Springtime on the library grounds

Springtime on the library grounds
Library gounds

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


The Peter Pan Play School made a visit to the Library Wednesday morning in a snow storm!
The children got into the Christmas mood with Diane Sabourin the activity leader.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Friends Christmas Open House

Despite lack of snow the visitors were getting into the Christmas spirit Sunday at the Chazy Friends of the Library Open House. Carol Ladd organized a very successful event.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


TRUSTEES’ MEETING Chazy Public Library Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 5PM.
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President George Brendler at 5:04 PM with all trustees, Emily Castine, Pat Neverett, Debby Powers, and Tina Trombly, present, along with Director Francie Fairchild.
SECRETARY’S MINUTES: Minutes of last meeting were accepted as read. M( Trombly), S (Powers), PASSED
TREASURER’S REPORT: Three monthly financial reports, July, August and Sept., were received as presented. M (Castine), S (Trombly), PASSED
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Trustee Trombly asked why the 2003 used printer was being stored in a closet. Director Fairchild explained that the current printer is working, and she would like to save the other for an emergency situation.Survey MapTrustees agreed that the Town Hall Survey Map, given to us by the Supervisor's office, showing the location of the present library, should be stored in the Town's safe, along with our Deed.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Visit to Dr. Clark’s Office. All Board members except Trustee Neverett walked through the office under direction of Attorney Heather West. Jim Bennett, a library development consultant who now lives in Chazy, also attended. Creation of a Template of Library Routines. President Brendler urged creation of a template of our routine library activities which will serve as a calendar of events for each year. Workshop on Grant Writing. President Brendler will contact the C-E-F Director to express our need to attend this online workshop on Nov. 19, 2009 at system headquarters. We deem it critical to us at this time. Trustee Castine was pleased to know that our library can borrow the C-E-F scanner for inventory. Update on Dr. Clark’s OfficePresident Brendler reported that John Polewchak, a heating expert, found that the furnace in the office building was defective. A new one would be more cost effective than repairing the old one. Attorney West will talk to Attorney Ed Trombley about this concern.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Circulation Policy: The trustees noted the corrections that had been made to the policy in the August minutes. Use of Town Hall. Trustee Neverett will check with Town Supervisor if we as a Board can use the Town Hall Board Room for our future meetings as we go through this expansion process.
CORRESPONDENCE The Board instructed Secretary Castine to write a thank-you note to Krista Boule, Director of Public Relations for Chazy Westport Telephone Co., for sending our surveys to their patronage. The Board decided not to pursue Google advertising on our website.
OLD OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Circulation Policy: The trustees voted to accept the revised Circulation Policy complete with a Challenged Materials form. M (Powers), S (Neverett), PASSED Laptop Trustees agreed to table obtaining a laptop for staff use. M (Neverett), S ( Powers), PASSED Adrian Carr Concert ProgressTrustee Castine reported that 50+ posters have been distributed, and the media is being advised of this concert set for Nov. 15th, at 3 PM, in the CCRS auditorium. Frank Langr will prepare the program and take care of lighting, p-a system, janitor, opening doors, etc. Trustee Powers, Neverett, and Castine will do admissions, CD sales, and hand out programs. Selling Local Authors’ Books: Trustees agreed to allow local authors to sell their books at library functions at the discretion of the Board. M (Neverett), S (Trombly), PASSED Long-Distance Calling Trustees agreed to sign up for long-distance calling at $.06 cents per minute. This is necessary to fax items throughout the US. Leftover Grant Funds Trustees voted to table spending leftover grant funds for technology at this time. M (Trombly), S (Neverett) PASSED
NEW BUSINESS:Holiday Fund Drive Trustees discussed having this annual drive. As it is well-established and brings in sizable donations, it would be a good fund-raiser, but considering the concert set for the 15th, etc. they will decide on this after that date. Discussion of Property A framework is needed for this entire project. We must project all costs, ranging from maintenance to renovations. Trustee Neverett urges taking time as it is a big undertaking. Brendler wants action as it takes at least one year to fill out the application for the matching library construction grant. The land won’t be surveyed until we take possession. We need a lawyer to help us with a formal resolution statement. Trustee Neverett will ask attorney Bill Favro how binding a resolution of acceptance of the property by the Chazy Public Library would be. President Brendler will represent our board at a meeting with the Alice T. Miner Colonial Collection Board Committee for acquisition of Dr. Clark’s home. Opinion Survey Results
TRUSTEES’ MEETINGChazy Public LibraryWednesday, October 28, 2009, 5 PMCALL TO ORDER:The meeting was called to order by President George Brendler at 5:04 PM with all trustees, Emily Castine, Pat Neverett, Debby Powers, and Tina Trombly, present, along with Director Francie Fairchild.SECRETARY’S MINUTES: Minutes of last meeting were accepted as read. M( Trombly), S (Powers), PASSEDTREASURER’S REPORT:Three monthly financial reports, July, August and Sept., were received as presented. M (Castine), S (Trombly), PASSEDDIRECTOR’S REPORT:Trustee Trombly asked why the 2003 used printer was being stored in a closet. Director Fairchild explained that the current printer is working, and she would like to save the other for an emergency situation.Survey MapTrustees agreed that the Town Hall Survey Map, given to us by the Supervisor's office, showing the location of the present library, should be stored in the Town's safe, along with our Deed. PRESIDENT’S REPORT:Visit to Dr. Clark’s OfficeAll Board members except Trustee Neverett walked through the office under direction of Attorney Heather West. Jim Bennett, a library development consultant who now lives in Chazy, also attended. Creation of a Template of Library RoutinesPresident Brendler urged creation of a template of our routine library activities which will serve as a calendar of events for each year.Workshop on Grant WritingPresident Brendler will contact the C-E-F Director to express our need to attend this online workshop on Nov. 19, 2009 at system headquarters. We deem it critical to us at this time.Trustee Castine was pleased to know that our library can borrow the C-E-F scanner for inventory.Update on Dr. Clark’s OfficePresident Brendler reported that John Polewchak, a heating expert, found that the furnace in the office building was defective. A new one would be more cost effective than repairing the old one. Attorney West will talk to Attorney Ed Trombley about this concern.COMMITTEE REPORTS:Circulation Policy: The trustees noted the corrections that had been made to the policy in the August minutes.Use of Town HallTrustee Neverett will check with Town Supervisor if we as a Board can use the Town Hall Board Room for our future meetings as we go through this expansion process.CORRESPONDENCEThe Board instructed Secretary Castine to write a thank-you note to Krista Boule, Director of Public Relations for Chazy Westport Telephone Co., for sending our surveys to their patronage.The Board decided not to pursue Google advertising on our website.OLD OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS:Circulation Policy: The trustees voted to accept the revised Circulation Policy complete with a Challenged Materials form. M (Powers), S (Neverett), PASSEDLaptopTrustees agreed to table obtaining a laptop for staff use. M (Neverett), S ( Powers), PASSEDAdrian Carr Concert ProgressTrustee Castine reported that 50+ posters have been distributed, and the media is being advised of this concert set for Nov. 15th, at 3 PM, in the CCRS auditorium. Frank Langr will prepare the program and take care of lighting, p-a system, janitor, opening doors, etc. Trustee Powers, Neverett, and Castine will do admissions, CD sales, and hand out programs. Selling Local Authors’ Books:Trustees agreed to allow local authors to sell their books at library functions at the discretion of the Board. M (Neverett), S (Trombly), PASSEDLong-DIstance CallingTrustees agreed to sign up for long-distance calling at $.06 cents per minute. This is necessary to fax items throughout the US. Leftover Grant FundsTrustees voted to table spending leftover grant funds for technology at this time. M (Trombly), S (Neverett) PASSEDNEW BUSINESS:Holiday Fund DriveTrustees discussed having this annual drive. As it is well-established and brings in sizable donations,it would be a good fund-raiser, but considering the concert set for the 15th, etc. they will decide on this after that date.Discussion of PropertyA framework is needed for this entire project. We must project all costs, ranging from maintenance to renovations. Trustee Neverett urges taking time as it is a big undertaking. Brendler wants action as it takes at least one year to fill out the application for the matching library construction grant. The land won’t be surveyed until we take possession. We need a lawyer to help us with a formal resolution statement. Trustee Neverett will ask attorney Bill Favro how binding a resolution of acceptance of the property by the Chazy Public Library would be. President Brendler will represent our board at a meeting with the Alice T. Miner Colonial Collection Board Committee for acquisition of Dr. Clark’s home.Opinion Survey Results Results were 85% positive for us to accept the gift of Dr. Clark’s Office for a library.1,125 surveys were sent out. We had a 9% return. Resolution on Dr. Clark’s Office Property Trustees voted in favor of tabling action of making a resolution to accept the gift of Dr. Clark’s office for a library. M (Neverett), S (Trombly), PASSED Invitation to Peru Library Director to Speak on Solar Energy Grant Trustees agreed to invite Becky Pace, Peru Public Library Director, to our January 27th, 2010, meeting to discuss her library’s solar energy grant and its possible application to our situation if we accept Dr. Clark’s gift. NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2009, at 5 PM, hopefully in the Town Hall. Castine will contact Jim Bennett about attending this meeting as our consultant.ADJOURNMENT:M (Neverett) to adjourn at 7 PM.Respectfully submitted,Emily Flachbart CastineSecretary
were 85% positive for us to accept the gift of Dr. Clark’s Office for a library. 1,125 surveys were sent out. We had a 9% return.Resolution on Dr. Clark’s Office PropertyTrustees voted in favor of tabling action of making a resolution to accept the gift of Dr. Clark’s office for a library. M (Neverett), S (Trombly), PASSED Invitation to Peru Library Director to Speak on Solar Energy Grant Trustees agreed to invite Becky Pace, Peru Public Library Director, to our January 27th, 2010, meeting to discuss her library’s solar energy grant and its possible application to our situation if we accept Dr. Clark’s gift.
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2009, at 5 PM, hopefully in the Town Hall. Castine will contact Jim Bennett about attending this meeting as our consultant.
ADJOURNMENT:M (Neverett) to adjourn at 7 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Emily Flachbart CastineSecretary

Thursday, December 3, 2009


The annual Christmas Open House to be held on Sunday, December 6, 2009
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM at the Chazy Library
featuring a
Display of Santa’s.

Delicious refreshments
Christmas breads, cookies, etc. will be also be on sale.

Raffle tickets for adult and children’s baskets on sale December 6th at the Library. Price: $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00.

Come out and support and enjoy this annual holiday event – Bring a friend, children and grandchildren!!

Please call 314 –1161 if you have any questions

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


A copy of the unedited minutes of the October 28th, 2009 meeting of the Chazy Public Library Board of Trustees is available to the public in the Library

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Abenaki princess Wyantha visited the Chazy Public Library and helped the children make headdresses. She also told stories about the first Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Seasonal Wreaths Decorate the Library Entrance

Perhaps you have noticed that seasonally a different wreath decorates our front door. Thanks to the quiet efforts of long time trustee, Pat Neverett, they appear as if by magic as the seasons change. Thanks, Pat.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


FRS Scholarship applications forms are available at the Chazy Public Library or on line at: http://www.frs.org
Completed applications need to be sent back to The Champlain Telephone Company no later than Monday, February 19, 2010 !


Chazy Public Library
Wednesday, July 29, 2009, 5 PM

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President George Brendler at 5:03 PM with all trustees, Emily Castine, Pat Neverett, Debby Powers, and Tina Trombly, present, along with Director Francie Fairchild.

MOTION was made by P. Neverett, seconded by D. Powers to accept the minutes with typographical corrections. PASSED

**It was noted that P. Neverett had paid $25.00 for the new wooden Library Hours sign. The trustees thanked her for that donation.
**Financial reports for April, May, and June are in the Record Book. A copy of this current report will also be placed in the Record Book.

MOTION made by P. Neverett, seconded by T. Trombly, to switch our two CD accounts, Building Fund and Operating Expenses, from UBS to Cornelia Forrence at Raymond James.PASSED

MOTION: The Treasurer’s Report was accepted in a motion by E. Castine and a second by P. Neverett. PASSED

**A copy of such has been placed in the record book.
**Director Fairchild noted that Chazy graduate Tom Middleton has written a book entitled Saber’s Edge about Iraq and wants to do a signing at the library this summer. Trustees decided to offer the signing on the day of the Friends of the Library Book Sale, Aug. 29th.

In a MOTION by E. Castine, seconded by T. Trombly, it was decided to charge $1.00 for the first faxed page and 50 cents for each successive page, with a maximum fee of $5.00. PASSED

**Director Fairchild will check long distance phone costs for the library with Chazy Westport.
**Fairchild noted that she will need a sub on August 19th due to her daughter’s surgery. G. Brendler. E. Castine and P. Neverett will try to cover the library hours that day.

In a MOTION by T. Trombly, seconded by P. Neverett, it was decided to table the review of our Five-Year Plan document. PASSED.

This workshop was held on June 19, 2009, and led by Jesse Feiler. It was suggested that we include a section on “Planned Giving” in our policy handbook. It was emphasized that future directors will have to take the Civil Service exam and will have to be given a written contract.

We should use the ALA’s standard form for challenged materials. George will check on this. Fines will be 10 cents per day; if a person loses a book, he/she should pay fair market value for a replacement. If a book or other item is returned damaged, the borrower must be held responsible. We need these rules in writing.

MOTION: E. Castine made the motion, and P. Neverett seconded it that finalization of this policy and vote on it will be tabled until our next meeting. PASSED

**New Policy: The new Photo Release Policy was drafted on 7/23/09 by President Brendler. We must get permission of those portrayed at the time of filming.
MOTION: In a motion by P. Neverett, seconded by D. Powers, Trustees voted to approve the new policy. PASSED

**P. Neverett has written a thank-you to Ray Devins for donating the labor and time to design our sign.
**E. Castine will write a letter of thanks to John and Diane Sabourin for creating the Story Hour sandwich board, for organizing the Story Hour readers, and for their continued support of the library.
**Stewart’s will be thanked for their grant to us through p-r for our Summer Reading Program in late August.

**It was noted that the Sweet Ferry Landing celebration was highly successful and well attended.
**The date of the Adrian Carr concert is undecided at this time. It will be held in the fall.
**Pamphlet and magazine racks have been installed; plaques have been moved.

**Thanks to Director Fairchild for a fine Summer Reading Program enrollment.
**The second Gates computer has been ordered by the Director and is due in August. President Brendler hopes to attend the ALA Building Management course in Sept. He has e-mailed the particulars to the Board.

MOTION: E. Castine made the motion, seconded by P. Neverett, to table a decision on a new fax machine and a separate printer until next meeting. We will ask Betsy Brooks of C-E-F for direction.

MOTION: In a motion by D. Powers, seconded by T. Trombly, the proposed calendar of meeting dates for 2009-2010 was approved. It will be posted on our website. PASSED.

MOTION: In a motion by P. Neverett, seconded by T. Trombly, it was decided to move into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the acquisition of property.PASSED

In a MOTION by P. Neverett, seconded by D. Powers, it was voted to come out of Executive Session. PASSED

After deliberation about the need for a community survey concerning our acceptance of the George W. Clark office property for a new library, P. Neverett and D. Powers motioned that G. Brendler draft a survey informing the public of the gift and asking for their support in this endeavor. The move would answer our critical need for handicapped access, for more space for books and technology, the opportunity to offer more services, and for a community meeting room. However, this move and all it entails will require a moderate tax increase.PASSED

**Plans were then made to meet for a walk-thru of Dr. Clark’s office building which has been offered to the library through the will of Dr. Clark. Jim Trombly, electrician, will accompany us for input.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Emily Flachbart Castine

Thursday, October 15, 2009


STORY TIME at the Chazy Publc Library 10:00 a..m. to 11:00 a.m.
Meet Wyantha, an Abenaki Princess; make Indian headresses; and hear stories about the first Thansgiving.
Learn how the Indians helped the Pilgrims that first hard year. Come give thanks with us.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


October 3, 2009
Chazy Public Library Story Time
Join Diane Sabourin in a celebration of reading using seasonal books, songs and poems. Ages 3-8.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


There was a nice turnout for the Chazy Friends of the Library Book Sale Saturday, August 29th.

Two local authors held book signings concurrently with the Book Sale. Tom Middleton, Burlington fire fighter, former Chazy student and turned author signed copies of his book: Saber's Edge. The story of a combat medic in Iraq. Pictured, Tom is presenting a copy of his book to John Middleton, his father. Todd St. Louis, a state police officer from the Albany area was signing a new children's book that he has authored. Pictured, Todd is signing a copy of his book for "Ducky" Matott.

On didsplay were three books of local interest: The History of the Town of Chazy, by Nell Sullivan and David Kendall Martin; Images or America, Chazy, by Christina Trombly; and Brendler's Boys, by Lawrence P. Gooley. These volumes are avaliable for purchase at the Chazy Public Library.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

End of Summer Reading Program Party

The summer reading program was brought to its conclusion with a special party for the participants. They gathered at the Library for cookies and refreshments for their final reading by Diane Sabourin, who has been instrumental in providing a successful summer program.
Afterwards they were treated to a surprise reading by Todd St. Louis, author, at the Town Hall. He was there displaying a new children's book he has authored.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The Annual End-Of-Summer Book Sale, sponsored by theChazy Friends of the Library, will be held at the Chazy Town Hall, on Saturday, August 29th, 2009, from 9 AM - 3 PM.If you have book donations, please bring the to the library during regular hours, or bring to the Chazy Town Hall on Friday, the 28th, from 9 -11AM.Please, no condensed books, old texts, outdated encyclopedias, or water-damaged books.For more information, call the library at 846-7676, or Emily Castine at 846-7585 or Jane Hess at 846-7839.

Local author Thomas A. Middleton will be at the Chazy Friends of the Library Annual BOOK SALE also for a Book Signing of his book "Saber's Edge".
This is about his time in Iraq as a combat medic with the Vermont National Guard.

Francie Fairchild, Director Chazy Public Library


A copy of the minutes of the July 29th meeting is available to the public at the Library.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Ken Burger with some expectant youngsters, Saturday, August 8th, at the Chazy Public Library Summer Reading Program.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Chazy Public Library Trustees’ Meeting
Present: George Brendler, Pat Neverett, Emily Castine, Debby Powers, Tina Trombly and Director Francie Fairchild.
George called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed. There were corrections to the minutes of 3/25/09. The corrections were noted and Tina will make changes once George sends them to her via e-mail. Once changes are received by George he will post on the web-site. Motion (Pat) to accept the minutes with corrections seconded and passed.
Treasurers’ Report: Debby reported the checking account balance for April 30, 2009 was $10,225.86. She provided a report for March and February which is included with the minutes. Debby stated she has received the funds ($1300.00) from the Friends as the matching grant for the Gates Sustainability Grant. She also gave us a statement from UBS with a breakdown of our current CD investments. Motion (Pat) to accept the report as presented, seconded and passed.
Committee Reports:
Peru Green Funding; Emily reported the Peru Library is very nice and the program was well done. She was given a packet of information to review. Any projects must go through CEF. Hiring practices and constructions grants were discussed.
CEF Trustees’ Forum; George and Emily attended (5/16/09). George typed up a summary which is included with the minutes. In brief he said that we should have a written contract with the director. Since we don’t have this we need to address this issue. Minutes of meetingS should be posted at least two weeks after meeting for public review. A calendar of yearly meeting should also be posted. George will work up a schedule for review at next meeting.
Friends’ Report; Emily reported that Francie has written a synopsis of the Quadricentennial marker event to be held on 7/18 at 12:30
Policy committee; George and Tina met to discuss the circulation policy. Some changes were suggested and George will give a copy to Emily to review. The changes will be reviewed by trustees at the next meeting.
Correspondence: We received two letters from the Dodds, one for Francie and one for the Trustees, thanking Francie and Trustees for the help in getting the sign project completed.
Director’s Report: Francie provided a summary of current events. We received the 2009 Stewart’s Shop grant of $300.00 for children’s books. Karen Pillsworth, storyteller, has been approved as a kick-off, 7/1/09 at 10:30, for the summer reading program. She asked how to advertize the story-teller event, suggested a sign be hung in window before event. Pat said she would ask KC (grand-daughter) if she could design a poster.
Unfinished Business:
Sweet Ferry Maker-dedication will be 7/18. Strawhatters will perform at 12:30.
Carr concert will be held this fall-date to be announced.
Wooden sign is being made by Ray Devins. He will hang it also. New hours will start as soon as sign goes up.
Laptop purchase will be aided by Betsy Brooks-tabled.
Printer purchase-tabled.
Disposal of old equipment-George asked Staub what procedure is used by the town. They put the equipment out to bid and if there is no interest then it is donated.
School collaboration with Summer Reading Program-Francie reported that Betty Little will sign certificates and these will be given to all who participate.
Horizons-George again stated the importance of having trustees trained on the system.
New Business: Organizational meeting-tax request of $19,100.00 passed and trustee Tina Trombly was voted in for a 5 year term. She was sworn in and Pat notarized the Oath of Office, which will be filed with the Town Clerk.
Pat presented the new slate of officers for 2009-2010,
George Brendler (president), Pat Neverett (VP), Emily Castine (secretary), Debby Powers (treasurer). Seconded and passed.
George asked if the VCRs and DVDs are utilized. Francie says they need weeding.
5 year plan-review checklist that George handed out so we can comment at our next meeting. We need to be thinking about the plan every year.
Next meeting set for 7/29/09 at 5:00. Minutes were reviewed and Motion (Tina) to adjourn at 6:27, passed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Trombly
Secretary to the Trustees

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Saturday morning the 25th of July "Sammy" de Champlain and his friends came to the Chazy Public Library to meet with a group of children. The event was hosted by Carolyn Harding.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


A large crowd of interested spectators attended the Chazy Landing Ferry Marker dedication on Saturday, the 18th of July, 2009 at Chazy Landing.

It was a very successful event on the shores of Lake Champlain.

The weather favored us with dry skies and a midsummer day.
The sign was a gift of the Friends of the Chazy Public Library.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


A group of NYC cyclists stopped to use the internet on their way to Montreal.

Quadricentennial Reading Time

Diane Saburin lead young attendees through Lake Champlain history lesson with group participation.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Story Teller Visits Chazy Public Library

Karen Pillsworth entertained youngsters in the children's room as well as outdoors on Wednesday, July 1st at the Library. She captured their imagination with stories like "Stone Soup" and many others.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Making Boogie Woogie Butter

Carol Ladd shares her apple butter and wheat thins with curious group of youngsters Saturday morning, the 27th of June.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Reading volunteers, Diane Sabourin and Esther Dominy entertained the Chazy Central kindergarten classes on June 23rd with a reading program called "Bugs".

The recently graduated youngsters "ate" it all up.

They had literally hiked over from the school to the Chazy Public Library.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer Blossoms

The Daisy Scout Troop 4002, the Girls Scouts from Troop 168 and Colleen Bell were kind enough to plant flowers in the Library planter boxes for the summer.

Friday, June 5, 2009


An unedited copy of the minutes of the May 27th meeting is available to the public at the Library.


Linda LaPier and her dog entertained a group of youngsters on the evening of the 4th of June.

The fine readings by Linda were listened to with interest by the children and their dog companion.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


June 4 - THERAPY DOG PROGRAM at 6:30 p.m. for children from grade 1 to 4.Come meet one of Linda LaPier's therapy dogs and she will explain what these wonderful dogs do. We hope to have a 6 week program this summer for individual children to read with a therapy dog as a reading partner.To register phone 846-7676 or email chazypl@twcny.rr.com


Present: G, Brendler, E. Castine, D. Powers, P, Neverett, F. Fairchild, Director
Excused: T. Trombly.
George called the meeting to order at 5:07p.m. Following a minor correction in the previous meeting’s minutes, a motion was made by Emily, seconded by Debby, to accept the minutes as presented; all in favor. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report — Debby submitted her report for February, 2009. She stated the mileage rates would be going up to 0.55 per mile, (NYState rate.) Also, Francie decided to stay with the same withholding rate as she has in the past. Emily made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report; seconded by Pat; all in favor. Motion carried.
Debby also submitted the proposed 2009-2010 budget of $26,540 (tax request $19,100) to be presented to the taxpayers in May. Pat made a motion that we accept the same as presented, seconded by Emily; all in favor. Motion carried. Also, Tina’s name will be on the ballot for re-election this year. Her petition is out for signatures. Francie said we should also have included in the school's publicity that anyone interested may also run for the position on the board. Debby told Francie to cancel Citibank accounts. We had two accounts and cards. There was confusion with the accounts so Debby has applied for debit cards from TD BankNorth and Francie, George and Debby will have the cards. The interest rate is 7.99%.
Director’s report - The Gates report needs to be done and the board is hopeful that the Friends will contribute $1,300 for the required matching funds. Francie will check with the officers.
No committee reports or correspondence.
Unfinished business — Francie presented, for George’s signature, a proposed resolution re the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Opportunity Online Hardware Grants 2007-2009, which reads:
"March 25, 2009, To Whom It May Concern: At a regular meeting of the Chazy Public Library Board of Trustees, held on March 25, 2009, the following Resolution was adopted: Motion made by Debby Powers, seconded by Emily Castine Resolved that:
The Chazy Public Library commits $1,300. received from the Chazy Friends of the Library in matching funds to be disbursed when needed for participation in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Opportunity Online Hardware Grants 2007-2009. This is the second year match in the 2009-2010 library budget and will not supplant local funds already dedicated for the library or computer workstations. Voting in the affirmative:
Emily Castine, George Brendler, Pat Neverett, Debby Powers, Voting in the negative:
None. Carried. Certified a true copy. George Brendler, Board President, Chazy Public Library.”
A Gates Grant verification form and non-supplanting form will be submitted with the Resolution. Debby made a motion to approve the Resolution, seconded by Emily; all in favor. Motion passed.
Emily states that she and Pat will do the Christmas donors’ book labels. It was also suggested the secretary write a thank-you note to Stewart‘s for their $300 grant for children’s books.
George suggested a workshop for the trustees on the Horizon system, in the event someone needs to fill in at the library in the future. Everyone thought it was a good idea. No date was scheduled for same. Pat stated she attempted to see Ray Devins twice but hasn`t been able to connect with him. She will follow up on sign. There was discussion regarding purchasing a new printer and a laptop computer and who would be allowed to use it. Matter tabled.
Personnel policy updates: After a review of the same, it was decided to change the hours of the Library to 12:30 to 8:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays; Wednesday 10:00 to 5:00, and Saturdays 9:00 to 12:00, to be effective once the new sign is installed. Pat made the motion, seconded by Debby, Closing Routines c, "The Director must notify at least one of the trustees.” All in favor. Motion carried.
New business — Emily will check with Adrian Carr regarding scheduling a concert and time, et cetera.
There will be a Trustees’ Institute on May 1st and 2d in Syracuse. No one volunteered to go.
Following a review of the current minutes for motions and/or corrections, the meeting was adjourned at 6:47p.m. and went into Executive Session.
Following discussion in Executive Session, Pat made the motion to accept the Salary/Benefit Time Policy as revised, seconded by Debby; all in favor. Motion carried.
Next meeting date: April 29, 2009 at 5:00p.m.
Pat Neverrett
Acting Secretary

Saturday, May 23, 2009


A small group of youngsters listened and watched with interest in what Megan Preston had to show them about the weather. They eagerly participated in hands-on experiments.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Make a Note of these dates!

May 23 - STORY TIME at the Chazy Public Library 10:30 a.m.
for children from age 3 to 8.
Learn about WEATHER with Megan Preston. Stories and a Craft
To register phone 846-7676 or email chazypl@twcny.rr.com

June 4 - THERAPY DOG PROGRAM at 6:30 p.m. for children from grade 1 to 4.
Come meet one of Linda LaPier's therapy dogs and she will explain what these wonderful dogs do. We hope to have a 6 week program this summer for individual children to read with a therapy dog as a reading partner.
To register phone 846-7676 or email chazypl@twcny.rr.com

Thursday, March 26, 2009


The term of Christina Trombly as a trustee of the Chazy Public Library expires this spring.
Anyone interested in competing for the position should file a petition at the CCRS office by 5pm April 20th, 2009.
Petition forms are available at the Chazy Public Library.


Chazy Public Library Trustees’ Meeting
Present: Trustees George Brendler, Pat Neverett, Emily Castine, Debby Powers, Tina Trombly and Director Francie Fairchild.
George called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m.
Minutes of the 1/14/09 meeting were reviewed. Motion (Emily) to accept the minutes, seconded and passed.
Treasurers’ Report: Debby reported that we had a January 09 ending balance of $14170.71. Motion (Pat) to accept the report, seconded and passed.
Director’s Report: Francie requested another computer for the library volunteers to use. She wants the volunteers or subs to do cataloging. Emily expressed concerns with this. This is the librarian’s job and the volunteers and subs should be doing simpler chores. The group thought it would be a good idea to get a laptop to extend service to patrons but we will have to work out a policy. Due to budget constraints the literacy grant has been tabled. Dan Bradley has been helping in the library quite a bit.
Committee Reports: nothing to report at this time.
Correspondence: Thank yous have been sent to Betty Little, Conrad Bechard, Tom Roberts, Jamie Riley, Dick West, Brent LaDue, and Carolyn Tetreault. I will send one to Ray Devins.
Old Business: The international sign has been hung. George has installed the fan. The deed for the library will be housed in the safe at the town offices. The historical maker has arrived and is in the town offices but no bill has arrived. George handed out highlights of 07 and 08 which are in the secretary’s book. Pat will check into prices for a new wooden sign-tabled till next meeting. Emily reported on the holiday gift program-31 people donated for a total of $1265.00. She has sent out thank yous to all who contributed.
Closing Policy change: Motion: (Pat) to include 12/24 as a paid holiday observed, seconded and passed. This change will be added to the policy manual.
New Business: Motion (Pat) to accept the annual report as presented, seconded and passed. Hour: there are no winter and summer hours. Motion: (Emily) to change our hours to Tues. & Thurs. 12:30 -8:00, Wed. 10:00-5:00, and Sat. 9:00-12:00, to be effective once new sign is installed, seconded, and passed.
Next meeting set for 3/25/09 at 5:00p.m.
Executive Session: Once out of session Motion: (Emily) to raise the director’s salary to $11,500.00, seconded and passed.
Adjournment: 6:43
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Trombly
Tina Trombly, secretary to the trustees.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Reading Program

Ken Burger entertained a nice gathering of interested children as he surprised them with a science project.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Chazy Public Library Trustees’ Meeting
Present: Trustees George Brendler, Pat Neverett, Emily Castine, Debby Powers, Tina Trombly and Director Francie Fairchild.
George called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m
Minutes of 10/29/08 meeting were reviewed. Francie suggested that reports be named when referenced. Motion (Emily) to accept the minutes, seconded and passed.
Committee Report: Emily stated that the holiday fund drive was successful. She will report on donors and amounts at the next meeting. She is designing thank you cards to be sent out. Pat will help her with the thank you notes.
Emily had to leave to attend another meeting.
Treasurers’ Report: Debby reported that the ending balance for December was $30553.79. She suggested putting $15,000.00 in a CD. Motion (Emily) to put $15,000.00 in a CD and Debby will determine the length of time with the best interest rate, seconded, passed. Debby reported that she and George had met with Caroline Tetreault to audit our books. She suggested that we adjust our petty cash records but other wise everything looks great. Great job Debby. Debby also revised the directors’ monthly report, I enclosed a copy in the records. Motion(Pat) to accept the treasurers’ report, seconded , passed.
Directors Report: Francie submits a summary of recent events for our review. Overdue book policy needs to be addressed. Francie asked if we can weed the videos. Most VHS can be placed in book sale. DVD is the most current format.
Correspondence: Tina will send thank you cards to; Conrad Bechard, Carolyn Tetreault, Brent Ladue, and Richard West.
Old Business: Directors evaluation is complete. Universal library sign has arrived and Tom Roberts will make a bracket and hang sign. A thank you will be sent to him when complete. George will hang new magazine racks and relocate the plaques. Office 2007 updates for directors computer are tabled for now. Motion( Pat) to house original deed in the Town Hall safe, seconded, passed. George will ask Bob Cheeseman. A record of its location will be kept at the library. The Quadri centennial committee has created a brochure which was passed out. It was mentioned that if any trustees notice over due books over flowing to please bring them in.
New Business: George said the policy committee will meet this winter to work on the holiday and over due book policy. Francie spoke to CEF and said we, Chazy, would be interested in the Family Literacy Library Service grant. CEF asked if member libraries were interested and only Chazy responded. George will work on an end of year review for 2008. He will present this at the next meeting.
Adjourn: Motion (Pat) at 6:12, passed. Next meeting 2/25/09 at 5:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Trombly
Tina Trombly, Secretary

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Saturday 14 February
STORY TIME at the Chazy Public Library 10:30 a.m.for children from age 3 tyo 8.
Valentines for Veterans
Carol Ladd will read stories and children will make valentines to send veterans at Walter Reed Hospital.
Please call 846-7676 to register

Francie Fairchild Director Chazy Public Library

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009

October 29th, 2008 Trustee's Meeting Minutes

Chazy Public Library Trustees’ Meeting
Present: George Brendler, Pat Neverett, Emily Castine, Debby Powers, Francie Fairchild and Tina Trombly.
George called the meeting to order at 5:08 p.m. He asked that we review the minutes of last meeting. Emily had one correction which was recorded and will be sent out to group.
Pat made a motion to accept the minutes with correction, seconded and passed.
Director’s Report: Francie told us that she had received $500.00 from the Natural Heritage Trust for the Quadricentennial sign. They will send the other $500.00 when Francie sends out the invoice upon receipt of the sign. Francie also mentioned that she might need an updated Office 07 software. Debby will check into the matter. Dick West has been in and said he may start the re-pointing next week. Jim Trombly has purchased a light fixture for the bathroom. See attached report for all the meetings Francie has and will attend.
Treasurers’ Report: See attached report. Debby reported that Caroline has started reviewing her reports but no meeting has been set .Emily made a motion to accept the report, seconded and all in favor. Debby stated that George’s signature in now on file for the library checkbook.
Committee Reports: none.
George and Francie attended the Chateaugay Library Grand Opening. He sent pictures to all of the trustees via e-mail. They stated the folks in Chateauguay will be a wonderful resource for our future plans. Jim Bennette will also be a resource for interior design and has offered it to be pro-bono. The DVD that George reviewed was about promoting the library in the community. Francie is counting new patrons/month. Quad. Committee met on 10/20 and the next one will be in LaColle, Canada, on 11/17.
Correspondence: Sent thank you to Jamie Riley.
Old Business: Book sale proceeds-$775.00. New computer is up and running. Francie reported it is very popular. George talked about signage for library. Ray Devins put hours on door but there was some discussion and Pat will look into sign designs to be installed in the spring. Possible to have 2 signs made, one for summer hours and one for winter hours. Tina made a motion to have George order an international library sign from the town for $97.00 plus shipping. Town will help install. Seconded and all in favor. There is a deed in library so a discussion about perseveration of important documents ensued. Emily made a motion to accept a fireproof safe that Pat will donate, seconded, and passed. Tina will help Francie order some archival folders for these documents.
New Business: Website registration is coming up, $60.00. The library has some new data bases, Home/Auto/Small Engine repair. Time for Christmas Letters and Emily and Debby will work on these. Next meeting 1/14/09 at 5:00.
Trustees met in executive session.
Emily made a motion to adjourn at 6:50.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Trombly
Tina Trombly
Secretary to the Trustees.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First STORY TIME of 2009!

Saturday January 17 - STORY TIME at the Chazy Public Library 10:30 a.m. for children age 3 to 8.
SNOW DAZE Celebrate winter with snowy days, snowmen and snowflakes! Children will share wintry finger plays, songs and stories. They will make their own snowman shaker to play along with "The Mouse that Jack Built." Come join us. Call 846-7676 to register.

Francie Faichild, Chazy Public Library