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Springtime on the library grounds

Library gounds
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
"Little Pea! Little Pea!" by Amy Rosethal features a personified pea and his pea family. It is an inventive picture book. An art activity celebrating each child's family will also be presented by Kristen McAuliffe. For ages 3-8. Call 846-7676 for further information.
Minutes of Chazy Public Library Trustees’ Meeting Chazy Town Hall at 5 PM 2/23/2011 Roll Call The meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees George Brendler, Debby Powers and Angela Swan. Also present were Francie Fairchild, Library Director, Caroline Harding, president of the Friends of the Chazy Library, and Jim Bennett, professional advisor to the furnishings committee. Trustee Tina Trombly was an excused absence. Public Forum Bids were opened for advertised work, including sheet rocking, taping and painting the main floor of the Clark Building. Eleven companies responded to the newspaper call for bids. Once all bids were opened and noted, President Castine stated: “Having opened the bids and cited names and amounts, the Board will meet in committee to decide which bid best meets our criteria. Winning bids will be announced at a public meeting. Date and time will be posted at the library and the post office in addition to being listed on the library website.” Review of Minutes of Meeting on 01/26/2011: Motion by Debby to accept the minutes as corrected, second by George. Passed Review of Minutes of Special Meeting on 2/5/2011: Motion by Debby to accept the minutes as corrected. Second by George. Passed. Treasurer's Report – Debby Powers Motion by George to accept the January renovation fund report. Second by Angela. Passed. Director's Report - Francie Fairchild, Library Director See attached. Pat Neverett, after 40 years, will no longer be providing seasonal wreaths for the front door of the library. Many thanks to Pat for her generosity over the years. Special Reports: Friends of the Library – Carolyn Harding, President 1. Next meeting Saturday, February 26 at the Station CafĂ©. Meeting at 11:00, lunch at 12:00, tour of Clark building at 1:00. Please RSVP with your menu selection and $15. 2. Annual membership meeting coming up in May. Membership drive is underway. 3. Fundraising events exceeding expectations. 4. $5,000 CD should be coming due soon to give toward the new library as promised. 5. Original bylaws have vanished. Caroline is working on new ones. 6. Jim Bennett, furnishings committee advisor, offered to resell used utility shelving to the Library for $175. Eight 4’ x 12’ units came from another library and could be used for ongoing book sale/storage in the lower level of the Clark building. Trustees suggested the Friends may be interested in funding this purchase. Ms. Harding indicated the Friends would be open to the suggestion and will present it at the meeting Sat. Correspondence Adjusted bill for the Town for Chazy for water/sewage for both library sites has been received and paid. Cost savings: $110.00. Old Business Sunshine fund payments have all been received. New Business Annual report is in process Application for real estate tax exemption must be renewed by March 1. Trustee Swan will meet with Assessor Ayer to complete the appropriate form. Audit – Annual audit is due. Decision to postpone until autumn, after the grant money comes. Bank Debit Card – Debby ordered a debit card for George to use for renovation projects. This will help streamline accounting. CEF Workshop coming up: CEF is planning a workshop on Modern Media, to be led by Jesse Feiler. CEF is looking for feedback on whether Trustee attendance would be better on a Saturday or a weeknight. Library Advocacy Day – March 1. Two seats left in the car. Meet in Keeseville at 6:30 a.m. Publicity for project status: Will take pictures of Friends tour on Saturday Wish List – Trustees should start thinking about particular furnishings they would like to see in the new library. New Meeting Time – Motion by Angela to move standard meeting time to 5:30 on the last Wed. of the month. Second by Debby. Passed. Project Manager’s Report Fund-raising Team – Tina Trombly and Angela Swan Looking forward to receiving Friends donation after the meeting this Saturday Grants Team - Emily Castine We have received word that 40% of our grant funds may be available as soon as March. Legal Aspects Team – Angela Swan Investigating the pros and cons of applying for National Historic Site registry for Hubbell building. On-site Construction Team – George Brendler Reports attached. Motion by George to change out the old radiators for new baseboard system at a cost of $2635. Second by Debby. Passed. Discussed having the Altona inmates paint the exterior of the Clark Building after July 1. Furnishings Committee Jim Bennett presented final furnishing plans for review. After minor adjustments, Debby made a motion to accept the proposed layout of first floor furnishings as presented. Final drawings are a result of collaboration between the Board, Tim Ryan and Jim Bennett. Second by George. Passed. Jim also offered 2’ x 7’ end panels in English Oak for use on the new library stacks. They are second-hand but in good condition. Board members will take a look and decide at next meeting. Cost: $500. Motion to Adjourn by Angela at 7:45 Respectfully submitted, Angela Swan Secretary
Saturday, March 19, 2011
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