Chazy Public Library Trustee’s Meeting
June 30, 2010, 5:00, Town Hall
Call To Order:
Pat Neverett, President, called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm. Also present were: Trustees Emily Castine, George Brendler, Debby Powers, and Tina Trombly; and Library Director, Francie Fairchild.
The minutes of May 26th, 2010 were accepted as read. Debby (M), George (S). Passed.
The report was accepted as presented. George (M), Tina (S), Passed. Pat requested a few checks for the property transfer. Recording and filing fees will need to be paid. Deb wants to meet with Pat to have her name added to the checking account and George’s name will be removed. George also will need money for Richard’s Tree Service once the work is complete.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: The most recent story hour had 10 children and 8 adults present. We were charged $100.00 for the services. Francie reported that only 10 children have signed up for the summer reading program. She is unsure if we will be able to get any funding from The Betty Little Grant. CEF sent information about a retention of records policy, the committee will need to review and propose a policy for our library. Francie asked if we (the Board) were still interested in supporting the Net Library subscription for e-books. Tina (M) to donate $100.00 to CEF for the Net Library subscription. Emily (S). Passed.
Policy- George reported that the policy books for the board and library are ready except for the Friends’ agreement and new retention policy. These will be added once adopted.
Alcohol Tobacco Free Network sent us information on creating a no smoking policy for the outside space at the library. George will review the materials.
A woman in the community sent Pat a letter requesting help for her hospital bills. Tina took the letter and will call her. The library cannot help her but Upper Hudson Enrollment Services can.
George received an e-mail from Carolyn Harding (Friends’ president) that once the CD matures; the Friends’ will give the construction fund the $5,000.00 they pledged.
George gave me the FEMA letter to keep with the secretary’s minutes.
Rosenbaum appraisal has not been received as of 6/30/2010.
The understanding policy between the Friends and the Board is still pending. Emily (M), Debby (S) to table until our next meeting. Passed.
Latremore’s Insurance update; the bill for our annual Selective policy is due. Emily (M), George (S) to pay these bills, $1,3460.66 for the building and $270.00 for workmen’s comp. Passed. The Peerless policy will take effect once we receive the deed.
The Gifts and Donation policy was presented by Emily. Emily (M), Debby (S) to accept the policy as presented. Passed. It will be added to the policy book.
It was decided that we pay the $10.00 for inclusion on the map for the Town Wide Yard Sale. If we do not receive the property by the end of July we will have to adjust.
Two new light bulbs have been ordered for the lights in the Children’s Room at a
cost of $17.00 each.
TD Bank has donated a typewriter to the library. George asked the secretary to send a thank you to them.
Grant Committee update; Emily handed out a summary of progress from May to the present. The most exciting news was that with the forthcoming budget the match may change from 50/50 to 75/25. The handout summary will be included in the secretary’s binder. Emily found that the Target Grant focused on school libraries and on a particular geographic area. Thus, it would be of no use to us. The USDA loan program requires quite a bit of accounting expertise; Debby will ask Pam Keable if she might be able to work on this now that tax season is over. George will call Renee about the grant. SHPO will not be a problem.
Fund Raising Committee update; The Book “Em for the Library is in full swing. Packets of information have been delivered to the participants. The next meeting is 7/7/2010 at 6:00p.m. at Angela Swans’ home. The letter that we have been using for our campaign will remain the same, no change of officers. Pat felt that George was the President at the start of the campaign so it should stay the same. Everyone agreed. Emily presented a check, from a patron, in the amount of $20,000.00 with a room naming designation. Pat presented a check, from a patron, for $10,000.00 for children’s room furnishings.
Legal Aspects update; once we receive the deed there was a question about the survey, is it certified and do we need title insurance? Pat will find out.
On site construction team;
Once we have the deed, the first order of business is to clean out the basement. All items will be grouped into these categories; keep, throw out, auction, yard sale. Jeff Rigsbee will be asked to give his opinion as to the value of certain items.
Emily (M), Pat (S) to hire Richard’s Tree Service in the amount of $3400.00. Passed.
Pat (M), Debby (S) to have NYSEG move the power pole in the back of the building to create better access at a cost of $3500.00. Passed.
George will service the lawn mowers that are stored at the building and start mowing. Up to this point the estate has had someone take care of the lawns. A dehumidifier will need to be purchased once we receive the property, as the basement is damp. George will contact John Polewchak to look at and possibly repair the furnace, again once we receive the property.
Review of minutes and motions complete.
Next meeting will be 7/28/2010 at 5:00 at the Town Hall. It was suggested that if we have the property we might meet there. Emily (M) to adjourn at 6:45.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Trombly