Springtime on the library grounds

Springtime on the library grounds
Library gounds

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Minutes of 1-30-08 Trustees' Meeting

January 30, 2008
PRESENT: Tina Trombly, George Brendler, Pat Neverett, Francie Fairchild
EXCUSED: Debby Powers, Emily Castine
Tina called the meeting to order for the purpose of having the trustees pass a resolution confirming matching funds a grant from the Gates Foundation. Following discussion, it was decided to use the Plattsburgh Public Library resolution. For our library, the matching funds amount would be $650.00. George made the motion we submit the necessary documents for the grant, seconded by Tina; all in favor. Tina will draft the letter of commitment and forward the same to Betsy Brooks.
Meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia B. Neverett Secretary