened the meeting at 5:04. Present were Emily Castine, Debby Powers, George Brendler, Francie Fairchild, Carolyn Harding and Tina Trombly.
MINUTES: Debby (M), George(S) to accept the minutes with corrections. Pat and George asked that all corrections to minutes be held for the following meeting. The minutes will be corrected and sent to all members present. Passed.
TREASURERS’ REPORT: George (M), Tina(S) to accept the July report as presented. Passed.
DIRECTOR”S REPORT: Francie e-mailed her report to the Trustees. Summer reading program is finished. Story time continues but there is a need for readers. A patron donated a small refrigerator. Francie’s report will be attached to the minutes. Next year the Story Hour on the Saturday before Old Home Day should be cancelled. Carolyn said there was congestion on that corner.
COMMIITTE REPORTS: George handed out corrections to the hours of operation for the policy book. Everyone received a copy for their policy book.
Francie said that she needs money for the Junior Library Guild, it is expensive ($837.00/year) but we receive 5 books per month. We must pay in advance and the deadline for the money is soon.
CORRESPONDENCE: NYSERDA has called to check on our progress. The energy study can be done at anytime.
The Rosenbaum appraisal has been completed, $27,800.00 was the figure presented.
Jeffords Steele has e-mailed their quote to George.
West Brothers Construction has given George their quote.
Thank you notes have been sent to Momot Trailer Sales, Joyce Samonek, Catholic Church and Ray Devins.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Carolyn presented a check from the Friends of the Chazy Public Library. It was gladly accepted.
Emily and Deb are working on a list of daily, weekly and monthly duties of the library director. They asked Francie to help with this list.
NEW BUSINESS: The annual financial report is being prepared by Debby.
The library has been receiving memorial donations for Cindy Bodine and Mr. Gravelle.
Pay Pal is up and running on our website. We need to publicize our website. A sign will be made to put up in the library. We will try to get the word out in other ways also, i.e. Town Talk or Chazy Westport Telephone bills.
Open Meeting Laws handout was provided by George. He stressed the importance of following these laws to protect ourselves and keep the public informed.
Grant Team; the project narrative is ready. Emily will meet with Lorna Forster and Julie Weaver to finalize the process. A special meeting will be needed to sign the document once it is ready. George (M), Emily(S) that we have a special meeting on or about 9/1/2010 to sign document and approve estimates for the roof. Passed. The document must go to the State by 9/24/2010.
Fund Raising: The totals to date are $ 57,351.36. More pledges and donations are coming in. Pat and Debby have been sending out Thank-you notes as the money comes in. Emily would like to have it in the record that prior to the letters being sent out, several individual visitations were made by board members which resulted in $31,000.00 in donations. These funds were included in the letter campaign because these individuals received a request also.
Legal Team; the property has been transferred to the Trustees of the CPL. The deed will be housed in the Town safe until we have our safe on the premises. Pat (M), Emily(S) to give a $100.00 Anthony’s gift certificate to Robert Kagan. Passed. We are expected to pay the school taxes; the land taxes have been paid. There is a form that Pat and Debby will fill out and file with the town. Title insurance is being taken care of by Pat.
On site construction updates;
The new library will be referred to as Clark building (CB) and old library Hubbell building (HB) for clarification.
Property has been mowed by George.
The Trustees met on 8/11 at the Clark building to review appraisal list given to Pat from Robert Kagan. Items were discussed and a list of what to keep, sell, donate and junk was compiled.
Jeff Rigsbee has reviewed the items and a sale date of 8/28 has been set.
George has purchased a dehumidifier and set it up in the basement of the Clark building. He checked with Tom Roberts and the sump hole works so a hose has been run to this so there is no need to dump the water daily.
Richards’ Tree Service has completed the removal of trees around CB. The total cost was $3800.00.
NYSEG requires payment up front before they relocate the pole. They will schedule the job and it should be around 9/15/2010.
John Polewchak recommends trying to fix furnace. George will get a quote from Mike Seymour to replace the furnace. George recommended we replace the furnace; all trustees seemed to be in agreement.
Kevin Menard has been very helpful. He works for Casella and will place a dumpster on site when we are ready for it.
Tim Ryan will visit CB for the drafting plans he will work on with the inmates at the prison. He will consult with Jeff Leroy of Jeffords Steele about the beams and the emergency safe haven room. Jeffords will probably stamp the plans once completed. We need this for the building permit from the town. We do not need a permit to fix roof, furnace or interior demolition of CB.
James Moser has offered his engineering expertise to help us with these plans.
Work session scheduled for 8/22 at 1:00 to prepare for auction.
Review motions
EXECUTIVE SESSION: 6:05 Emily (M), George(S) to go into for personnel issues. Passed.
Debby (M), Tina(S) to come out of executive session. Passed. 6:20
Emily (M) to adjourn at 6:21
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Trombly
Tina Trombly, secretary to the Trustees.
p.s. The order of adjournment and executive session were reversed. I have corrected this.
August 18, 2010
CALL TO ORDER: President Pat Neverett opened the meeting at 5:04. Present were Emily Castine, Debby Powers, George Brendler, Francie Fairchild, Carolyn Harding and Tina Trombly.
MINUTES: Debby (M), George(S) to accept the minutes with corrections. Pat and George asked that all corrections to minutes be held for the following meeting. The minutes will be corrected and sent to all members present. Passed.
TREASURERS’ REPORT: George (M), Tina(S) to accept the July report as presented. Passed.
DIRECTOR”S REPORT: Francie e-mailed her report to the Trustees. Summer reading program is finished. Story time continues but there is a need for readers. A patron donated a small refrigerator. Francie’s report will be attached to the minutes. Next year the Story Hour on the Saturday before Old Home Day should be cancelled. Carolyn said there was congestion on that corner.
COMMIITTE REPORTS: George handed out corrections to the hours of operation for the policy book. Everyone received a copy for their policy book.
Francie said that she needs money for the Junior Library Guild, it is expensive ($837.00/year) but we receive 5 books per month. We must pay in advance and the deadline for the money is soon.
CORRESPONDENCE: NYSERDA has called to check on our progress. The energy study can be done at anytime.
The Rosenbaum appraisal has been completed, $27,800.00 was the figure presented.
Jeffords Steele has e-mailed their quote to George.
West Brothers Construction has given George their quote.
Thank you notes have been sent to Momot Trailer Sales, Joyce Samonek, Catholic Church and Ray Devins.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Carolyn presented a check from the Friends of the Chazy Public Library. It was gladly accepted.
Emily and Deb are working on a list of daily, weekly and monthly duties of the library director. They asked Francie to help with this list.
NEW BUSINESS: The annual financial report is being prepared by Debby.
The library has been receiving memorial donations for Cindy Bodine and Mr. Gravelle.
Pay Pal is up and running on our website. We need to publicize our website. A sign will be made to put up in the library. We will try to get the word out in other ways also, i.e. Town Talk or Chazy Westport Telephone bills.
Open Meeting Laws handout was provided by George. He stressed the importance of following these laws to protect ourselves and keep the public informed.
Grant Team; the project narrative is ready. Emily will meet with Lorna Forster and Julie Weaver to finalize the process. A special meeting will be needed to sign the document once it is ready. George (M), Emily(S) that we have a special meeting on or about 9/1/2010 to sign document and approve estimates for the roof. Passed. The document must go to the State by 9/24/2010.
Fund Raising: The totals to date are $ 57,351.36. More pledges and donations are coming in. Pat and Debby have been sending out Thank-you notes as the money comes in. Emily would like to have it in the record that prior to the letters being sent out, several individual visitations were made by board members which resulted in $31,000.00 in donations. These funds were included in the letter campaign because these individuals received a request also.
Legal Team; the property has been transferred to the Trustees of the CPL. The deed will be housed in the Town safe until we have our safe on the premises. Pat (M), Emily(S) to give a $100.00 Anthony’s gift certificate to Robert Kagan. Passed. We are expected to pay the school taxes; the land taxes have been paid. There is a form that Pat and Debby will fill out and file with the town. Title insurance is being taken care of by Pat.
On site construction updates;
The new library will be referred to as Clark building (CB) and old library Hubbell building (HB) for clarification.
Property has been mowed by George.
The Trustees met on 8/11 at the Clark building to review appraisal list given to Pat from Robert Kagan. Items were discussed and a list of what to keep, sell, donate and junk was compiled.
Jeff Rigsbee has reviewed the items and a sale date of 8/28 has been set.
George has purchased a dehumidifier and set it up in the basement of the Clark building. He checked with Tom Roberts and the sump hole works so a hose has been run to this so there is no need to dump the water daily.
Richards’ Tree Service has completed the removal of trees around CB. The total cost was $3800.00.
NYSEG requires payment up front before they relocate the pole. They will schedule the job and it should be around 9/15/2010.
John Polewchak recommends trying to fix furnace. George will get a quote from Mike Seymour to replace the furnace. George recommended we replace the furnace; all trustees seemed to be in agreement.
Kevin Menard has been very helpful. He works for Casella and will place a dumpster on site when we are ready for it.
Tim Ryan will visit CB for the drafting plans he will work on with the inmates at the prison. He will consult with Jeff Leroy of Jeffords Steele about the beams and the emergency safe haven room. Jeffords will probably stamp the plans once completed. We need this for the building permit from the town. We do not need a permit to fix roof, furnace or interior demolition of CB.
James Moser has offered his engineering expertise to help us with these plans.
Work session scheduled for 8/22 at 1:00 to prepare for auction.
Review motions
EXECUTIVE SESSION: 6:05 Emily (M), George(S) to go into for personnel issues. Passed.
Debby (M), Tina(S) to come out of executive session. Passed. 6:20
Emily (M) to adjourn at 6:21
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Trombly
Tina Trombly, secretary to the Trustees.
p.s. The order of adjournment and executive session were reversed. I have corrected this.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Story Time Begins for the Fall
STORY TIME schedule for the school year at the Chazy Public library will be on Saturday mornings from 10 to 11 a.m.
The first date is September 18th.
The full schedule is posted on the right side of this blog page.
Call the library at 846-7676.
Francie Fairchild
Chazy Public Library
The first date is September 18th.
The full schedule is posted on the right side of this blog page.
Call the library at 846-7676.
Francie Fairchild
Chazy Public Library
Friday, August 20, 2010
July 28th Trustee's Meeting Minutes
CALL TO ORDER: President Pat Neverett opened meeting at 5:03. Present were; Emily Castine, George Brendler, Debby Powers, Francie Fairchild (Director), Carolyn Harding (President of the Friends), and Tina Trombly.
MINUTES: Debby (M), Emily(S) to accept the 6/30/2010 minutes as presented with one correction. Passed.
TREASURERS’ REPORT: George (M), Emily(S) to accept the June report and the draft of the July report. Passed.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Francie passed out a report which will be with the minutes. The summer reading program has been very well attended. Next weekend is the last one. We will send a thank you to Diane Sabourin for all her hard work. Maggie Dodds has been a great help to Francie this summer.
George reported that the Tobacco Free policy is unnecessary because we are a public facility and smoking/tobacco products are prohibited.
Records Retention Policy, George reported that the one we received is a model that we could adopt. Emily (M), Debby(S) that we accept the policy as presented. Passed. George asked that we print it ourselves to add to our policy book.
Friends Agreement, Carolyn presented the revised draft. Tina (M), George(S), that we accept the agreement as presented. Passed. George will re-print it and send it out for us to print and put in our policy book.
CORRESPONDENCE: The library has received donations in Don Gravelle’s memory. These funds will be put in the library budget, not the new building fund. Thank you notes will be sent.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Town Wide Yard Sale, Carolyn reported that the Friends received $351.00 in pre-registration packets and sold 116 maps at $1.00 each. The total profits $467.00.
NEW BUSINESS: Debby reported that she will attempt to put the Pay Pal link on our web-site after our meeting.
Grant committee: Emily reported that she had met with Lorna Forster and Julie Weaver to discuss final steps with the application. The grant needs to be at CEF by 8/20/2010.
USDA loan/grant: George would like to have a pre-application done and submitted by November. Debby will gather the information for this application. There is a lot of financial information and only a small narrative needed for this process.
Fund Raising committee: The Book ‘Em for the Library was a huge success. We had 12 community members who participated and were able to raise $5, 626.78. WOW! The raffle for the quilt, camping and necklace resulted in $226.00. We still have pledges yet to be collected. Many community members have asked “How are you doing?” I asked if George could post our results on the web-site? He will get with Deb to get correct amounts and post results. To date the letter campaign has netted $37,010.00. The committee meets on 8/4 and I will ask Angela if she would do a press release to inform the community of our results.
LEGAL TEAM: We are close. Pat met with Robert Kagan, lawyer, and he said he has received the paperwork. He is conducting a title search back to 1926. Robert told Pat that there is a painting in Dr. Clark’s collection that he would like in exchange for his work on the property transfer. The painting is worth about $10.00. The board was in agreement. Robert also said there is an inventory of the contents of the office which will be a great help to us.
Pat tried to speak with Rosenbaum, she left a message asking that they return her call.
Once we have the deed we will need to record the deed and get title and property insurance in place. Pat will make keys for all trustees.
Once we receive the deed;
1. clean basement
2. purchase dehumidifier
3. contact Richard’s Tree Service
4. contact NYSEG
5. contact John Polewchak about the furnace
6. get a dumpster for garbage removal
7. contact Jeff Rigsbee for auction items
Tim Ryan offered to have the prison inmates draft plans for the library. No expense to us.
ADJOURN: Emily (M) at 6:30. Next meeting on 8/18 at 5:00p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Trombly
Secretary to the trustees.
CALL TO ORDER: President Pat Neverett opened meeting at 5:03. Present were; Emily Castine, George Brendler, Debby Powers, Francie Fairchild (Director), Carolyn Harding (President of the Friends), and Tina Trombly.
MINUTES: Debby (M), Emily(S) to accept the 6/30/2010 minutes as presented with one correction. Passed.
TREASURERS’ REPORT: George (M), Emily(S) to accept the June report and the draft of the July report. Passed.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Francie passed out a report which will be with the minutes. The summer reading program has been very well attended. Next weekend is the last one. We will send a thank you to Diane Sabourin for all her hard work. Maggie Dodds has been a great help to Francie this summer.
George reported that the Tobacco Free policy is unnecessary because we are a public facility and smoking/tobacco products are prohibited.
Records Retention Policy, George reported that the one we received is a model that we could adopt. Emily (M), Debby(S) that we accept the policy as presented. Passed. George asked that we print it ourselves to add to our policy book.
Friends Agreement, Carolyn presented the revised draft. Tina (M), George(S), that we accept the agreement as presented. Passed. George will re-print it and send it out for us to print and put in our policy book.
CORRESPONDENCE: The library has received donations in Don Gravelle’s memory. These funds will be put in the library budget, not the new building fund. Thank you notes will be sent.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Town Wide Yard Sale, Carolyn reported that the Friends received $351.00 in pre-registration packets and sold 116 maps at $1.00 each. The total profits $467.00.
NEW BUSINESS: Debby reported that she will attempt to put the Pay Pal link on our web-site after our meeting.
Grant committee: Emily reported that she had met with Lorna Forster and Julie Weaver to discuss final steps with the application. The grant needs to be at CEF by 8/20/2010.
USDA loan/grant: George would like to have a pre-application done and submitted by November. Debby will gather the information for this application. There is a lot of financial information and only a small narrative needed for this process.
Fund Raising committee: The Book ‘Em for the Library was a huge success. We had 12 community members who participated and were able to raise $5, 626.78. WOW! The raffle for the quilt, camping and necklace resulted in $226.00. We still have pledges yet to be collected. Many community members have asked “How are you doing?” I asked if George could post our results on the web-site? He will get with Deb to get correct amounts and post results. To date the letter campaign has netted $37,010.00. The committee meets on 8/4 and I will ask Angela if she would do a press release to inform the community of our results.
LEGAL TEAM: We are close. Pat met with Robert Kagan, lawyer, and he said he has received the paperwork. He is conducting a title search back to 1926. Robert told Pat that there is a painting in Dr. Clark’s collection that he would like in exchange for his work on the property transfer. The painting is worth about $10.00. The board was in agreement. Robert also said there is an inventory of the contents of the office which will be a great help to us.
Pat tried to speak with Rosenbaum, she left a message asking that they return her call.
Once we have the deed we will need to record the deed and get title and property insurance in place. Pat will make keys for all trustees.
Once we receive the deed;
1. clean basement
2. purchase dehumidifier
3. contact Richard’s Tree Service
4. contact NYSEG
5. contact John Polewchak about the furnace
6. get a dumpster for garbage removal
7. contact Jeff Rigsbee for auction items
Tim Ryan offered to have the prison inmates draft plans for the library. No expense to us.
ADJOURN: Emily (M) at 6:30. Next meeting on 8/18 at 5:00p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Trombly
Secretary to the trustees.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
July 24th Story Book Illustrations
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Minutes of the June 30th Trustees' Meeting
Chazy Public Library Trustee’s Meeting
June 30, 2010, 5:00, Town Hall
Call To Order:
Pat Neverett, President, called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm. Also present were: Trustees Emily Castine, George Brendler, Debby Powers, and Tina Trombly; and Library Director, Francie Fairchild.
The minutes of May 26th, 2010 were accepted as read. Debby (M), George (S). Passed.
The report was accepted as presented. George (M), Tina (S), Passed. Pat requested a few checks for the property transfer. Recording and filing fees will need to be paid. Deb wants to meet with Pat to have her name added to the checking account and George’s name will be removed. George also will need money for Richard’s Tree Service once the work is complete.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: The most recent story hour had 10 children and 8 adults present. We were charged $100.00 for the services. Francie reported that only 10 children have signed up for the summer reading program. She is unsure if we will be able to get any funding from The Betty Little Grant. CEF sent information about a retention of records policy, the committee will need to review and propose a policy for our library. Francie asked if we (the Board) were still interested in supporting the Net Library subscription for e-books. Tina (M) to donate $100.00 to CEF for the Net Library subscription. Emily (S). Passed.
Policy- George reported that the policy books for the board and library are ready except for the Friends’ agreement and new retention policy. These will be added once adopted.
Alcohol Tobacco Free Network sent us information on creating a no smoking policy for the outside space at the library. George will review the materials.
A woman in the community sent Pat a letter requesting help for her hospital bills. Tina took the letter and will call her. The library cannot help her but Upper Hudson Enrollment Services can.
George received an e-mail from Carolyn Harding (Friends’ president) that once the CD matures; the Friends’ will give the construction fund the $5,000.00 they pledged.
George gave me the FEMA letter to keep with the secretary’s minutes.
Rosenbaum appraisal has not been received as of 6/30/2010.
The understanding policy between the Friends and the Board is still pending. Emily (M), Debby (S) to table until our next meeting. Passed.
Latremore’s Insurance update; the bill for our annual Selective policy is due. Emily (M), George (S) to pay these bills, $1,3460.66 for the building and $270.00 for workmen’s comp. Passed. The Peerless policy will take effect once we receive the deed.
The Gifts and Donation policy was presented by Emily. Emily (M), Debby (S) to accept the policy as presented. Passed. It will be added to the policy book.
It was decided that we pay the $10.00 for inclusion on the map for the Town Wide Yard Sale. If we do not receive the property by the end of July we will have to adjust.
Two new light bulbs have been ordered for the lights in the Children’s Room at a
cost of $17.00 each.
TD Bank has donated a typewriter to the library. George asked the secretary to send a thank you to them.
Grant Committee update; Emily handed out a summary of progress from May to the present. The most exciting news was that with the forthcoming budget the match may change from 50/50 to 75/25. The handout summary will be included in the secretary’s binder. Emily found that the Target Grant focused on school libraries and on a particular geographic area. Thus, it would be of no use to us. The USDA loan program requires quite a bit of accounting expertise; Debby will ask Pam Keable if she might be able to work on this now that tax season is over. George will call Renee about the grant. SHPO will not be a problem.
Fund Raising Committee update; The Book “Em for the Library is in full swing. Packets of information have been delivered to the participants. The next meeting is 7/7/2010 at 6:00p.m. at Angela Swans’ home. The letter that we have been using for our campaign will remain the same, no change of officers. Pat felt that George was the President at the start of the campaign so it should stay the same. Everyone agreed. Emily presented a check, from a patron, in the amount of $20,000.00 with a room naming designation. Pat presented a check, from a patron, for $10,000.00 for children’s room furnishings.
Legal Aspects update; once we receive the deed there was a question about the survey, is it certified and do we need title insurance? Pat will find out.
On site construction team;
Once we have the deed, the first order of business is to clean out the basement. All items will be grouped into these categories; keep, throw out, auction, yard sale. Jeff Rigsbee will be asked to give his opinion as to the value of certain items.
Emily (M), Pat (S) to hire Richard’s Tree Service in the amount of $3400.00. Passed.
Pat (M), Debby (S) to have NYSEG move the power pole in the back of the building to create better access at a cost of $3500.00. Passed.
George will service the lawn mowers that are stored at the building and start mowing. Up to this point the estate has had someone take care of the lawns. A dehumidifier will need to be purchased once we receive the property, as the basement is damp. George will contact John Polewchak to look at and possibly repair the furnace, again once we receive the property.
Review of minutes and motions complete.
Next meeting will be 7/28/2010 at 5:00 at the Town Hall. It was suggested that if we have the property we might meet there. Emily (M) to adjourn at 6:45.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Trombly
June 30, 2010, 5:00, Town Hall
Call To Order:
Pat Neverett, President, called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm. Also present were: Trustees Emily Castine, George Brendler, Debby Powers, and Tina Trombly; and Library Director, Francie Fairchild.
The minutes of May 26th, 2010 were accepted as read. Debby (M), George (S). Passed.
The report was accepted as presented. George (M), Tina (S), Passed. Pat requested a few checks for the property transfer. Recording and filing fees will need to be paid. Deb wants to meet with Pat to have her name added to the checking account and George’s name will be removed. George also will need money for Richard’s Tree Service once the work is complete.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: The most recent story hour had 10 children and 8 adults present. We were charged $100.00 for the services. Francie reported that only 10 children have signed up for the summer reading program. She is unsure if we will be able to get any funding from The Betty Little Grant. CEF sent information about a retention of records policy, the committee will need to review and propose a policy for our library. Francie asked if we (the Board) were still interested in supporting the Net Library subscription for e-books. Tina (M) to donate $100.00 to CEF for the Net Library subscription. Emily (S). Passed.
Policy- George reported that the policy books for the board and library are ready except for the Friends’ agreement and new retention policy. These will be added once adopted.
Alcohol Tobacco Free Network sent us information on creating a no smoking policy for the outside space at the library. George will review the materials.
A woman in the community sent Pat a letter requesting help for her hospital bills. Tina took the letter and will call her. The library cannot help her but Upper Hudson Enrollment Services can.
George received an e-mail from Carolyn Harding (Friends’ president) that once the CD matures; the Friends’ will give the construction fund the $5,000.00 they pledged.
George gave me the FEMA letter to keep with the secretary’s minutes.
Rosenbaum appraisal has not been received as of 6/30/2010.
The understanding policy between the Friends and the Board is still pending. Emily (M), Debby (S) to table until our next meeting. Passed.
Latremore’s Insurance update; the bill for our annual Selective policy is due. Emily (M), George (S) to pay these bills, $1,3460.66 for the building and $270.00 for workmen’s comp. Passed. The Peerless policy will take effect once we receive the deed.
The Gifts and Donation policy was presented by Emily. Emily (M), Debby (S) to accept the policy as presented. Passed. It will be added to the policy book.
It was decided that we pay the $10.00 for inclusion on the map for the Town Wide Yard Sale. If we do not receive the property by the end of July we will have to adjust.
Two new light bulbs have been ordered for the lights in the Children’s Room at a
cost of $17.00 each.
TD Bank has donated a typewriter to the library. George asked the secretary to send a thank you to them.
Grant Committee update; Emily handed out a summary of progress from May to the present. The most exciting news was that with the forthcoming budget the match may change from 50/50 to 75/25. The handout summary will be included in the secretary’s binder. Emily found that the Target Grant focused on school libraries and on a particular geographic area. Thus, it would be of no use to us. The USDA loan program requires quite a bit of accounting expertise; Debby will ask Pam Keable if she might be able to work on this now that tax season is over. George will call Renee about the grant. SHPO will not be a problem.
Fund Raising Committee update; The Book “Em for the Library is in full swing. Packets of information have been delivered to the participants. The next meeting is 7/7/2010 at 6:00p.m. at Angela Swans’ home. The letter that we have been using for our campaign will remain the same, no change of officers. Pat felt that George was the President at the start of the campaign so it should stay the same. Everyone agreed. Emily presented a check, from a patron, in the amount of $20,000.00 with a room naming designation. Pat presented a check, from a patron, for $10,000.00 for children’s room furnishings.
Legal Aspects update; once we receive the deed there was a question about the survey, is it certified and do we need title insurance? Pat will find out.
On site construction team;
Once we have the deed, the first order of business is to clean out the basement. All items will be grouped into these categories; keep, throw out, auction, yard sale. Jeff Rigsbee will be asked to give his opinion as to the value of certain items.
Emily (M), Pat (S) to hire Richard’s Tree Service in the amount of $3400.00. Passed.
Pat (M), Debby (S) to have NYSEG move the power pole in the back of the building to create better access at a cost of $3500.00. Passed.
George will service the lawn mowers that are stored at the building and start mowing. Up to this point the estate has had someone take care of the lawns. A dehumidifier will need to be purchased once we receive the property, as the basement is damp. George will contact John Polewchak to look at and possibly repair the furnace, again once we receive the property.
Review of minutes and motions complete.
Next meeting will be 7/28/2010 at 5:00 at the Town Hall. It was suggested that if we have the property we might meet there. Emily (M) to adjourn at 6:45.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Trombly
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Minutes of the 5-26-10 TRUSTEES' MEETING
MAY 26, 2010
CALL TO ORDER: President George Brendler called the meeting to order at 5 PM. In attendance were: Trustees, Emily Castine, Pat Neverett, Debby Powers, Tina Trombly, and Library Director, Francie Fairchild. Guests were: president of the Friends of the Library, Carolyn Harding and Friends’ liaison, Ken Burger.
The minutes of April 28, 2010 were amended as follows: under the Estimators Walk-Through of April 30th, delete last two sentences and add “The disposal of the items in the basement area will be at the discretion of the Board. “ Also, under the Project Progress Report, Fund-Raising Committee, #2.) The names of the individual donors will be removed from the minutes because of privacy concerns.
M (Neverett), S (Powers), PASSED
TREASURER’S REPORT: The April 2010 and the CD Report were both accepted as presented. M (Trombly), S (Castine), PASSED
Director Fairchild’s report was accepted as presented. She explained that the Betty Little Patron Grant 2010 of $1,000.00 would demand attention to non-fiction titles and non-print media.
President Brendler showed a copy of the new magazine ALTAFF, a publication for trustees, Friends’ members and advocates. It will be in the library for perusal by interested persons.
Director Fairchild was contacted about TABOB, the Annual Battle of Books competition. Jackie Viestenz, Port Henry Library Director, has asked for volunteers to serve as judges and trainers for the event that is set for July 17.
FEMA Letter:
President Brendler heard from FEMA that in 30-60 days we should receive notification concerning our status. This comes after our elevation survey of last month.
2010 Library Trustees Handbook
President Brendler stated that this handbook is on line. He has made a hard copy for himself. CEF has sent a hard copy of the 2010 Handbook for our library’s use.
Attorney Heather West notified President Brendler that once the pins have been placed on the property, she will be setting up a transfer date for the Board. She will be contacting us soon about the deed. In the meantime, the pins have, in fact, been placed.
An e-mail from NYSED and graduate student Tim Gavin was sent to President Brendler informing him that there was a policy development group at work to “codify” all library policies throughout the state.
Historic Window
Sam Fairchild gave President Brendler information about preserving historic windows. Apparently, replacing them would not be worth the cost.
RMS Survey
Treasurer Powers reported that she had paid the RMS bill of $1200.00 for the recent elevation survey.
Pointing of Stones
Secretary Castine was asked to write a thank-you note to Richard West who had donated his expertise as a stone and brick mason to point up the stone on the current library building on his own time. We are most appreciative of his efforts.
Friends’ Donation
At the same time, the Friends’ donation of $5,000.00 to our fund-raising effort was noted by President Brendler. The Fund-Raising Committee will send a letter of thanks to that group upon receipt of same.
President’s Overview of the Year
President Brendler referred to the paper trail of all committee meetings, walk-throughs, and communications he has kept which he has copied and sent to all of us in a timely manner this past year.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The vote on the Library Budget was held on May 18 at CCRS. The results of the vote were: 228 yes, and 86 no.
Treasurer Powers, running unopposed, garnered 284 votes. There were 396 voters.
Vision Statement
A motion was made to add the Vision Statement worked on by Trustees Brendler and Castine and Grant Committee member Lorna Forster to our Planning Document. M (Neverett), S (Trombly) PASSED.
President Brendler had e-mail contact with Lynn Garofalini on May 25th to learn that our papers are in the hands of Jim Warren. We are awaiting SHPO notification that we are not historically significant. This decision is critical for our Public Library Construction Grant application.
Latremore’s Insurance
Chris Latremore is working on a policy through Peerless Insurance Co. that will insure the two buildings and includes coverage for any volunteers we may have on the premises for a cost of $1,178.48. When we take possession of the new building, the agency will prorate the cost of our coverage.
West and Leroy Estimates Status
These men did a walk-through of the building and exterior on April 30th. They are to give their total cost estimates to Project Manager Brendler ASAP.
Hubbell Building Appraisal
Rosenbaum Associates will do an appraisal of the Hubbell building on June 2, 2010, at 10 AM for a cost of $350. -$500.00.
Friends of the Library Meeting
All trustees attended the Friends of the Library Meeting held on May 15, at The Station CafĂ©. President Brendler spoke on the “Understanding between the Board of Trustees of the Chazy Public Library and the Friends.” President Harding has gone over that agreement, but her group must discuss it before final approval.
Trustee Powers made a motion to abide by the American Library Association’s recommended statements about: The Library Bill of Rights, the Right to Read and View, Freedom to Read Statement, and the Free Access to Libraries for Minors.
M (Powers), S (Neverett) PASSED
Material Selection and Collection Development Policies
The trustees approved a motion to accept the Material Selection and Collection Development Policy with the understanding that we take out the Restricted Access Statement.
M (Trombly), S (Powers) PASSED
Town- wide Yard Sale
President Brendler will run a sale of the library’s stuff on July 24th. Trustee Neverett said we should obtain an auctioneer. Steve Martin had told us that we have a few items in the office of value. Trustee Trombly suggested Jeff Rigsbee to auction the things we have decided to get rid of from the basement of the new building. Trustees Trombly and Neverett will work with him to get someone to appraise what we have.
CCRS Yard Sale
The school will give us three low wooden kindergarten tables and some chairs that were left over from their yard sale.
Grants Workshop and Webinar
Trustee Castine had sent a brief report on the Glens Falls workshop findings to all Board members, and George, who attended the local Webinar, described his 3-year phases: I. Occupancy; II. Finishing Rest of Building and the Basement; III. Embellishment (landscaping and patio).
Grace Kelly of the State Division of Library Development said each entity should have an allowance for HAZMAT removal in the budget.
Construction Narrative for Grant Application
The Construction Narrative, part of the Library Grant application, is being worked on by Lorna Forster, Trustees Castine and Brendler.
Fund-Raising Committee
This committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month. At the last meeting, Angela Swann described the fund-raiser entitled “Book ‘em for the Library.” Ten local notables will be arrested for overdue books. They each have to raise their $500.00 bail.
There will be a VIP tent. One gains entrance to the VIP tent with a donation of $25.00 or more.
Library Director Fairchild remarked that Mrs. Pam Schafer, donor of the quilt in the Children’s Room has volunteered to create another quilt that will be raffled off for the benefit of the library on Old Home Day.
So far, the committee has received $8,085 in donations. The committee asked that donations be in by July 1, 2010.
There will have to be a way of displaying donors’ names such as the tree in CVPH, plaques, etc. The ceiling could also be used. All checks go to Trustee Neverett and then to our Treasurer, Powers. Trustee Castine showed pictures of the Chateaugay Library including the wall of donors in their entryway.
Trustee Trombly mentioned that her committee member Angela Swann asked about having a specific Pay Pal account for all fund-raising efforts based on the Construction Fund Checking Account. This would be for the donors who prefer to send money via Pay Pal. Thus, a motion was made to do so.
M Trombly), S (Neverett) PASSED
Legal Aspects Team
Our transfer is imminent. We are only getting a deed description, not an abstract. We need to have the survey certified.
Terrorist insurance coverage was mentioned, but trustees agreed that it was not necessary at this point for the old building.
The trustees agreed to ask Attorney Robert Kagan, our attorney for the Clark building transfer, to look at the original deed for the Hubbell building. It is a possibility that this building could be used as a memorial to the Hubbell Family.
Would the Hubbells be interested in buying the old building from us? George Hubbell will ask the family at their big gathering to be held very soon. The building is an asset to us at this point.
On-Site Construction Team
Trustees will need keys to the building.
The basement will be cleaned out first. There will be three categories: things to be kept, thrown out, or offered for sale.
Tree Service
Trustees agreed to go with the Richard’s Tree Service to get rid of specified trees.
Project Manager Brendler will have John Polewchak look at it to decide if it is worth or able to be fixed. Otherwise, bids will have to be put out for replacing the furnace.
If the pole is moved, we must give the company a month’s notice. If it is done prior to the tree removal, it will definitely help the tree removal process. The cost will be $3500 or less to re-locate the pole. Agreed by consensus.
The mower needs new blades. President Brendler will do the mowing for now. He will get the servicing done for the mower at a cost of about $100.00. The trustees agreed by consensus.
We need to buy a dehumidifier for the old section of the building. Trustee Neverett said she had one she doesn’t use. Brendler will check hers out. Otherwise, the trustees will purchase one at a cost of around $150.00. The trustees agreed by consensus.
Generally, the contractor for the project will have a dumpster ready for use when the project begins.
Deadwood at Back of Building
Brendler would like to clean up the back yard of limbs, branches and other debris as soon as possible. Our line, if extended down the middle of the driveway and beyond the property, points to the middle of the trailer in the background.
Yearly Organizational Items:
Our bank is the TD Bank. Our insurance carrier is Latremore’s Insurance, and we will have a policy with Peerless Insurance Co.
Upcoming Fiscal Year
President Brendler presented a calendar of meeting dates for 2010-2011. After making the November meeting optional, the Board was in consensus about the calendar.
Swearing In of Board Member
Treasurer. Trustee Debby Powers has to be sworn into office at the library, and the signed document must be filed with the Town Clerk.
Slate of Officers for 2010-2011:
President – Pat Neverett
Vice-President – Emily Castine
Secretary – Tina Trombly
Treasurer – Debby Powers
The secretary was asked to cast one ballot for the slate as presented.
M (Brendler), S (Trombly) PASSED
Trustee Castine was joined by all the trustees in thanking immediate past-president, George Brendler, for all his efforts these past two years.
The meeting was adjourned at 7 PM.
M (Trombly)
Respectfully submitted.
Emily Flachbart Castine
MAY 26, 2010
CALL TO ORDER: President George Brendler called the meeting to order at 5 PM. In attendance were: Trustees, Emily Castine, Pat Neverett, Debby Powers, Tina Trombly, and Library Director, Francie Fairchild. Guests were: president of the Friends of the Library, Carolyn Harding and Friends’ liaison, Ken Burger.
The minutes of April 28, 2010 were amended as follows: under the Estimators Walk-Through of April 30th, delete last two sentences and add “The disposal of the items in the basement area will be at the discretion of the Board. “ Also, under the Project Progress Report, Fund-Raising Committee, #2.) The names of the individual donors will be removed from the minutes because of privacy concerns.
M (Neverett), S (Powers), PASSED
TREASURER’S REPORT: The April 2010 and the CD Report were both accepted as presented. M (Trombly), S (Castine), PASSED
Director Fairchild’s report was accepted as presented. She explained that the Betty Little Patron Grant 2010 of $1,000.00 would demand attention to non-fiction titles and non-print media.
President Brendler showed a copy of the new magazine ALTAFF, a publication for trustees, Friends’ members and advocates. It will be in the library for perusal by interested persons.
Director Fairchild was contacted about TABOB, the Annual Battle of Books competition. Jackie Viestenz, Port Henry Library Director, has asked for volunteers to serve as judges and trainers for the event that is set for July 17.
FEMA Letter:
President Brendler heard from FEMA that in 30-60 days we should receive notification concerning our status. This comes after our elevation survey of last month.
2010 Library Trustees Handbook
President Brendler stated that this handbook is on line. He has made a hard copy for himself. CEF has sent a hard copy of the 2010 Handbook for our library’s use.
Attorney Heather West notified President Brendler that once the pins have been placed on the property, she will be setting up a transfer date for the Board. She will be contacting us soon about the deed. In the meantime, the pins have, in fact, been placed.
An e-mail from NYSED and graduate student Tim Gavin was sent to President Brendler informing him that there was a policy development group at work to “codify” all library policies throughout the state.
Historic Window
Sam Fairchild gave President Brendler information about preserving historic windows. Apparently, replacing them would not be worth the cost.
RMS Survey
Treasurer Powers reported that she had paid the RMS bill of $1200.00 for the recent elevation survey.
Pointing of Stones
Secretary Castine was asked to write a thank-you note to Richard West who had donated his expertise as a stone and brick mason to point up the stone on the current library building on his own time. We are most appreciative of his efforts.
Friends’ Donation
At the same time, the Friends’ donation of $5,000.00 to our fund-raising effort was noted by President Brendler. The Fund-Raising Committee will send a letter of thanks to that group upon receipt of same.
President’s Overview of the Year
President Brendler referred to the paper trail of all committee meetings, walk-throughs, and communications he has kept which he has copied and sent to all of us in a timely manner this past year.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The vote on the Library Budget was held on May 18 at CCRS. The results of the vote were: 228 yes, and 86 no.
Treasurer Powers, running unopposed, garnered 284 votes. There were 396 voters.
Vision Statement
A motion was made to add the Vision Statement worked on by Trustees Brendler and Castine and Grant Committee member Lorna Forster to our Planning Document. M (Neverett), S (Trombly) PASSED.
President Brendler had e-mail contact with Lynn Garofalini on May 25th to learn that our papers are in the hands of Jim Warren. We are awaiting SHPO notification that we are not historically significant. This decision is critical for our Public Library Construction Grant application.
Latremore’s Insurance
Chris Latremore is working on a policy through Peerless Insurance Co. that will insure the two buildings and includes coverage for any volunteers we may have on the premises for a cost of $1,178.48. When we take possession of the new building, the agency will prorate the cost of our coverage.
West and Leroy Estimates Status
These men did a walk-through of the building and exterior on April 30th. They are to give their total cost estimates to Project Manager Brendler ASAP.
Hubbell Building Appraisal
Rosenbaum Associates will do an appraisal of the Hubbell building on June 2, 2010, at 10 AM for a cost of $350. -$500.00.
Friends of the Library Meeting
All trustees attended the Friends of the Library Meeting held on May 15, at The Station CafĂ©. President Brendler spoke on the “Understanding between the Board of Trustees of the Chazy Public Library and the Friends.” President Harding has gone over that agreement, but her group must discuss it before final approval.
Trustee Powers made a motion to abide by the American Library Association’s recommended statements about: The Library Bill of Rights, the Right to Read and View, Freedom to Read Statement, and the Free Access to Libraries for Minors.
M (Powers), S (Neverett) PASSED
Material Selection and Collection Development Policies
The trustees approved a motion to accept the Material Selection and Collection Development Policy with the understanding that we take out the Restricted Access Statement.
M (Trombly), S (Powers) PASSED
Town- wide Yard Sale
President Brendler will run a sale of the library’s stuff on July 24th. Trustee Neverett said we should obtain an auctioneer. Steve Martin had told us that we have a few items in the office of value. Trustee Trombly suggested Jeff Rigsbee to auction the things we have decided to get rid of from the basement of the new building. Trustees Trombly and Neverett will work with him to get someone to appraise what we have.
CCRS Yard Sale
The school will give us three low wooden kindergarten tables and some chairs that were left over from their yard sale.
Grants Workshop and Webinar
Trustee Castine had sent a brief report on the Glens Falls workshop findings to all Board members, and George, who attended the local Webinar, described his 3-year phases: I. Occupancy; II. Finishing Rest of Building and the Basement; III. Embellishment (landscaping and patio).
Grace Kelly of the State Division of Library Development said each entity should have an allowance for HAZMAT removal in the budget.
Construction Narrative for Grant Application
The Construction Narrative, part of the Library Grant application, is being worked on by Lorna Forster, Trustees Castine and Brendler.
Fund-Raising Committee
This committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month. At the last meeting, Angela Swann described the fund-raiser entitled “Book ‘em for the Library.” Ten local notables will be arrested for overdue books. They each have to raise their $500.00 bail.
There will be a VIP tent. One gains entrance to the VIP tent with a donation of $25.00 or more.
Library Director Fairchild remarked that Mrs. Pam Schafer, donor of the quilt in the Children’s Room has volunteered to create another quilt that will be raffled off for the benefit of the library on Old Home Day.
So far, the committee has received $8,085 in donations. The committee asked that donations be in by July 1, 2010.
There will have to be a way of displaying donors’ names such as the tree in CVPH, plaques, etc. The ceiling could also be used. All checks go to Trustee Neverett and then to our Treasurer, Powers. Trustee Castine showed pictures of the Chateaugay Library including the wall of donors in their entryway.
Trustee Trombly mentioned that her committee member Angela Swann asked about having a specific Pay Pal account for all fund-raising efforts based on the Construction Fund Checking Account. This would be for the donors who prefer to send money via Pay Pal. Thus, a motion was made to do so.
M Trombly), S (Neverett) PASSED
Legal Aspects Team
Our transfer is imminent. We are only getting a deed description, not an abstract. We need to have the survey certified.
Terrorist insurance coverage was mentioned, but trustees agreed that it was not necessary at this point for the old building.
The trustees agreed to ask Attorney Robert Kagan, our attorney for the Clark building transfer, to look at the original deed for the Hubbell building. It is a possibility that this building could be used as a memorial to the Hubbell Family.
Would the Hubbells be interested in buying the old building from us? George Hubbell will ask the family at their big gathering to be held very soon. The building is an asset to us at this point.
On-Site Construction Team
Trustees will need keys to the building.
The basement will be cleaned out first. There will be three categories: things to be kept, thrown out, or offered for sale.
Tree Service
Trustees agreed to go with the Richard’s Tree Service to get rid of specified trees.
Project Manager Brendler will have John Polewchak look at it to decide if it is worth or able to be fixed. Otherwise, bids will have to be put out for replacing the furnace.
If the pole is moved, we must give the company a month’s notice. If it is done prior to the tree removal, it will definitely help the tree removal process. The cost will be $3500 or less to re-locate the pole. Agreed by consensus.
The mower needs new blades. President Brendler will do the mowing for now. He will get the servicing done for the mower at a cost of about $100.00. The trustees agreed by consensus.
We need to buy a dehumidifier for the old section of the building. Trustee Neverett said she had one she doesn’t use. Brendler will check hers out. Otherwise, the trustees will purchase one at a cost of around $150.00. The trustees agreed by consensus.
Generally, the contractor for the project will have a dumpster ready for use when the project begins.
Deadwood at Back of Building
Brendler would like to clean up the back yard of limbs, branches and other debris as soon as possible. Our line, if extended down the middle of the driveway and beyond the property, points to the middle of the trailer in the background.
Yearly Organizational Items:
Our bank is the TD Bank. Our insurance carrier is Latremore’s Insurance, and we will have a policy with Peerless Insurance Co.
Upcoming Fiscal Year
President Brendler presented a calendar of meeting dates for 2010-2011. After making the November meeting optional, the Board was in consensus about the calendar.
Swearing In of Board Member
Treasurer. Trustee Debby Powers has to be sworn into office at the library, and the signed document must be filed with the Town Clerk.
Slate of Officers for 2010-2011:
President – Pat Neverett
Vice-President – Emily Castine
Secretary – Tina Trombly
Treasurer – Debby Powers
The secretary was asked to cast one ballot for the slate as presented.
M (Brendler), S (Trombly) PASSED
Trustee Castine was joined by all the trustees in thanking immediate past-president, George Brendler, for all his efforts these past two years.
The meeting was adjourned at 7 PM.
M (Trombly)
Respectfully submitted.
Emily Flachbart Castine
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Make a Splash with Karen Glass!
Wednesday June 30 - At 10:30 STORY TELLER KAREN GLASS will present a program of wonderful stories at the Chazy Public Library for children age 3 to 10. This is the beginning event for the "Make a Splash at Your Library" summer reading program. Children may register at the library, or phone 846-7676 or Email
Monday, June 14, 2010
The Friends of the Library are hosting the Townwide Yard Sale July 24th to help raise funds for the renovation of the future Library building, the former Dr.Clark Office.
Registration forms are available at the Library or via e-mail at Make checks payable to the Friends of the Library and send them to Carolyn Harding, 19 Miner Farm Rd., Chazy, NY 12921. For further information call her at 846-7721.
Registration forms are available at the Library or via e-mail at Make checks payable to the Friends of the Library and send them to Carolyn Harding, 19 Miner Farm Rd., Chazy, NY 12921. For further information call her at 846-7721.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Library Fundrasing 50-50 Raffle at the Happy Pike
Lorna Parrotte of Chazy won the Library fundrasing raffle at this year's Happy Pike in Chazy.
The Library portion was $277 dollars. Thanks Tina, Pat, and Robin for your hard work!
The Library portion was $277 dollars. Thanks Tina, Pat, and Robin for your hard work!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Minutes of the 4-28-10 Trustees' Meeting
April 28, 2010, 5 PM, Town Hall
George Brendler, President, called the meeting to order at 5:03 PM. Also present were: Trustees Emily Castine, Pat Neverett, Debby Powers, and Tina Trombly; Francie Fairchild, Library Director; and Ken Burger, president of the Chazy Friends of the Library.
The minutes of March 31, 2010, were accepted as read.
M (Neverett), S (Trombly) PASSED
This report was accepted as presented. Treasurer Powers explained that our $30,000 CD had matured, and it had accrued to $31,000. It was automatically placed in the Money Market account for the present.
M (Trombly), S (Castine) PASSED
President Brendler read this report as Library Director Fairchild was detained at the library.
The Board agreed to order a 1-year subscription to the Consumer Reports Money Adviser magazine for $29.95.
The updating of the Policy Booklet for all trustees is nearing completion. Trustees will address the Collection Development Policy at the May meeting.
Patron Grant:
Our library was notified as the recipient of the $1,000 Patron Grant from the 45th Senatorial District and Senator Betty Little to be used for the C-E-F collection development plan. The emphasis will be on non-fiction titles, and library directors will have to document purchases.
Library Resources Article:
Director Fairchild sent trustees an e-mail from Library Resources which detailed the best practices for choosing library furniture.
Letters of Support:
President Brendler stated copies of letters of support had been sent from Dr. Joseph Burke, Trustee of the Miner Foundation, and Chairman of the Board of the Miner Institute to the Library, and from James R. Langley, Chairperson of Clinton County Legislature, to Grace Kelly, Director of the Public Library Construction Grant Program, and Renee Hotte of USDA, Rural Development, Area Specialist.
Energy Survey Results:
NYSERDA sent us a booklet of findings. Some of the recommended measures would qualify for incentives through the Existing Facilities Program.
Endnyne Asbestos Results:
President Brendler reported encouraging results from the samples he collected and took to Endyne of EMSL Analytical for testing. The green tiles in the lab, x-ray and exam rooms are the only concerns, and these could be covered with plywood sub-flooring.
Conceptual Scope:
Contact administrator Jim O’Neil, president of C. W. Augustine, Inc., gave his cost opinion for the conceptual scope of repairs to the potential Chazy Public Library as $248,900.00.
Elevation Survey:
This survey was well documented with a map and pictures by RMS (Sunderland) Co. President Brendler sent a copy to FEMA with a signed application for removal from the flood plain. He also sent a copy to Latremore’s Insurance. He expects a letter from FEMA stating that we will not need flood insurance.
Insurance Policy:
President Brendler saw Chris Latremore of Latremore’s Insurance informally and learned that our regular policy would be separate from a possible flood insurance policy. We had expected our new policy to be ready for presentation at this meeting. George will contact Chris about this.
Richard’s Tree Service:
A bid for tree removal was presented from Richard’s Tree Removal after they stopped by the property and checked out the tree situation. Giroux’s Tree Removal did not want to touch the huge stump at the rear of the building, while Richard’s agreed to remove it. This firm would be wiling to “start in June and be paid in July.”
Town Zone Variance Letter:
Bob West received a call from Attorney Heather West’s office to produce the Town’s zone variance letter. This is a requirement in the will. One page of the document packet states, “variance granted.” West will give Attorney West this documentation.
Estimators Set To Walk-Through Property on Friday, April 30:
President Brendler had set up an appointment with Bob West, Chazy Building Permit Officer and local contractor, and Jeff LeRoy, engineer with Jeffords Steel Co., to give us a reliable cost estimate for the entire project. Brendler contacted LeRoy to see if his contractor, Andy Carter of Carter Construction, would accept the O’Neil cost estimate. This is required for the grant applications. Meeting was scheduled for 2:30 PM on the 30th.
Trustee Neverett will check out the basement area to determine what furnishings and equipment would be kept or thrown out at the discretion of the Board.
Quilt Gift:
It was noted that President Brendler had hung the quilt that had been given to the library by Mrs. Pam Schafer. Secretary Castine has written her a note of thanks.
Long-Range Planning Document:
This document was accepted with the deletion of the Automation Category.
M (Neverett), S (Castine) PASSED
Agreement Between the Friends of the Library and the Board of Trustees of the Library:
Friends’ President Ken Burger remarked that he would send our Understanding to all members prior to the May 15th meeting to elicit their responses. Trustee Trombly, Fund-Raising Co-Chair, will speak at that meeting, as will President Brendler.
The trustees agreed to table voting on this Understanding until after the meeting at which the Friends will discuss it.
M (Powers), S (Trombly) PASSED
SHPO Letter:
President Brendler has a note to contact the person for an update of the form we sent her.
Loan Procedures:
The Board was in consensus that we would not pursue bank loans at this time. Treasurer Powers and President Brendler had checked out some options with the local credit union and TD Bank.
Conceptual Scope Data:
It was necessary for the Board to get cost estimates for the renovation project from a reliable contractor. An important question to be asked of Grace Kelly, Program Head of the Public Library Construction Grant at the Glens Falls workshop, was, “Can the person or firm that develops a cost estimate for the project bid later to do that very construction?” Trustee Castine will ask that of Ms. Kelly at the May 5th workshop.
Gym Measurements Results:
Trustees agreed that laying out the proposed floor plan with blue tape on the CCRS gym floor clarified our vision of the new library
Pointing of Stones of Current Library
Local contractor and mason, Dick West, has continued his pro bono work of pointing the stones on the library’s exterior. The trustees are most appreciative of his efforts.
Evaluation of the State of the Library Policy
This policy was revised by President Brendler and Trustee Castine and accepted by the Board.
M (Neverett), S (Powers) PASSED
Appraisal of the Present Library, the Hubbell Building:
President Brendler spoke with realtor Joey Trombley who advised George to get in touch with Rosenbaum Appraisers. The cost for the appraisal would run from $350.00 - $500.00. President Brendler reported the assessment value of that land was $2,000.00 and the building, $26,100.
Project Progress Report:
Fund raising Team:
1.)Solicitation letters for funding the project to go out to community members this weekend.
2.)Individual donors sought for room naming rights: Trustee Castine reported that she had spoken to one individual who then sent a $1,000 check to the library project, and to an other who pledged to give $20,000 for naming rights to the Reading Room in memory of her parents. Castine had also spoken with four other possible donors.
Grants Team:
Committee Members, Lorna Forster and Trustee Castine are working on the Public Library Construction Grant. Castine will attend another of Grace Kelly’s workshops on that particular grant on May 5th in Glens Falls with C-E-F Grant Consultant, Julie Wever, and Jim Bennett, of the Grant Writing Committee.
The USDA Loan/Grant has been put on hold for the present. However, the Trustees went ahead with the Conceptual Scope needed for this loan/grant.
Legal Aspects Team:
Trustee Neverett checked and found out that we don’t need fencing near the river, as the river is a natural resource.
However, the trustees feel a barrier of some sort off to the side of the road entrance is needed for extra safety.
Closing Procedure:
A motion was made to look into the feasibility of having Robert Kagan as our attorney to review legal papers and attend the closing in relation to Clark’s Office property.
M (Neverett), S (Trombly) PASSED
Construction Site Team Updates
All reports covered earlier in this meeting.
Project Lead Comments:
Procedures for Stamped Plans:
We are hoping that Jeff Leroy of Jeffords Steel will be able to stamp the plans for the necessary steel beams for the new library.
President Brendler stated that it looks like we have proceeded in a safe fashion for checking for asbestos.
Jim O’Neil advised us to repair the furnace. However, John Polewchak may not be able to repair it. Bob West will spray some penetrating oil on it to see if the bolts can be loosened safely. We definitely need it to be energy efficient.
Review of Motions:
Secretary Castine read over all motions and they were accepted as read.
Next meeting:
May 26, 5 PM, Town Hall
This will be our annual organizational meeting. We have a template for it. The Annual Vote on the School Budget will be on May 18th. The Public Hearing is one week earlier, May 11th.
M (Trombly) At 6:25 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Emily F. Castine
April 28, 2010, 5 PM, Town Hall
George Brendler, President, called the meeting to order at 5:03 PM. Also present were: Trustees Emily Castine, Pat Neverett, Debby Powers, and Tina Trombly; Francie Fairchild, Library Director; and Ken Burger, president of the Chazy Friends of the Library.
The minutes of March 31, 2010, were accepted as read.
M (Neverett), S (Trombly) PASSED
This report was accepted as presented. Treasurer Powers explained that our $30,000 CD had matured, and it had accrued to $31,000. It was automatically placed in the Money Market account for the present.
M (Trombly), S (Castine) PASSED
President Brendler read this report as Library Director Fairchild was detained at the library.
The Board agreed to order a 1-year subscription to the Consumer Reports Money Adviser magazine for $29.95.
The updating of the Policy Booklet for all trustees is nearing completion. Trustees will address the Collection Development Policy at the May meeting.
Patron Grant:
Our library was notified as the recipient of the $1,000 Patron Grant from the 45th Senatorial District and Senator Betty Little to be used for the C-E-F collection development plan. The emphasis will be on non-fiction titles, and library directors will have to document purchases.
Library Resources Article:
Director Fairchild sent trustees an e-mail from Library Resources which detailed the best practices for choosing library furniture.
Letters of Support:
President Brendler stated copies of letters of support had been sent from Dr. Joseph Burke, Trustee of the Miner Foundation, and Chairman of the Board of the Miner Institute to the Library, and from James R. Langley, Chairperson of Clinton County Legislature, to Grace Kelly, Director of the Public Library Construction Grant Program, and Renee Hotte of USDA, Rural Development, Area Specialist.
Energy Survey Results:
NYSERDA sent us a booklet of findings. Some of the recommended measures would qualify for incentives through the Existing Facilities Program.
Endnyne Asbestos Results:
President Brendler reported encouraging results from the samples he collected and took to Endyne of EMSL Analytical for testing. The green tiles in the lab, x-ray and exam rooms are the only concerns, and these could be covered with plywood sub-flooring.
Conceptual Scope:
Contact administrator Jim O’Neil, president of C. W. Augustine, Inc., gave his cost opinion for the conceptual scope of repairs to the potential Chazy Public Library as $248,900.00.
Elevation Survey:
This survey was well documented with a map and pictures by RMS (Sunderland) Co. President Brendler sent a copy to FEMA with a signed application for removal from the flood plain. He also sent a copy to Latremore’s Insurance. He expects a letter from FEMA stating that we will not need flood insurance.
Insurance Policy:
President Brendler saw Chris Latremore of Latremore’s Insurance informally and learned that our regular policy would be separate from a possible flood insurance policy. We had expected our new policy to be ready for presentation at this meeting. George will contact Chris about this.
Richard’s Tree Service:
A bid for tree removal was presented from Richard’s Tree Removal after they stopped by the property and checked out the tree situation. Giroux’s Tree Removal did not want to touch the huge stump at the rear of the building, while Richard’s agreed to remove it. This firm would be wiling to “start in June and be paid in July.”
Town Zone Variance Letter:
Bob West received a call from Attorney Heather West’s office to produce the Town’s zone variance letter. This is a requirement in the will. One page of the document packet states, “variance granted.” West will give Attorney West this documentation.
Estimators Set To Walk-Through Property on Friday, April 30:
President Brendler had set up an appointment with Bob West, Chazy Building Permit Officer and local contractor, and Jeff LeRoy, engineer with Jeffords Steel Co., to give us a reliable cost estimate for the entire project. Brendler contacted LeRoy to see if his contractor, Andy Carter of Carter Construction, would accept the O’Neil cost estimate. This is required for the grant applications. Meeting was scheduled for 2:30 PM on the 30th.
Trustee Neverett will check out the basement area to determine what furnishings and equipment would be kept or thrown out at the discretion of the Board.
Quilt Gift:
It was noted that President Brendler had hung the quilt that had been given to the library by Mrs. Pam Schafer. Secretary Castine has written her a note of thanks.
Long-Range Planning Document:
This document was accepted with the deletion of the Automation Category.
M (Neverett), S (Castine) PASSED
Agreement Between the Friends of the Library and the Board of Trustees of the Library:
Friends’ President Ken Burger remarked that he would send our Understanding to all members prior to the May 15th meeting to elicit their responses. Trustee Trombly, Fund-Raising Co-Chair, will speak at that meeting, as will President Brendler.
The trustees agreed to table voting on this Understanding until after the meeting at which the Friends will discuss it.
M (Powers), S (Trombly) PASSED
SHPO Letter:
President Brendler has a note to contact the person for an update of the form we sent her.
Loan Procedures:
The Board was in consensus that we would not pursue bank loans at this time. Treasurer Powers and President Brendler had checked out some options with the local credit union and TD Bank.
Conceptual Scope Data:
It was necessary for the Board to get cost estimates for the renovation project from a reliable contractor. An important question to be asked of Grace Kelly, Program Head of the Public Library Construction Grant at the Glens Falls workshop, was, “Can the person or firm that develops a cost estimate for the project bid later to do that very construction?” Trustee Castine will ask that of Ms. Kelly at the May 5th workshop.
Gym Measurements Results:
Trustees agreed that laying out the proposed floor plan with blue tape on the CCRS gym floor clarified our vision of the new library
Pointing of Stones of Current Library
Local contractor and mason, Dick West, has continued his pro bono work of pointing the stones on the library’s exterior. The trustees are most appreciative of his efforts.
Evaluation of the State of the Library Policy
This policy was revised by President Brendler and Trustee Castine and accepted by the Board.
M (Neverett), S (Powers) PASSED
Appraisal of the Present Library, the Hubbell Building:
President Brendler spoke with realtor Joey Trombley who advised George to get in touch with Rosenbaum Appraisers. The cost for the appraisal would run from $350.00 - $500.00. President Brendler reported the assessment value of that land was $2,000.00 and the building, $26,100.
Project Progress Report:
Fund raising Team:
1.)Solicitation letters for funding the project to go out to community members this weekend.
2.)Individual donors sought for room naming rights: Trustee Castine reported that she had spoken to one individual who then sent a $1,000 check to the library project, and to an other who pledged to give $20,000 for naming rights to the Reading Room in memory of her parents. Castine had also spoken with four other possible donors.
Grants Team:
Committee Members, Lorna Forster and Trustee Castine are working on the Public Library Construction Grant. Castine will attend another of Grace Kelly’s workshops on that particular grant on May 5th in Glens Falls with C-E-F Grant Consultant, Julie Wever, and Jim Bennett, of the Grant Writing Committee.
The USDA Loan/Grant has been put on hold for the present. However, the Trustees went ahead with the Conceptual Scope needed for this loan/grant.
Legal Aspects Team:
Trustee Neverett checked and found out that we don’t need fencing near the river, as the river is a natural resource.
However, the trustees feel a barrier of some sort off to the side of the road entrance is needed for extra safety.
Closing Procedure:
A motion was made to look into the feasibility of having Robert Kagan as our attorney to review legal papers and attend the closing in relation to Clark’s Office property.
M (Neverett), S (Trombly) PASSED
Construction Site Team Updates
All reports covered earlier in this meeting.
Project Lead Comments:
Procedures for Stamped Plans:
We are hoping that Jeff Leroy of Jeffords Steel will be able to stamp the plans for the necessary steel beams for the new library.
President Brendler stated that it looks like we have proceeded in a safe fashion for checking for asbestos.
Jim O’Neil advised us to repair the furnace. However, John Polewchak may not be able to repair it. Bob West will spray some penetrating oil on it to see if the bolts can be loosened safely. We definitely need it to be energy efficient.
Review of Motions:
Secretary Castine read over all motions and they were accepted as read.
Next meeting:
May 26, 5 PM, Town Hall
This will be our annual organizational meeting. We have a template for it. The Annual Vote on the School Budget will be on May 18th. The Public Hearing is one week earlier, May 11th.
M (Trombly) At 6:25 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Emily F. Castine
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Story Hour with Kristin McAuliffe
Dick West is finishing pointing up the stone wall
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Minutes of 2-26-10 and 3-6-10 CPLTrustees' Meeting
February 26, 2010, 5 PM, Town Hall
CALL TO ORDER: George Brendler, President, called the meeting to order at 5:05 PM. Also present were: Trustees Emily Castine, Debby Powers, and Tina Trombly; Francie Fairchild, Library Director; Jim Bennett, Grant Writing Committee member; Trustee Neverett was excused due to illness.
The minutes of January 27, 2010, were accepted as read.
M (Powers), S (Brendler) PASSED
The proposed budget for 2010-2011 was presented. The taxation figure was proposed as $22,000.00, a $2,900.00 increase. 2. Discussion followed, and it was suggested that due to the impending cost of maintaining the new, bigger building we increase our request to $25,000. Treasurer Powers will send trustees the revised proposed budget for perusal. The matter was tabled until Trustee Neverett has had a chance to review the revised proposed budget.
M (Castine), S (Brendler) PASSED
The Financial Reports of December 2009 and January 2010 were accepted as presented.
M (Trombly), S (Brendler) PASSED
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Fairchild’s Annual Report submission is her report for this month.
Christmas Fund Drive
President Brendler thanked Trustee Castine for her work soliciting contributions which amounted to $1,475.00.
Policies Update
President Brendler stated that he had sent out two personnel policies for our review. They were the Grievance Procedure Policy and the Performance Review.
President Brendler will send two more policies to review: The Conflict of Interest Policy and the Periodic Policy Review.
Thank-You Letter
Trustee Neverett composed a thank-you letter to Tim Castine for his help with preliminary project plans. All the trustees signed it at the meeting.
C-E-F- informed us that Horizon fees would be raised for 2011.
Triangle Systems sent a proposal for the solar panels (NYSERDA incentive, etc.)
Duprey Technical sent a proposal for roof replacement.
Energy Audit
An Energy Audit has been completed. The Board awaits the results due in mid-March.
Church Memorial
President Brendler noted that donations in memory of Pamela Church would be made to our library. Secretary Castine was asked to send a note of appreciation to Walter and Nancy Church for naming the library as a recipient for these donations.
Letter of Support from Planning Board
President Brendler received a Letter of Support for the library relocation-renovation project from the Planning Board to take to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
There will be a Library Construction Seminar in Glens Falls on May 5th. This is a seminar led by Grace Kelly of the New York State Library. Both Trustees Brendler and Castine attended such a seminar last year.
It was noted that there have been two excellent library-related articles in the Press-Republican lately.
Snap Shot Day
C-E-F had designated a day that photographically highlighted System activities on a normal day. Trustee Castine noted that we would need supportive pictures for our grant applications.
Survey Map
President Brendler will send a copy of this to each trustee. As this is a preliminary survey from the lawyer, he will first check with Heather West. He had already given a copy to the Zoning Appeals Board for its files.
The monitor filter was changed in the library and the bottom of the tank valve was thawed. Thanks to Steve LaPierre and George for helping with this.
Treasurer Powers provided an updated “Year At a Glance” with her August Summary Report.
Clarification About Contributions
We had a clarification about tax-deductible contributions in the IRS 170 (c) (1). It was determined that we do not need a 501 (c) (3).
The Zoning Board of Appeals granted us a variance for an undersized lot. Trustees Neverett and Brendler attended this meeting. The old entrance is grandfathered. If we were to change the footprint, we would need another variance. Jim Bennett remarked that if we don’t change basics, and go up instead, we don’t need to apply for a variance. We have already been given the OK for five parking spaces in the back.
Bruce Ladue advised us to be careful about touching the stone.
Foundation Creation
The Trustees agreed to rescind the motion made at the December 2nd, 2009 meeting to start up a Foundation.
M (Trombly), S (Powers) PASSED
Dedicated Construction and Renovation Fund
Trustees decided to create a Dedicated Construction and Renovation Fund.
M (Powers), S (Trombly) PASSED
Team Leaders’ Expenses
Trustees agreed to table the motion for approval of team leaders’ anticipated expenses relating to the Renovation Project beyond mere petty expenses.
M (Castine), S (Brendler) PASSED
Annual Report
Trustees voted to approve the Annual Report prepared by Director Fairchild.
M (Castine), S (Trombly) PASSED
Two Personnel Policies
Trustees moved to accept the Performance Review Policy, after changing the number of trustees needed to make up the Review Committee from three to two, and the Grievance Procedure Policy as stated.
M (Trombly), S (Powers) PASSED
Political Support Letters
President Brendler presented copies of his letter to the group, while Trustee Castine read her letter to the Board.
Search for an Architect
Jim Bennett cautioned that the charges for an architect could run from 11% of entire project cost and up, as opposed to having pro bono work done for us. We will need an RFP from a prospective architect who should present drawings of past libraries he/she has designed. We should advertise in the paper for this person and would hope to receive at least three proposals. Apparently, the USDA Grant will pay such professional fees.
President Brendler will speak with Jim Bennett about the search procedure. It will take time.
Bennett voiced his concern that we don’t carry insurance on ourselves as trustees.
Design and Construction Check List
The trustees were in consensus about the checklist provided by President Brendler.
Work Session
There will be a work session on March 21st, Sunday, in the Chazy Town Hall from 2-4 PM. Brendler will have more info at the next work session.
Fundraising Team
Trustee Trombly sent the February 3rd meeting summary to all trustees.
The WEBINAR report will be given at a future time.
Trustee Trombly is in contact with Henry Lindberg, a relative of the Fiske Family tied to Dr. Clark’s Office. She is encouraging his participation in this project.
President Brendler is continuing his work on the letterhead for fundraising projects.
Legal Aspects Team
Trustee Neverett found out that we do have a deed for the Children Room’s property.
Grants Team
Trustee Castine sent out summaries of both the January 26th and February 7th meetings.
Trustee Castine and Grant Committee writer, Lorna Forster, attended a showing of the WEBINAR at C-E-F and agreed it was most helpful.
It was noted that the USDA allocation of $100M for Rural Libraries is most significant.
Political Support Letters
Political support appeal letters from President Brendler and Trustee Castine will be sent out on March 1st, 2010.
Construction Site Team Update
President Brendler sent out summaries of the January 29th walk-through and the February 5th Office visit.
February 17th Second Opinion Visit: Gerri Trombley, area contractor and builder, made a visit to inspect the building. His advice was that the interior should be gutted.
Sewer Collection Station
In discussion with Tom Roberts, President Brendler learned that the posts designating the sewer collection area could be moved, if necessary.
Solar Panels
Area metal designer John Trombly discussed solar panels with President Brendler and confirmed they were a good investment.
Preliminary Plans
The trustees were in consensus with the preliminary floor plan by designer Tim Castine, M.S. Architecture, but opinions differed about the idea of making the main entrance at the side and reserving the area in the front for a window seat solarium area.
Project Leader Brendler commented that Bob West had given him a booklet on the Code system in NYS.
President Brendler called for a special meeting of the Board on Saturday, March 6th, at 8:30 AM at the library for the purpose of voting on the revised proposed budget.
The motions were reviewed for corrections. None noted.
Our next meeting is set for March 31st, 2010, at 5 PM in the Town Hall.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 PM. M (Powers)
Respectfully submitted,
Emily Flachbart Castine
March 6, 2010, 8:30 AM, Library
CALL TO ORDER: George Brendler, President, called the meeting to order at 8:37 AM.
Present: Trustees Emily Castine, Pat Neverett, Debby Powers, Tina Trombly, and Library Director Francie Fairchild
The trustees approved the revised proposed budget for 2010-2011. We will be requesting $25,000.00 from the school tax levy this May.
M (Neverett), S (Trombly) PASSED
ADK One Pass
The trustees agreed to send a Letter of Support to T. J. Stewart of Wired Not who is applying for the ADK One Pass Broadband Access grant which will fund public library computer centers.
M (Powers), S (Trombly) PASSED
New Construction and Renovation Account
Trustees approved the start up of the new account, the Construction and Renovation Fund, at the TD Bank in Chazy, with the transfer of $5,000.00 now and another $2500.00 when the next CD comes due.
M (Neverett), S (Trombly) PASSED
Feasibility Report Needed for the USDA Grant
President Brendler reported that he had spoken at the Walk-Through on March 5th with Jeff Leroy, a structural engineer from Jeffords Steel, who recommended the architect Michael Reynolds of Beardsley Design Associates of Malone. He, with a contractor, will provide us with a total project estimate. This is needed to apply for the USDA Grant. President Brendler along with Trustees Neverett and Trombly had agreed during that walk-through of Dr.Clark’s basement area that Brendler set up a Walk-Through for Friday, March 12th, at 2:30 PM, at Dr. Clark’s office. Mr. Leroy had suggested at least $75 up to $100.00 per hour for this service.
M (Neverett), S (Powers) PASSED
The meeting was adjourned at 9:14 AM.
M (Powers)
Respectfully submitted,
Emily F. Castine
February 26, 2010, 5 PM, Town Hall
CALL TO ORDER: George Brendler, President, called the meeting to order at 5:05 PM. Also present were: Trustees Emily Castine, Debby Powers, and Tina Trombly; Francie Fairchild, Library Director; Jim Bennett, Grant Writing Committee member; Trustee Neverett was excused due to illness.
The minutes of January 27, 2010, were accepted as read.
M (Powers), S (Brendler) PASSED
The proposed budget for 2010-2011 was presented. The taxation figure was proposed as $22,000.00, a $2,900.00 increase. 2. Discussion followed, and it was suggested that due to the impending cost of maintaining the new, bigger building we increase our request to $25,000. Treasurer Powers will send trustees the revised proposed budget for perusal. The matter was tabled until Trustee Neverett has had a chance to review the revised proposed budget.
M (Castine), S (Brendler) PASSED
The Financial Reports of December 2009 and January 2010 were accepted as presented.
M (Trombly), S (Brendler) PASSED
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Fairchild’s Annual Report submission is her report for this month.
Christmas Fund Drive
President Brendler thanked Trustee Castine for her work soliciting contributions which amounted to $1,475.00.
Policies Update
President Brendler stated that he had sent out two personnel policies for our review. They were the Grievance Procedure Policy and the Performance Review.
President Brendler will send two more policies to review: The Conflict of Interest Policy and the Periodic Policy Review.
Thank-You Letter
Trustee Neverett composed a thank-you letter to Tim Castine for his help with preliminary project plans. All the trustees signed it at the meeting.
C-E-F- informed us that Horizon fees would be raised for 2011.
Triangle Systems sent a proposal for the solar panels (NYSERDA incentive, etc.)
Duprey Technical sent a proposal for roof replacement.
Energy Audit
An Energy Audit has been completed. The Board awaits the results due in mid-March.
Church Memorial
President Brendler noted that donations in memory of Pamela Church would be made to our library. Secretary Castine was asked to send a note of appreciation to Walter and Nancy Church for naming the library as a recipient for these donations.
Letter of Support from Planning Board
President Brendler received a Letter of Support for the library relocation-renovation project from the Planning Board to take to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
There will be a Library Construction Seminar in Glens Falls on May 5th. This is a seminar led by Grace Kelly of the New York State Library. Both Trustees Brendler and Castine attended such a seminar last year.
It was noted that there have been two excellent library-related articles in the Press-Republican lately.
Snap Shot Day
C-E-F had designated a day that photographically highlighted System activities on a normal day. Trustee Castine noted that we would need supportive pictures for our grant applications.
Survey Map
President Brendler will send a copy of this to each trustee. As this is a preliminary survey from the lawyer, he will first check with Heather West. He had already given a copy to the Zoning Appeals Board for its files.
The monitor filter was changed in the library and the bottom of the tank valve was thawed. Thanks to Steve LaPierre and George for helping with this.
Treasurer Powers provided an updated “Year At a Glance” with her August Summary Report.
Clarification About Contributions
We had a clarification about tax-deductible contributions in the IRS 170 (c) (1). It was determined that we do not need a 501 (c) (3).
The Zoning Board of Appeals granted us a variance for an undersized lot. Trustees Neverett and Brendler attended this meeting. The old entrance is grandfathered. If we were to change the footprint, we would need another variance. Jim Bennett remarked that if we don’t change basics, and go up instead, we don’t need to apply for a variance. We have already been given the OK for five parking spaces in the back.
Bruce Ladue advised us to be careful about touching the stone.
Foundation Creation
The Trustees agreed to rescind the motion made at the December 2nd, 2009 meeting to start up a Foundation.
M (Trombly), S (Powers) PASSED
Dedicated Construction and Renovation Fund
Trustees decided to create a Dedicated Construction and Renovation Fund.
M (Powers), S (Trombly) PASSED
Team Leaders’ Expenses
Trustees agreed to table the motion for approval of team leaders’ anticipated expenses relating to the Renovation Project beyond mere petty expenses.
M (Castine), S (Brendler) PASSED
Annual Report
Trustees voted to approve the Annual Report prepared by Director Fairchild.
M (Castine), S (Trombly) PASSED
Two Personnel Policies
Trustees moved to accept the Performance Review Policy, after changing the number of trustees needed to make up the Review Committee from three to two, and the Grievance Procedure Policy as stated.
M (Trombly), S (Powers) PASSED
Political Support Letters
President Brendler presented copies of his letter to the group, while Trustee Castine read her letter to the Board.
Search for an Architect
Jim Bennett cautioned that the charges for an architect could run from 11% of entire project cost and up, as opposed to having pro bono work done for us. We will need an RFP from a prospective architect who should present drawings of past libraries he/she has designed. We should advertise in the paper for this person and would hope to receive at least three proposals. Apparently, the USDA Grant will pay such professional fees.
President Brendler will speak with Jim Bennett about the search procedure. It will take time.
Bennett voiced his concern that we don’t carry insurance on ourselves as trustees.
Design and Construction Check List
The trustees were in consensus about the checklist provided by President Brendler.
Work Session
There will be a work session on March 21st, Sunday, in the Chazy Town Hall from 2-4 PM. Brendler will have more info at the next work session.
Fundraising Team
Trustee Trombly sent the February 3rd meeting summary to all trustees.
The WEBINAR report will be given at a future time.
Trustee Trombly is in contact with Henry Lindberg, a relative of the Fiske Family tied to Dr. Clark’s Office. She is encouraging his participation in this project.
President Brendler is continuing his work on the letterhead for fundraising projects.
Legal Aspects Team
Trustee Neverett found out that we do have a deed for the Children Room’s property.
Grants Team
Trustee Castine sent out summaries of both the January 26th and February 7th meetings.
Trustee Castine and Grant Committee writer, Lorna Forster, attended a showing of the WEBINAR at C-E-F and agreed it was most helpful.
It was noted that the USDA allocation of $100M for Rural Libraries is most significant.
Political Support Letters
Political support appeal letters from President Brendler and Trustee Castine will be sent out on March 1st, 2010.
Construction Site Team Update
President Brendler sent out summaries of the January 29th walk-through and the February 5th Office visit.
February 17th Second Opinion Visit: Gerri Trombley, area contractor and builder, made a visit to inspect the building. His advice was that the interior should be gutted.
Sewer Collection Station
In discussion with Tom Roberts, President Brendler learned that the posts designating the sewer collection area could be moved, if necessary.
Solar Panels
Area metal designer John Trombly discussed solar panels with President Brendler and confirmed they were a good investment.
Preliminary Plans
The trustees were in consensus with the preliminary floor plan by designer Tim Castine, M.S. Architecture, but opinions differed about the idea of making the main entrance at the side and reserving the area in the front for a window seat solarium area.
Project Leader Brendler commented that Bob West had given him a booklet on the Code system in NYS.
President Brendler called for a special meeting of the Board on Saturday, March 6th, at 8:30 AM at the library for the purpose of voting on the revised proposed budget.
The motions were reviewed for corrections. None noted.
Our next meeting is set for March 31st, 2010, at 5 PM in the Town Hall.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 PM. M (Powers)
Respectfully submitted,
Emily Flachbart Castine
March 6, 2010, 8:30 AM, Library
CALL TO ORDER: George Brendler, President, called the meeting to order at 8:37 AM.
Present: Trustees Emily Castine, Pat Neverett, Debby Powers, Tina Trombly, and Library Director Francie Fairchild
The trustees approved the revised proposed budget for 2010-2011. We will be requesting $25,000.00 from the school tax levy this May.
M (Neverett), S (Trombly) PASSED
ADK One Pass
The trustees agreed to send a Letter of Support to T. J. Stewart of Wired Not who is applying for the ADK One Pass Broadband Access grant which will fund public library computer centers.
M (Powers), S (Trombly) PASSED
New Construction and Renovation Account
Trustees approved the start up of the new account, the Construction and Renovation Fund, at the TD Bank in Chazy, with the transfer of $5,000.00 now and another $2500.00 when the next CD comes due.
M (Neverett), S (Trombly) PASSED
Feasibility Report Needed for the USDA Grant
President Brendler reported that he had spoken at the Walk-Through on March 5th with Jeff Leroy, a structural engineer from Jeffords Steel, who recommended the architect Michael Reynolds of Beardsley Design Associates of Malone. He, with a contractor, will provide us with a total project estimate. This is needed to apply for the USDA Grant. President Brendler along with Trustees Neverett and Trombly had agreed during that walk-through of Dr.Clark’s basement area that Brendler set up a Walk-Through for Friday, March 12th, at 2:30 PM, at Dr. Clark’s office. Mr. Leroy had suggested at least $75 up to $100.00 per hour for this service.
M (Neverett), S (Powers) PASSED
The meeting was adjourned at 9:14 AM.
M (Powers)
Respectfully submitted,
Emily F. Castine
Saturday, February 27, 2010
January 27, 2010, 5 PM, Town Hall
CALL TO ORDER: George Brendler, President, called the meeting to order at 5:04 PM. Also present were: Trustees Emily Castine, Pat Neverett, Debby Powers, and Tina Trombly; Francie Fairchild, Library Director; Ken Burger, president of the Chazy Friends of the Library; Jim Bennett, Grant Writing Committee member; and Tim Castine, designer.
The minutes of December 2, 2009, were accepted as read.
M (Trombly), S (Powers) PASSED
The December 2009 financial report was accepted as presented.
M (Neverett), S (Trombly) PASSED
Director Fairchild stated that there will be several computer classes taught in Rouses Point on Digital Photography and Internet Basics on the 19th and 26 of Feb. Patrons are urged to sign up as space is limited.
Christmas Book Fund Drive Results
Trustee Castine reported that she had set our approximately 100 request letters, and the proceeds from that drive amounted to $1475.00. There were thirty- six contributors. Trustee Castine will send thank-you notes to each donor.
Deeds Search
Trustee Neverett reported that she had checked into the deeds and found them very confusing. She read from the Deed of 1932 which indicated that our present Chazy Public Library building should be “preserved as a memorial.” This building is a real asset to us. Apparently, the Children’s Room is on Town property. Trustee Neverett will check on this at the County Clerk’s Office to ascertain whether that particular piece of property was ever deeded to the library from the Town of Chazy.
Ken Burger indicated that the Hubbell Family would be interested in purchasing the building as a Hubble Museum.
Policies Update
President Brendler emphasized the importance of having a policy covering every aspect of the library. The next two to be addressed are the evaluation and grievance policies.
President Brendler noted he had received the appraisal of Dr. Clark’s office property. The office building has an estimated worth of $95,000.00, and the adjoining property, an estimated value of $11,000.
Old Lights
Director Fairchild told us that Stacey Sweet had offered $5.00 each for the old lights in our Children’s Room. The Board agreed to accept whatever she would offer.
Honeywell Winter Watchman
The Director reported having lost heat in the building from time to time. As a precaution, a Winter Watchman device has been installed. A red candle in the window will light up if the temperature drops below a preset minimum. The light is visible from the road and will alert those monitoring it.
Items in Town Safe:
These items are now in the Town Safe: Survey Map; Letter of Testamentary; and Appraisal of Dr. Clark’s Office and Property
President Brendler instructed the trustees to check the Template of Repetitive Yearly Activities entitled “Year At a Glance.”
Also, Brendler stressed the importance of our Organizational Meeting which should be held each May after the Annual Budget Vote.
Surplus Gates Funds
Trustees agreed to use the remaining Gates Grant funds to purchase new computers.
M (Neverett), S (Powers) PASSED
Liaison Between the Board and the Friends of the Library
Trustees approved a motion to ask Ken Burger or a representative of his choice from the Friends of the Library to serve as a liaison from the Friends of the Library to our Board and to continue in that position after his term as club president expires.
M (Neverett), S (Trombly) PASSED
Ken Burger, representing the Friends of the Library, asked about his group in terms of fund-raising and the to-be-created Foundation. He remarked that his group always rose to the occasion when asked to do fund-raising projects.
Consultant Bennett gave an explanation for the need for the two entities.
Annual Report:
President Brendler reminded Director Fairchild about the need to prepare for the Annual State Report.
Preparation for Yearly Audit
It was a consensus that the Trustees would not seek an audit this year.
Energy Audit
Trustees approved a request by President Brendler to pay $100.00 for an energy audit to be done on February 5, 2010 at the new site. This amount is refundable if we expend that amount for energy use.
M (Neverett), S (Trombly) PASSED
Public Relations Policy
Under “Patron Complaints”: if there are complaints from patrons they should be directed to the Director who in turn will give the patron the “Challenged Materials” form to fill out. “Patron Rules” remain as stated, and enforcement is up to the discretion of the Library Director. Trustees were advised to revisit the Library Bill of Rights.
The revised P-R Policy was accepted with the noted changes.
M (Powers), S Castine) PASSED
Project Progress Report
Project Lead Comments: Project Manager Brendler reported on his activities since our last meeting. He stressed the importance of coordination.
He stated that he had appointed a “Deeds Committee” with Trustee Neverett and Consultant Bennett as members. It was decided by the Board to rename this ad hoc committee, the “Legal Aspects Committee”.
Fundraising Chair Update: Trustee Trombly remarked that her committee had met in December and the brainstorming session that resulted in a number of doable activities. Their next meeting will be held on Feb. 3, 2010, at 5:30 PM in the library. Jim Lundy will be in attendance. REPORT FILED IN NOTEBOOK
Grants Chair Update: Trustee Castine gave a detailed report of her committee that had initially met on Jan. 26th. The committee will focus on 5 major sources at this point, three large grants and two smaller ones. Committee member Bennett gave Castine a packet of Library Capital Projects from the State of New York. REPORT FILED IN NOTEBOOK
Foundation Chair Update: Trustee Powers is working on a mission statement that is needed for the start up of our Foundation under 501C3 It will cost us $350.00 to file paperwork to create such. She and her Foundation Committee will try to get at least five area people to spearhead this foundation. Jim Bennett will help with the procurement of the 501C3. A checking account will be needed for the Foundation.
Construction Site Update:
President Brendler noted his preparation of the “Phases of the Plan” which he e-mailed to each trustee. This Plan serves as a guide that will evolve as we change and refine it.
Walk-Through Results
Tim Castine, designer, had questions concerning the fuel tank, the heating system, the septic line, and the water line. He and others will do another walk through on Friday, thé 29th, at 2:30 PM. He commented that we should study the building and take time to sense its beauty. The design should be something that draws people to it, something that energizes the area. Local artisans should be considered and be utilized in this project. He is proceeding carefully, noting Board Members wishes and concerns about the building details.
Brendler has met with Bob West of the Zoning and Planning Board and found him to be very positive. The local board will give us a letter giving its blessing to take to the Zoning Appeals Board. We hope to get a variance from them for the parking. We can apply for a variance without having a deed. We will definitely need a site construction permit.
To meet ADA requirements, Brendler has asked a rep from North Country Center for Independent Living to confer with us on handicapped access and design requirements. He will hopefully be able to give us a quote on Friday, January 29th.
Scott Shipley, from Canton, will make an energy audit on Feb. 5th at 2 PM. The electric company will be sending a report on our current energy usage from CPL. We should have the results by mid-March.
It would be provident to check with Peru Library’s Becky Pace about energy usage, as her set-up is comparable to ours.
Motions were repeated for accuracy and noted as correct.
Each committee chair was urged to keep Brendler informed.
NEXT MEETING: February 24, 2010, 5 PM, in Town Hall
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 7 PM.
M (Trombly)
Respectfully submitted,
Emily Flachbart Castine
January 27, 2010, 5 PM, Town Hall
CALL TO ORDER: George Brendler, President, called the meeting to order at 5:04 PM. Also present were: Trustees Emily Castine, Pat Neverett, Debby Powers, and Tina Trombly; Francie Fairchild, Library Director; Ken Burger, president of the Chazy Friends of the Library; Jim Bennett, Grant Writing Committee member; and Tim Castine, designer.
The minutes of December 2, 2009, were accepted as read.
M (Trombly), S (Powers) PASSED
The December 2009 financial report was accepted as presented.
M (Neverett), S (Trombly) PASSED
Director Fairchild stated that there will be several computer classes taught in Rouses Point on Digital Photography and Internet Basics on the 19th and 26 of Feb. Patrons are urged to sign up as space is limited.
Christmas Book Fund Drive Results
Trustee Castine reported that she had set our approximately 100 request letters, and the proceeds from that drive amounted to $1475.00. There were thirty- six contributors. Trustee Castine will send thank-you notes to each donor.
Deeds Search
Trustee Neverett reported that she had checked into the deeds and found them very confusing. She read from the Deed of 1932 which indicated that our present Chazy Public Library building should be “preserved as a memorial.” This building is a real asset to us. Apparently, the Children’s Room is on Town property. Trustee Neverett will check on this at the County Clerk’s Office to ascertain whether that particular piece of property was ever deeded to the library from the Town of Chazy.
Ken Burger indicated that the Hubbell Family would be interested in purchasing the building as a Hubble Museum.
Policies Update
President Brendler emphasized the importance of having a policy covering every aspect of the library. The next two to be addressed are the evaluation and grievance policies.
President Brendler noted he had received the appraisal of Dr. Clark’s office property. The office building has an estimated worth of $95,000.00, and the adjoining property, an estimated value of $11,000.
Old Lights
Director Fairchild told us that Stacey Sweet had offered $5.00 each for the old lights in our Children’s Room. The Board agreed to accept whatever she would offer.
Honeywell Winter Watchman
The Director reported having lost heat in the building from time to time. As a precaution, a Winter Watchman device has been installed. A red candle in the window will light up if the temperature drops below a preset minimum. The light is visible from the road and will alert those monitoring it.
Items in Town Safe:
These items are now in the Town Safe: Survey Map; Letter of Testamentary; and Appraisal of Dr. Clark’s Office and Property
President Brendler instructed the trustees to check the Template of Repetitive Yearly Activities entitled “Year At a Glance.”
Also, Brendler stressed the importance of our Organizational Meeting which should be held each May after the Annual Budget Vote.
Surplus Gates Funds
Trustees agreed to use the remaining Gates Grant funds to purchase new computers.
M (Neverett), S (Powers) PASSED
Liaison Between the Board and the Friends of the Library
Trustees approved a motion to ask Ken Burger or a representative of his choice from the Friends of the Library to serve as a liaison from the Friends of the Library to our Board and to continue in that position after his term as club president expires.
M (Neverett), S (Trombly) PASSED
Ken Burger, representing the Friends of the Library, asked about his group in terms of fund-raising and the to-be-created Foundation. He remarked that his group always rose to the occasion when asked to do fund-raising projects.
Consultant Bennett gave an explanation for the need for the two entities.
Annual Report:
President Brendler reminded Director Fairchild about the need to prepare for the Annual State Report.
Preparation for Yearly Audit
It was a consensus that the Trustees would not seek an audit this year.
Energy Audit
Trustees approved a request by President Brendler to pay $100.00 for an energy audit to be done on February 5, 2010 at the new site. This amount is refundable if we expend that amount for energy use.
M (Neverett), S (Trombly) PASSED
Public Relations Policy
Under “Patron Complaints”: if there are complaints from patrons they should be directed to the Director who in turn will give the patron the “Challenged Materials” form to fill out. “Patron Rules” remain as stated, and enforcement is up to the discretion of the Library Director. Trustees were advised to revisit the Library Bill of Rights.
The revised P-R Policy was accepted with the noted changes.
M (Powers), S Castine) PASSED
Project Progress Report
Project Lead Comments: Project Manager Brendler reported on his activities since our last meeting. He stressed the importance of coordination.
He stated that he had appointed a “Deeds Committee” with Trustee Neverett and Consultant Bennett as members. It was decided by the Board to rename this ad hoc committee, the “Legal Aspects Committee”.
Fundraising Chair Update: Trustee Trombly remarked that her committee had met in December and the brainstorming session that resulted in a number of doable activities. Their next meeting will be held on Feb. 3, 2010, at 5:30 PM in the library. Jim Lundy will be in attendance. REPORT FILED IN NOTEBOOK
Grants Chair Update: Trustee Castine gave a detailed report of her committee that had initially met on Jan. 26th. The committee will focus on 5 major sources at this point, three large grants and two smaller ones. Committee member Bennett gave Castine a packet of Library Capital Projects from the State of New York. REPORT FILED IN NOTEBOOK
Foundation Chair Update: Trustee Powers is working on a mission statement that is needed for the start up of our Foundation under 501C3 It will cost us $350.00 to file paperwork to create such. She and her Foundation Committee will try to get at least five area people to spearhead this foundation. Jim Bennett will help with the procurement of the 501C3. A checking account will be needed for the Foundation.
Construction Site Update:
President Brendler noted his preparation of the “Phases of the Plan” which he e-mailed to each trustee. This Plan serves as a guide that will evolve as we change and refine it.
Walk-Through Results
Tim Castine, designer, had questions concerning the fuel tank, the heating system, the septic line, and the water line. He and others will do another walk through on Friday, thé 29th, at 2:30 PM. He commented that we should study the building and take time to sense its beauty. The design should be something that draws people to it, something that energizes the area. Local artisans should be considered and be utilized in this project. He is proceeding carefully, noting Board Members wishes and concerns about the building details.
Brendler has met with Bob West of the Zoning and Planning Board and found him to be very positive. The local board will give us a letter giving its blessing to take to the Zoning Appeals Board. We hope to get a variance from them for the parking. We can apply for a variance without having a deed. We will definitely need a site construction permit.
To meet ADA requirements, Brendler has asked a rep from North Country Center for Independent Living to confer with us on handicapped access and design requirements. He will hopefully be able to give us a quote on Friday, January 29th.
Scott Shipley, from Canton, will make an energy audit on Feb. 5th at 2 PM. The electric company will be sending a report on our current energy usage from CPL. We should have the results by mid-March.
It would be provident to check with Peru Library’s Becky Pace about energy usage, as her set-up is comparable to ours.
Motions were repeated for accuracy and noted as correct.
Each committee chair was urged to keep Brendler informed.
NEXT MEETING: February 24, 2010, 5 PM, in Town Hall
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 7 PM.
M (Trombly)
Respectfully submitted,
Emily Flachbart Castine
Saturday, February 6, 2010
February Story Hour with Valentine Theme
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
TRUSTEES’ MEETINGChazy Public Library
Wednesday, December 2, 2009, 5 PM, Town Hall
The meeting was called to order by President George Brendler at 5:05 PM with all trustees, Emily Castine, Pat Neverett, Debby Powers, and Tina Trombly, present, along with Director Francie Fairchild and guest, James Bennett, library consultant.
Minutes of October 28, 2009, were accepted as read. M (Neverett), S (Trombly), PASSED
Two monthly financial reports, October 2009 and November 2009, were received as presented. M Trombly), S (Neverett) PASSED
Trustees agreed to take $10,000 from the forthcoming school tax levy of $19,100.00 and purchase a six-month CD with it. M (Neverett), S (Trombly). PASSED
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: None this month.
President Brendler noted that local writer Thomas Middleton, who had a book signing at the Friends’ Annual Book Sale last summer, has been receiving merited recognition from the media.
Trustee Castine remarked that the Adrian Carr concert actually brought in $300.00. And, Adrian sold $200.00 of his CDs. He and the After Five Brass, led by Frank Langr, were sent notes of thanks.
C-E-F Online Grant Course
President Brendler commented that he was waiting to hear from the Director of C-E-F about the dates some of us could attend this online course on grant writing. He will notify us as soon as he knows.
Trustees discussed earmarking the remainder of the Gates computer funds, to be spent within four years, for new public computers.
Trustee Castine has sent out 75 requests and will complete 25 more this week. It is important to have two well-marked receptacles for donations at the Christmas Get-Together, as last year there was some mix-up with money for CPL or the Friends.
The $52,208 indicated on this C-E-F report as our operating budget contains the value of our CDs. Actually, the monies beyond the tax levy in CDs are technically not part of our operating budget. The $ 37,700 on the report actually reflects two years of tax levies.
Trustees tabled the idea of jointly creating a liaison between the Board and the Friends of the Library group. M (Neverett), S (Powers) PASSED
President Brendler will contact Ken Burger, co-president of the Friends’ group, to invite him to our meetings.
This year the trustees will not do a director’s performance evaluation.
We had a 10% return, and 88% was positive. Comments were quite positive and supportive. Trustees agreed to publicize the results of the survey via local media ASAP. M (Trombly), S (Powers) PASSED
Trustees unanimously agreed to accept the proposed resolution penned by Trustee Neverett to conditionally accept Dr. Clark’s office property. M (Powers), S (Trombly) PASSED
The following Trustee chairpersons will oversee these committees dealing with the new library project:
Project Management: George Brendler and Emily Castine
Fund Raising: Tina Trombly and Pat Neverett
This committee will find chairs for both large and small fundraising endeavors.
Grant Writing: Emily Castine
On the advice of library consultant Jim Bennett, the trustees unanimously agreed to create a Chazy Public Library Foundation. M (Trombly) S (Castine) PASSED
This will enable donations to be come tax-deductible. We have to apply to the federal IRS for a 501(c)(3) status. for the Foundation. Accountant Pam Keable will be asked to help with this. Trustee Treasurer, Debby Powers, will oversee the Foundation.
Consultant Bennett stressed that it is necessary for us to speak with the Town’s code enforcement officer, Bob West, on the zoning and planning component of this project.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 27, 2010, at 5 PM in the Town Hall. We asked President Brendler to invite Attorney Heather West to attend. We hope that the Executor will have the survey of the property completed before that January meeting.
Our meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM. M (Neverett)Respectfully submitted,Emily Flachbart CastineSecretary
Wednesday, December 2, 2009, 5 PM, Town Hall
The meeting was called to order by President George Brendler at 5:05 PM with all trustees, Emily Castine, Pat Neverett, Debby Powers, and Tina Trombly, present, along with Director Francie Fairchild and guest, James Bennett, library consultant.
Minutes of October 28, 2009, were accepted as read. M (Neverett), S (Trombly), PASSED
Two monthly financial reports, October 2009 and November 2009, were received as presented. M Trombly), S (Neverett) PASSED
Trustees agreed to take $10,000 from the forthcoming school tax levy of $19,100.00 and purchase a six-month CD with it. M (Neverett), S (Trombly). PASSED
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: None this month.
President Brendler noted that local writer Thomas Middleton, who had a book signing at the Friends’ Annual Book Sale last summer, has been receiving merited recognition from the media.
Trustee Castine remarked that the Adrian Carr concert actually brought in $300.00. And, Adrian sold $200.00 of his CDs. He and the After Five Brass, led by Frank Langr, were sent notes of thanks.
C-E-F Online Grant Course
President Brendler commented that he was waiting to hear from the Director of C-E-F about the dates some of us could attend this online course on grant writing. He will notify us as soon as he knows.
Trustees discussed earmarking the remainder of the Gates computer funds, to be spent within four years, for new public computers.
Trustee Castine has sent out 75 requests and will complete 25 more this week. It is important to have two well-marked receptacles for donations at the Christmas Get-Together, as last year there was some mix-up with money for CPL or the Friends.
The $52,208 indicated on this C-E-F report as our operating budget contains the value of our CDs. Actually, the monies beyond the tax levy in CDs are technically not part of our operating budget. The $ 37,700 on the report actually reflects two years of tax levies.
Trustees tabled the idea of jointly creating a liaison between the Board and the Friends of the Library group. M (Neverett), S (Powers) PASSED
President Brendler will contact Ken Burger, co-president of the Friends’ group, to invite him to our meetings.
This year the trustees will not do a director’s performance evaluation.
We had a 10% return, and 88% was positive. Comments were quite positive and supportive. Trustees agreed to publicize the results of the survey via local media ASAP. M (Trombly), S (Powers) PASSED
Trustees unanimously agreed to accept the proposed resolution penned by Trustee Neverett to conditionally accept Dr. Clark’s office property. M (Powers), S (Trombly) PASSED
The following Trustee chairpersons will oversee these committees dealing with the new library project:
Project Management: George Brendler and Emily Castine
Fund Raising: Tina Trombly and Pat Neverett
This committee will find chairs for both large and small fundraising endeavors.
Grant Writing: Emily Castine
On the advice of library consultant Jim Bennett, the trustees unanimously agreed to create a Chazy Public Library Foundation. M (Trombly) S (Castine) PASSED
This will enable donations to be come tax-deductible. We have to apply to the federal IRS for a 501(c)(3) status. for the Foundation. Accountant Pam Keable will be asked to help with this. Trustee Treasurer, Debby Powers, will oversee the Foundation.
Consultant Bennett stressed that it is necessary for us to speak with the Town’s code enforcement officer, Bob West, on the zoning and planning component of this project.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 27, 2010, at 5 PM in the Town Hall. We asked President Brendler to invite Attorney Heather West to attend. We hope that the Executor will have the survey of the property completed before that January meeting.
Our meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM. M (Neverett)Respectfully submitted,Emily Flachbart CastineSecretary
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