Trustees of the Chazy Public Library
Special Meeting
November 29, 2010
ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees George Brendler, Tina Trombly and Angela Swan.
Purpose of the meeting was to review NYSEG easement document and complete unfinished business of appropriating funds for current work projects.
Motion by George: to reiterate that the President of the Trustees of the Chazy Publick Library (currently Emily Castine) has the authority to sign all legal documents in the name of The Chazy Public Library. Second by Tina. Passed.
Motion by George to approve payment to R. Deso Inc. for concrete. $810.00 Second by Angela. Passed.
Motion by George to approve payment to Jeffords Steel for purchase of internal steel support structure: $10,847. Also to pay labor costs for installation of steel support structure: $2844. Total expenditure: $13,691. Second by Tina. Passed.
Discussion: Driveway entrance can be widened for about $300 plus cost of one load of gravel. Total cost could approach $800. Questioned the viability of waiting until Phase III to get the job done. Consideration must be made for accessibility to the side entrance, which we anticipate will be the main entrance. Consensus to include driveway work in Phase II construction.
Motion by Tina to adjourn at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Angela Swan
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Springtime on the library grounds

Library gounds
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Minutes of Trustees Meeting 11-17-10
Minutes of Chazy Public Library Trustees’ Meeting
Chazy Town Hall
ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees George Brendler, Tina Trombly, Debby Powers, Angela Swan. Francie Fairchild, Library Director, was invited to arrive after Executive Session.
Motion by Tina, Second by Debby to go into executive session for the purpose of going over the Director’s Performance Evaluation. Passed.
Motion by George, Second by Debby at 5:15 p.m. to terminate executive session Passed.
PUBLIC FORUM: No presentations were made.
Motion by Tina, Second by George to accept the minutes as presented. Passed.
Debby has received the funds collected by the Town through the Library Assessment. Total annual income from this source: $25,000
Motion by George, Second by Tina to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented. Copy attached.
Mrs. Walsh’s fifth grade class will be coming to the Clark building to present $200 worth of books earned through the CCRS Scholastic Book Fair. Discussion of logistics and safety issues of the presentation at the Clark building work site. Presentation will take place outside the building, press will be invited. Emily will consult with Mr. Tregan, George will act as on-site host.
Francie has accepted an invitation from CEFLS to participate in a two-year Family Literacy Grant program from the NYS Library. Program connects libraries and local childcare providers in a variety of book-based activities and continuing education sessions that will net long term results for our shared clientele. Deadline 11/22/10.
Full report attached.
NYS Library Trustees Newsletter has arrived. Debby will transfer Pat’s subscription to Angela.
Board’s self-evaluation check list (Review 7 scales): Group review of rating checklist. Consensus that our current library offers too little in the way of handicap accessibility, parking, and shelf space to earn a maximum efficiency rating. Consensus that the new library will address all deficiencies and that the Trustees are working well together to achieve current goals. Sample attached.
Holiday fund drive update (Trustee Swan): 150 letters have gone out. Mailing list has been updated and placed in Excel format for mail merge. Fundraising goal is $1600.
Sunshine fund ($20.00 from each trustee for 2010): All donations have been collected for 2010. 2011 due in January.
Work session at Clark building, 10/31: Trustees met on-site to view construction progress and to finalize layout of new library, including location of computer work stations, reading areas, and circulation desk.
Appeal letter for presentation at town board meeting about water/sewage charges for both buildings (Trustee Powers): Basic rate is $225 qtrly. per building. Discussion of actual usage in both buildings and the burden of two bills during construction phase. Trustee Swan will compose a letter of appeal to the Chazy Town Board to request a reprieve until the new building is completed.
Furnishings committee (to study, compare, and report different vendors’ products): New committee will consist of Emily, Debby and Tina. Jim Bennett, library planning specialist, will be invited to join.
Summary of walk-through with Jim Quinn, contract furniture specialist, 11/12: Will present his drawings by November 30. It is agreed that bids should be requested from at least three different furniture vendors before any final decision is made.
Work session scheduled for December 12 at 1:00 to go over Jim Quinn’s drawings.
Fund-raising team – Tina Trombly: No report
Grants team - Emily Castine: No report
Legal Aspects team – Angela Swan
Notified potential bidder that we will not be in a position to sell for at least 18 months.
On-site construction team – George Brendler
Copy of report attached. Total work so far, including installation of interior steel reinforcements, stairs, and safe haven will cost just under $60,000.
NEXT MEETING: January 26 at 5 p.m., Town Hall
ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Tina to adjourn, 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Angela Swan
Chazy Town Hall
ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees George Brendler, Tina Trombly, Debby Powers, Angela Swan. Francie Fairchild, Library Director, was invited to arrive after Executive Session.
Motion by Tina, Second by Debby to go into executive session for the purpose of going over the Director’s Performance Evaluation. Passed.
Motion by George, Second by Debby at 5:15 p.m. to terminate executive session Passed.
PUBLIC FORUM: No presentations were made.
Motion by Tina, Second by George to accept the minutes as presented. Passed.
Debby has received the funds collected by the Town through the Library Assessment. Total annual income from this source: $25,000
Motion by George, Second by Tina to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented. Copy attached.
Mrs. Walsh’s fifth grade class will be coming to the Clark building to present $200 worth of books earned through the CCRS Scholastic Book Fair. Discussion of logistics and safety issues of the presentation at the Clark building work site. Presentation will take place outside the building, press will be invited. Emily will consult with Mr. Tregan, George will act as on-site host.
Francie has accepted an invitation from CEFLS to participate in a two-year Family Literacy Grant program from the NYS Library. Program connects libraries and local childcare providers in a variety of book-based activities and continuing education sessions that will net long term results for our shared clientele. Deadline 11/22/10.
Full report attached.
NYS Library Trustees Newsletter has arrived. Debby will transfer Pat’s subscription to Angela.
Board’s self-evaluation check list (Review 7 scales): Group review of rating checklist. Consensus that our current library offers too little in the way of handicap accessibility, parking, and shelf space to earn a maximum efficiency rating. Consensus that the new library will address all deficiencies and that the Trustees are working well together to achieve current goals. Sample attached.
Holiday fund drive update (Trustee Swan): 150 letters have gone out. Mailing list has been updated and placed in Excel format for mail merge. Fundraising goal is $1600.
Sunshine fund ($20.00 from each trustee for 2010): All donations have been collected for 2010. 2011 due in January.
Work session at Clark building, 10/31: Trustees met on-site to view construction progress and to finalize layout of new library, including location of computer work stations, reading areas, and circulation desk.
Appeal letter for presentation at town board meeting about water/sewage charges for both buildings (Trustee Powers): Basic rate is $225 qtrly. per building. Discussion of actual usage in both buildings and the burden of two bills during construction phase. Trustee Swan will compose a letter of appeal to the Chazy Town Board to request a reprieve until the new building is completed.
Furnishings committee (to study, compare, and report different vendors’ products): New committee will consist of Emily, Debby and Tina. Jim Bennett, library planning specialist, will be invited to join.
Summary of walk-through with Jim Quinn, contract furniture specialist, 11/12: Will present his drawings by November 30. It is agreed that bids should be requested from at least three different furniture vendors before any final decision is made.
Work session scheduled for December 12 at 1:00 to go over Jim Quinn’s drawings.
Fund-raising team – Tina Trombly: No report
Grants team - Emily Castine: No report
Legal Aspects team – Angela Swan
Notified potential bidder that we will not be in a position to sell for at least 18 months.
On-site construction team – George Brendler
Copy of report attached. Total work so far, including installation of interior steel reinforcements, stairs, and safe haven will cost just under $60,000.
NEXT MEETING: January 26 at 5 p.m., Town Hall
ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Tina to adjourn, 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Angela Swan
Saturday, January 8, 2011
January 8th Children's Reading Hour
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