"Catch the reading Bug !" at the Chazy Public Library. Children from pre-school to grade 6 may sign up now for this summer reading program which goes on through July and August. The children will receive a form in which to list the books they read. At the end of the program those who return the forms will be given a certificate of achievement and a gift from the Friends of the Chazy Library.
There will be Story Times at the library on Thursdays at 4:00 p.m. on the following dates: July 17, July 24, August 7, and August 21. Also a wind-up party at a date to be announced.
Activities related to the Chazy Public Library. Events Albums. Friends of the Library News.
Springtime on the library grounds

Library gounds
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Come to Hear the Story teller!
Tuesday July 8 at 4:00 p.m.
for children
pre-school through Grade 6
call 846-7676 to register
Spiders, Bugs and Toads…Oh My !
A “Catch the Reading Bug” program of stories
As told by
Storyteller Karen Pillsworth
Listen…and you will hear stories of long ago and far away, and stories from today, as we go on an adventure into a world of spiders, bugs and toads, too. Some stories will find us in magical places and some will happen right in your backyard.
Listen…and you will hear how Anansi brought stories to the world, how Grandpa Toad gave good advice and how Grandmother Spider brought the sun.
Listen…and I will take you on a voyage of discovery into a magical land where time stands still and happily ever after is still a possibility. Come with me….I will take you there!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
March 15 Minutes of Trustee's Meeting
March 15, 2008
PRESENT: Tina Trombly, George Brendler, Emily Castine, Debby Powers, Pat Neverett, Francie Fairchild, Director
Tina called the meeting to order for the purpose of discussing the 2008 - 2009 proposed budget as presented by Debby. The Trustees are asking for an increase of $500.00 over last year’s budget. Automation expenses have been decreased, with an increase in technology.
Following discussion, a motion to accept the budget as presented was made by George, seconded by Emily; no further discussion; all in favor.
Meeting adjourned. Next meeting date, May 28, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia B. Neverett.
March 15, 2008
PRESENT: Tina Trombly, George Brendler, Emily Castine, Debby Powers, Pat Neverett, Francie Fairchild, Director
Tina called the meeting to order for the purpose of discussing the 2008 - 2009 proposed budget as presented by Debby. The Trustees are asking for an increase of $500.00 over last year’s budget. Automation expenses have been decreased, with an increase in technology.
Following discussion, a motion to accept the budget as presented was made by George, seconded by Emily; no further discussion; all in favor.
Meeting adjourned. Next meeting date, May 28, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia B. Neverett.
Minutes of March 6 Trustee's Meeting
March 6, 2008
PRESENT: Tina Trombly, George Brendler, Emily Castine, Debby Powers, Pat Neverett, Francie Fairchild, Director
Tina called the meeting to order. Minutes of the January 9 meeting were approved, following a minor correction, and accepted upon motion made by George, seconded by Debby; all in favor.
Minutes of the January 30 special meeting confirming matching funds for a grant from the Gates Foundation were approved, following minor corrections, and accepted upon motion made by George, seconded by Pat, all in favor. A copy of the resolution will be attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Motion for approval also included acceptance of the resolution and all were in favor.
Treasurer’s report – Debby stated she rolled over the $30,000.00 CD for 3.something for six months. The interest rate was less than before. A motion to accept the reports for January and February as presented was made by Emily, seconded by George; all in favor.
Director’s report – Francie reported that Gateway has a new computer at a cost of about $1400.00. It is fully loaded and needs no software. This is something to think about. She is also going to the Sagamore with Betsy Brooks for a seminar on building plans for library advocacy. Julie Weaver also told her there is a seminar on library construction or renovation funds to be held in Glens Falls. George stated he may be interested in attending same.
Old business – Trustees reviewed the Questionnaire for Chazy Public Library Users. There was one minor correction and it was suggested that library users have the option of signing the questionnaire and also that they return them either directly to the library director or insert them in the book drop box at the library. There being no further discussion, Emily made the motion to approve and accept the questionnaire, seconded by George, all in favor. George will contact Joe Forcier and see if perhaps these questionnaires can be sent out along with the telephone bills of Chazy Westport Communications.
The new lights have been installed in the Childrens’ room and they are beautiful!!! Tina will contact Paul and get the ballasts for the lighting in the main room.
Desk – Tina will call Roger re increasing drawer space in the library desk. George suggest we also have a file in a cabinet just for Trustees’ business. There is a cabinet in the back room and he will clean out a drawer for that purpose.
Audit – Table matter until after tax season.
Gates Grant proposal – Francie stated the first part of the proposal has been submitted.
New business – Bylaws committee report – Trustees reviewed the same. George stated the matters in italics were new changes. "Article X" needs to be inserted. Following discussion and minor corrections, Emily made the motion we accept the Bylaws as presented, Debby seconded; all in favor.
Annual report – After review by all, George made the motion we accept the report as presented, seconded by Emily; all in favor. George also suggested we make reference to it on the library website; all agreed.
Budget and trustee’s petition. Francie stated that Pat is up for re-election this year. Budget should be submitted to the school board by April 1st. Payment for automation of about $500.00 should be added in the budget. Debby will get her figures together and we will have a budget meeting on Saturday, March 15, at 8:30 a.m.
There being no new business to come before the board, Emily moved that the meeting be adjourned, Debby seconded; all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia B. Neverett
March 6, 2008
PRESENT: Tina Trombly, George Brendler, Emily Castine, Debby Powers, Pat Neverett, Francie Fairchild, Director
Tina called the meeting to order. Minutes of the January 9 meeting were approved, following a minor correction, and accepted upon motion made by George, seconded by Debby; all in favor.
Minutes of the January 30 special meeting confirming matching funds for a grant from the Gates Foundation were approved, following minor corrections, and accepted upon motion made by George, seconded by Pat, all in favor. A copy of the resolution will be attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Motion for approval also included acceptance of the resolution and all were in favor.
Treasurer’s report – Debby stated she rolled over the $30,000.00 CD for 3.something for six months. The interest rate was less than before. A motion to accept the reports for January and February as presented was made by Emily, seconded by George; all in favor.
Director’s report – Francie reported that Gateway has a new computer at a cost of about $1400.00. It is fully loaded and needs no software. This is something to think about. She is also going to the Sagamore with Betsy Brooks for a seminar on building plans for library advocacy. Julie Weaver also told her there is a seminar on library construction or renovation funds to be held in Glens Falls. George stated he may be interested in attending same.
Old business – Trustees reviewed the Questionnaire for Chazy Public Library Users. There was one minor correction and it was suggested that library users have the option of signing the questionnaire and also that they return them either directly to the library director or insert them in the book drop box at the library. There being no further discussion, Emily made the motion to approve and accept the questionnaire, seconded by George, all in favor. George will contact Joe Forcier and see if perhaps these questionnaires can be sent out along with the telephone bills of Chazy Westport Communications.
The new lights have been installed in the Childrens’ room and they are beautiful!!! Tina will contact Paul and get the ballasts for the lighting in the main room.
Desk – Tina will call Roger re increasing drawer space in the library desk. George suggest we also have a file in a cabinet just for Trustees’ business. There is a cabinet in the back room and he will clean out a drawer for that purpose.
Audit – Table matter until after tax season.
Gates Grant proposal – Francie stated the first part of the proposal has been submitted.
New business – Bylaws committee report – Trustees reviewed the same. George stated the matters in italics were new changes. "Article X" needs to be inserted. Following discussion and minor corrections, Emily made the motion we accept the Bylaws as presented, Debby seconded; all in favor.
Annual report – After review by all, George made the motion we accept the report as presented, seconded by Emily; all in favor. George also suggested we make reference to it on the library website; all agreed.
Budget and trustee’s petition. Francie stated that Pat is up for re-election this year. Budget should be submitted to the school board by April 1st. Payment for automation of about $500.00 should be added in the budget. Debby will get her figures together and we will have a budget meeting on Saturday, March 15, at 8:30 a.m.
There being no new business to come before the board, Emily moved that the meeting be adjourned, Debby seconded; all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia B. Neverett
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