Activities related to the Chazy Public Library. Events Albums. Friends of the Library News.
Springtime on the library grounds

Library gounds
Thursday, December 8, 2011
2nd Grade Decorates Children's Room Tree
Mrs. Langlois' and Mrs. Barcomb's class came to decorate the tree in the Children's room donated by the Friends of the Libary group.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
The Peter Pan Play School came for Story Time at the new Libary Wenesday morning, Dec 7th, 2011. A longer walk from the Presbyterian church to the new location.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Kristin McAuliffe creates a Christmas tree with the children in the new, sunny area of the Children's room. Visible on the top shelf in the backgound are two special prints framed by Kristin and contributed to the Children's room by an artist friend of hers.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Good bye, old and faithful friend! The Hubbell building stands stripped of all it's signs, looking bare in the first snow of the winter.
It is being emptied of it's 6,000 volumes to be moved to the more spacious and updated Clark building at 1329 Fiske Rd.
It is being emptied of it's 6,000 volumes to be moved to the more spacious and updated Clark building at 1329 Fiske Rd.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Workers putting on the final touches in the new library before onpening on the 29th! Emily Castine filling the new shelves with transferred books.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Chazy Public Library will be relocating to its new home at 1329 Fiske Rd. (formerly Dr. George Clark's office building) on Thanksgiving weekend. The library will be closed on Saturday Nov. 26 and re-open at the new location on Tuesday Nov. 29.
Chazy Public Library
Francie Fairchild
Chazy Public Library
Chazy Public Library
Friday, November 11, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Saturday December 3 -STORY TIME AT THE CHAZY PUBLIC LIBRARY 10:30 to 11:30 for children age 3 to 8. "A Wish to be a Christmas Tree". This charming little book gives a unique opportunity to experience the familiar tradition of selecting a Chrismas tree from the viewpoint of a personified tree in the forest.The emotional story captures the holiday spirit, but blends it with a special lesson of how to appreciate the gifts each person, animal, or plant has to offer. Call 846-7676 to register.
Francie Fairchild
Chazy Public Library
Francie Fairchild
Chazy Public Library
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Novermber Story Time at the Chazy Public Library
Alex Mesick entertained Chazy children with stories, songs, and crafts relating to the Thanksgiving Season.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
November 5 - STORY TIME at the Chazy Public Library 10:30-11:30 a.m. for children age 3-8.
"It's Turkey Time!" Come join Alex Mesic for a gobbling good time while we celebrate the turkey. You'll enjoy some stories, songs, and a craft that you can bring home. So flap your wings and come on down to the Chazy Public Library. Call 846-7676 to register.
Francie Fairchild
Chazy Public Library
Chazy Public Library
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Diane Sabourin visited the Chazy Public Library children and involved them in pumpkin stories, songs, and activities.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
A beautiful August day brought book brousers to the Chazy Town Hall for the annual Friends Book Sale Saturday August 27th, 2011. Young and old customers made it an other succesful fund raising event.
Friday, August 19, 2011
ANNUAL PRE-LABOR DAY BOOK SALE Chazy Friends of the Library Chazy Town Hall 9 AM - 3 PM Saturday, August 27, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
The Friends of the Library conducted a Townwide Garage Sale Saturday the 30th of July.
The weather was kind and the crowds were good. Items were available outside as well as indoors or under cover.
The weather was kind and the crowds were good. Items were available outside as well as indoors or under cover.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
A large number of children turned out for a hands-on reading experience with Alexandra Mesick and her father, Bob Mesick. The eager children were able to touch and try on firemen's gear as well as sit in the cab. Reading and crafts continued in the Children's room.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
July 16th Story Hour
Alexandra Mesick, girl scout, continued with her second program for Chazy children. She shared aminal stories, coloring, and singing with the youngsters.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Chazy Town Recreation Reading Camp at Presbyterian Church
The Town Recreation Reading Camp is underway at the Chazy Presbyterian Church July 11 thru the 13th. The participants, under the dirction of Diane Sabourin, are preparing a puppet show for the parents.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Girl Scout, Alexandra Mesick, brought Gordy the Guinea Pig for interaction with the children at the Chazy Library Story Hour. She is presenting four programs as qualification for her Silver Award
Friday, July 8, 2011
Kicking off the Summer Story Time Program, Speedy Arnold, local singer, guitarist, artist and writer, visited the Chazy Library July 7th at 7 pm.
Children joined him in singing and stories on the Town front lawn next to the Library.
Children joined him in singing and stories on the Town front lawn next to the Library.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Story Hour June 18th: A Farmer's Life for me!
Diane Sabourine meets with expectant children in the Children's Room of the Chazy Public Library.
She has prepared an other exciting program for the children of the community.
She has prepared an other exciting program for the children of the community.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
STORY TIME Saturday 18 June 10- 11 a.m. at the library with Diane Sabourin
Fee Fi Fiddle-I-Fee A Farmer's Life for me
Celebrate spring and summer with farming tales and activities. Plant and take home your own plant. Ages 3 to 8. Call 846-7676 to register.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Elementary and pre-school (age 3 to 5) children may sign up for the Summer Reading Program ONE WORLD, MANY STORIES at the Chazy Public Library in June. The program will go on from July 5 to 30. There will be STORY TIMES at the library Saturday mornings from 10 to 11 on July 9, 16, 23, and 30.
Children keep a reading list to be turned in the end of July. There will be an ending party early in August, at which children will receive reading certificates and a gift book.
Call 846-7676 for more information.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Draft Minutes of the May 25, 2011 Trustees Meeting
A draft copy of the May 25th Trustees meeting minutes is available to the public at the Library.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Chazy Story Time
Chazy Public Library
May 21, 2011
10:00 am – 11:00 am
Stories that rhyme, in rhythm and time,
Are fun to share, with lots of flair.
Books with words that sound the same
Just might turn into a guessing game.
Ages 3-8.
Call 846-7676 for additional information.
Chazy Public Library
May 21, 2011
10:00 am – 11:00 am
Stories that rhyme, in rhythm and time,
Are fun to share, with lots of flair.
Books with words that sound the same
Just might turn into a guessing game.
Ages 3-8.
Call 846-7676 for additional information.
The Chazy Girl Scout leaders donated the proceeds, $365, from their Easter Basket raffle to the Chazy Public Library.
The Chazy Development Association donated $2,000 to the Renonavation Fund for the new Chazy Library. Presented by George Slosson, Pres. of that Association.
The proceeds, $500, of the 50-50 raffle by the Chazy Music Theater, won by Nila West and Debby Powers have been donated to the Library Renovation Fund.
Our heart felt thanks to you all and to those who have seen their way to support our efforts to renovate the Clark Office building.
The Library Trustees
The Chazy Development Association donated $2,000 to the Renonavation Fund for the new Chazy Library. Presented by George Slosson, Pres. of that Association.
The proceeds, $500, of the 50-50 raffle by the Chazy Music Theater, won by Nila West and Debby Powers have been donated to the Library Renovation Fund.
Our heart felt thanks to you all and to those who have seen their way to support our efforts to renovate the Clark Office building.
The Library Trustees
Minutes of Chazy Public Library Trustees’ Meeting
Chazy Town Hall at 5 PM
Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees George Brendler, Debby Powers, Tina Trombly and Angela Swan. Also present were Francie Fairchild, Library Director and Caroline Harding, president of the Friends of the Chazy Library.
Public Forum
Bids were opened for advertised work, including baseboard/radiation installation and wood wrapping for the Clark Building. Seven different companies responded to the newspaper call for bids. Once all bids were opened and noted, President Castine stated: “Having opened the bids and cited names and amounts, the Board will meet in committee to decide which bids best meet our criteria. Winning bids will be announced at a public meeting. Date and time will be posted at the library and the post office in addition to being listed on the library website.”
Review of Minutes of Meeting on 02/23/2011
Motion by Debby to accept the minutes as corrected, second by Tina. Passed
Review of Minutes of Special Meeting on 2/26/2011
Motion by George to accept the minutes as read. Second by Debby. Passed.
Treasurer's Report – Debby Powers
Motion by Angela to approve the February general fund report. Second by George. Passed.
Motion by Tina to accept the February renovation fund report. Second by George. Passed.
Motion to table the budget vote pending information on per capita impact of budget increase. Second by Tina. Passed.
Director's Report - Francie Fairchild, Library Director
See attached.
Francie has received a request from three local Girl Scouts who would like to complete their silver badge by volunteering for the library.
Easter basket raffle happening soon. Tickets available at the library or from Girl Scout leaders.
Special Reports: Friends of the Library – Carolyn Harding, President
Annual membership meeting Saturday, May 14. Membership drive is underway.
Original bylaws have vanished. Caroline is working on new ones.
Current lack of bylaws has delayed distribution of $5,000 donation to the new library project. Discussion of ways to expedite the process in light of the delay in grant funding.
Discussion of ideas for Old Home Day fundraiser. Girl Scouts may be able to help.
Town-wide yard sale is scheduled for last weekend in July.
The Board reviewed a letter from David Martin, Chairman of The Clark House Committee regarding certain artifacts which may be appropriate for preservation and display in the new library. Board cited concerns regarding proper storage, display and insurance of valuable artifacts. Emily will respond with a request to view the items being offered.
Kim Mousseau e-mailed from the Lake Champlain Weekly requesting content for a recurrent library ad/feature.
Old Business
Application for real estate tax exemption has been completed for 2011. Pat Ayer will send the forms in January next year.
CEF Workshop coming up: CEF is planning a workshop on Modern Media, to be led by Jesse Feiler. CEF is looking for feedback on whether Trustee attendance would be better on a Saturday or a weeknight.
Publicity for project status: The North Countryman ran a prominent photo/article about the Friends donation and March visit to the site.
New Business
Motion by Tina to table review of the Annual report until spring. Second by Debby. Passed.
George Brendler will be up for re-election to the board this May at CCRS. Reminder to prepare his petition.
Frank Langr has offered to perform with his musical group, After 5 Brass, at our Grand Opening. General consensus was to accept their offer. Emily will follow up.
Sunshine fund donations are due in January. Reminder by George to add this item to the Year at a Glance page of the handbook.
Reminder by George that, per Trustee handbook, a review of the planning document and mission statement is due in March. Action postponed due to construction and renovation activities.
Right to record open meetings in New York – As of April 1, New York State will give its citizens the right to record open meetings with a variety of media. Discussion of developing reasonable rules governing the use of cameras and recording devices during our open meetings. Newspaper article attached.
Project Manager’s Report
Fund-raising Team – Tina Trombly and Angela Swan
Meeting soon to begin plans for the next Book “Em fundraiser
Grants Team - Emily Castine
We had received word that 40% of our grant funds may be available as soon as March, but no funds have been received to date.
Legal Aspects Team – Angela Swan
Discussion of timeline for disposal of Hubbell building and possible addition of deed restrictions to protect the historic integrity and location of the building.
On-site Construction Team – George Brendler
Reports attached.
Motion by Tina to authorize George to purchase light fixtures as soon as grant funds arrive. Cost $3150. Second by Angela. Passed.
Furnishings Committee
Review of carpet and tile estimates. Work session scheduled for Friday to view color samples.
Stained Glass report – Debby presented samples found on eBay. Discussion of the practicality of soliciting design ideas from the public.
Shelving – Jim Bennett has requested preliminary estimates for new shelving. Emily has been checking referenced with other libraries which have recently been renovated.
Motion to Adjourn by Angela at 8:00
Respectfully submitted,
Angela Swan
Chazy Town Hall at 5 PM
Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees George Brendler, Debby Powers, Tina Trombly and Angela Swan. Also present were Francie Fairchild, Library Director and Caroline Harding, president of the Friends of the Chazy Library.
Public Forum
Bids were opened for advertised work, including baseboard/radiation installation and wood wrapping for the Clark Building. Seven different companies responded to the newspaper call for bids. Once all bids were opened and noted, President Castine stated: “Having opened the bids and cited names and amounts, the Board will meet in committee to decide which bids best meet our criteria. Winning bids will be announced at a public meeting. Date and time will be posted at the library and the post office in addition to being listed on the library website.”
Review of Minutes of Meeting on 02/23/2011
Motion by Debby to accept the minutes as corrected, second by Tina. Passed
Review of Minutes of Special Meeting on 2/26/2011
Motion by George to accept the minutes as read. Second by Debby. Passed.
Treasurer's Report – Debby Powers
Motion by Angela to approve the February general fund report. Second by George. Passed.
Motion by Tina to accept the February renovation fund report. Second by George. Passed.
Motion to table the budget vote pending information on per capita impact of budget increase. Second by Tina. Passed.
Director's Report - Francie Fairchild, Library Director
See attached.
Francie has received a request from three local Girl Scouts who would like to complete their silver badge by volunteering for the library.
Easter basket raffle happening soon. Tickets available at the library or from Girl Scout leaders.
Special Reports: Friends of the Library – Carolyn Harding, President
Annual membership meeting Saturday, May 14. Membership drive is underway.
Original bylaws have vanished. Caroline is working on new ones.
Current lack of bylaws has delayed distribution of $5,000 donation to the new library project. Discussion of ways to expedite the process in light of the delay in grant funding.
Discussion of ideas for Old Home Day fundraiser. Girl Scouts may be able to help.
Town-wide yard sale is scheduled for last weekend in July.
The Board reviewed a letter from David Martin, Chairman of The Clark House Committee regarding certain artifacts which may be appropriate for preservation and display in the new library. Board cited concerns regarding proper storage, display and insurance of valuable artifacts. Emily will respond with a request to view the items being offered.
Kim Mousseau e-mailed from the Lake Champlain Weekly requesting content for a recurrent library ad/feature.
Old Business
Application for real estate tax exemption has been completed for 2011. Pat Ayer will send the forms in January next year.
CEF Workshop coming up: CEF is planning a workshop on Modern Media, to be led by Jesse Feiler. CEF is looking for feedback on whether Trustee attendance would be better on a Saturday or a weeknight.
Publicity for project status: The North Countryman ran a prominent photo/article about the Friends donation and March visit to the site.
New Business
Motion by Tina to table review of the Annual report until spring. Second by Debby. Passed.
George Brendler will be up for re-election to the board this May at CCRS. Reminder to prepare his petition.
Frank Langr has offered to perform with his musical group, After 5 Brass, at our Grand Opening. General consensus was to accept their offer. Emily will follow up.
Sunshine fund donations are due in January. Reminder by George to add this item to the Year at a Glance page of the handbook.
Reminder by George that, per Trustee handbook, a review of the planning document and mission statement is due in March. Action postponed due to construction and renovation activities.
Right to record open meetings in New York – As of April 1, New York State will give its citizens the right to record open meetings with a variety of media. Discussion of developing reasonable rules governing the use of cameras and recording devices during our open meetings. Newspaper article attached.
Project Manager’s Report
Fund-raising Team – Tina Trombly and Angela Swan
Meeting soon to begin plans for the next Book “Em fundraiser
Grants Team - Emily Castine
We had received word that 40% of our grant funds may be available as soon as March, but no funds have been received to date.
Legal Aspects Team – Angela Swan
Discussion of timeline for disposal of Hubbell building and possible addition of deed restrictions to protect the historic integrity and location of the building.
On-site Construction Team – George Brendler
Reports attached.
Motion by Tina to authorize George to purchase light fixtures as soon as grant funds arrive. Cost $3150. Second by Angela. Passed.
Furnishings Committee
Review of carpet and tile estimates. Work session scheduled for Friday to view color samples.
Stained Glass report – Debby presented samples found on eBay. Discussion of the practicality of soliciting design ideas from the public.
Shelving – Jim Bennett has requested preliminary estimates for new shelving. Emily has been checking referenced with other libraries which have recently been renovated.
Motion to Adjourn by Angela at 8:00
Respectfully submitted,
Angela Swan
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
"Little Pea! Little Pea!" by Amy Rosethal features a personified pea and his pea family. It is an inventive picture book. An art activity celebrating each child's family will also be presented by Kristen McAuliffe. For ages 3-8. Call 846-7676 for further information.
Minutes of Chazy Public Library Trustees’ Meeting Chazy Town Hall at 5 PM 2/23/2011 Roll Call The meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees George Brendler, Debby Powers and Angela Swan. Also present were Francie Fairchild, Library Director, Caroline Harding, president of the Friends of the Chazy Library, and Jim Bennett, professional advisor to the furnishings committee. Trustee Tina Trombly was an excused absence. Public Forum Bids were opened for advertised work, including sheet rocking, taping and painting the main floor of the Clark Building. Eleven companies responded to the newspaper call for bids. Once all bids were opened and noted, President Castine stated: “Having opened the bids and cited names and amounts, the Board will meet in committee to decide which bid best meets our criteria. Winning bids will be announced at a public meeting. Date and time will be posted at the library and the post office in addition to being listed on the library website.” Review of Minutes of Meeting on 01/26/2011: Motion by Debby to accept the minutes as corrected, second by George. Passed Review of Minutes of Special Meeting on 2/5/2011: Motion by Debby to accept the minutes as corrected. Second by George. Passed. Treasurer's Report – Debby Powers Motion by George to accept the January renovation fund report. Second by Angela. Passed. Director's Report - Francie Fairchild, Library Director See attached. Pat Neverett, after 40 years, will no longer be providing seasonal wreaths for the front door of the library. Many thanks to Pat for her generosity over the years. Special Reports: Friends of the Library – Carolyn Harding, President 1. Next meeting Saturday, February 26 at the Station Café. Meeting at 11:00, lunch at 12:00, tour of Clark building at 1:00. Please RSVP with your menu selection and $15. 2. Annual membership meeting coming up in May. Membership drive is underway. 3. Fundraising events exceeding expectations. 4. $5,000 CD should be coming due soon to give toward the new library as promised. 5. Original bylaws have vanished. Caroline is working on new ones. 6. Jim Bennett, furnishings committee advisor, offered to resell used utility shelving to the Library for $175. Eight 4’ x 12’ units came from another library and could be used for ongoing book sale/storage in the lower level of the Clark building. Trustees suggested the Friends may be interested in funding this purchase. Ms. Harding indicated the Friends would be open to the suggestion and will present it at the meeting Sat. Correspondence Adjusted bill for the Town for Chazy for water/sewage for both library sites has been received and paid. Cost savings: $110.00. Old Business Sunshine fund payments have all been received. New Business Annual report is in process Application for real estate tax exemption must be renewed by March 1. Trustee Swan will meet with Assessor Ayer to complete the appropriate form. Audit – Annual audit is due. Decision to postpone until autumn, after the grant money comes. Bank Debit Card – Debby ordered a debit card for George to use for renovation projects. This will help streamline accounting. CEF Workshop coming up: CEF is planning a workshop on Modern Media, to be led by Jesse Feiler. CEF is looking for feedback on whether Trustee attendance would be better on a Saturday or a weeknight. Library Advocacy Day – March 1. Two seats left in the car. Meet in Keeseville at 6:30 a.m. Publicity for project status: Will take pictures of Friends tour on Saturday Wish List – Trustees should start thinking about particular furnishings they would like to see in the new library. New Meeting Time – Motion by Angela to move standard meeting time to 5:30 on the last Wed. of the month. Second by Debby. Passed. Project Manager’s Report Fund-raising Team – Tina Trombly and Angela Swan Looking forward to receiving Friends donation after the meeting this Saturday Grants Team - Emily Castine We have received word that 40% of our grant funds may be available as soon as March. Legal Aspects Team – Angela Swan Investigating the pros and cons of applying for National Historic Site registry for Hubbell building. On-site Construction Team – George Brendler Reports attached. Motion by George to change out the old radiators for new baseboard system at a cost of $2635. Second by Debby. Passed. Discussed having the Altona inmates paint the exterior of the Clark Building after July 1. Furnishings Committee Jim Bennett presented final furnishing plans for review. After minor adjustments, Debby made a motion to accept the proposed layout of first floor furnishings as presented. Final drawings are a result of collaboration between the Board, Tim Ryan and Jim Bennett. Second by George. Passed. Jim also offered 2’ x 7’ end panels in English Oak for use on the new library stacks. They are second-hand but in good condition. Board members will take a look and decide at next meeting. Cost: $500. Motion to Adjourn by Angela at 7:45 Respectfully submitted, Angela Swan Secretary
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Special Meeting Minutes 2-5-11
Trustees of the Chazy Public Library
Special Meeting
February 5, 2011
Clark Building
ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees George Brendler, Tina Trombly, Debby Powers and Angela Swan.
Purpose of the meeting was to approve payment of an invoice from West Brothers Construction.
Motion by Tina to approve payment to West Brothers Construction in the amount of $10,400.00 for work pertaining to Phase I construction in the Clark Building. Discussion: The Trustees request a more detailed itemization for accounting purposes. Second by George. Passed. Copy of invoice attached.
Motion by Angela to adjourn at 10:17 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Angela Swan
Special Meeting
February 5, 2011
Clark Building
ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees George Brendler, Tina Trombly, Debby Powers and Angela Swan.
Purpose of the meeting was to approve payment of an invoice from West Brothers Construction.
Motion by Tina to approve payment to West Brothers Construction in the amount of $10,400.00 for work pertaining to Phase I construction in the Clark Building. Discussion: The Trustees request a more detailed itemization for accounting purposes. Second by George. Passed. Copy of invoice attached.
Motion by Angela to adjourn at 10:17 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Angela Swan
Trustees Meeting Minutes of 1-26-11
Minutes of Chazy Public Library Trustees’ Meeting
Chazy Town Hall at 5 PM
Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees George Brendler, Tina Trombly, Debby Powers and Angela Swan. Also present were Francie Fairchild, Library Director, and Caroline Harding, president of the Friends of the Chazy Library.
Public Forum
Guest Speaker: Jay and Cindy Letts of Total Computer Supplies spoke of their experiences with a home that was listed on the National Historic Registry. They gave an overview of the application process and of the regulations governing renovation of historically designated properties and gave an idea of the value such designation can add to a property. Purpose of the speech was to suggest that it may be in the Board’s best interest to securing a place for the Hubbell building on the National Historic Registry before disposing of the building.
Review of Minutes of Meeting on 11/17/2010: Motion by Tina to accept the minutes as read, second by George. Passed
Review of Minutes of Special Meeting on 11/29/2010: Motion by George to accept the minutes as read.
Motion seconded by Debby. Passed.
Treasurer's Report – Debby Powers, for the months of November and December
Motion by Angela to accept the Treasurer’s report s for the renovation fund. Second by Tina. Passed.
Motion by Tina to accept the Treasurer’s reports for the general fund. Second by Angela. Passed.
Presentation of letter from NYS Department of Taxation and Finance clarifying that the Chazy Public Library is a state governmental entity and as such does not need a tax-exempt number. Vendors requesting proof of tax-exempt status should be given a copy of this letter or a purchase order. Forms attached. All Trustees are now in possession of a copy of the letter.
Director's Report - Francie Fairchild, Library Director
See attached.
Annual report is due in February.
CPL has submitted a $300 matching grant request to Stewart’s Shops for children’s books.
Wish list of book titles sent to Betty Little’s office for state funding in the Health and Behavioral category.
Discussion of Gates grant money and where to spend the remaining balance.
NYS tax forms are now available at the library.
Special Reports: Friends of the Library – Carolyn Harding, President
Holiday Open House was a big success. Sold more tickets than ever.
2. Next meeting Saturday, February 26 at the Station Café. Lunch on your own at 12:00, meeting at 1:00.
3. Annual membership meeting coming up in May.
Letter from the Town of Chazy regarding water/sewage bill: Motion by Angela Swan to accept the resolution by the Town of Chazy which will limit the water and sewer bills for the Clark building to a debt-service charge until the Trustees notify them that the building is occupied. Once the Clark building is occupied, the Hubbell building will be granted the same billing status and the meter turned off. Second by George. Passed. Resolution signed by President Emily Castine.
2. Message from CEF via NYLINE concerning requiring Board approval prior to payment of bills. Discussion of current policy regarding payment of bills followed.
Unfinished Business
Computer Funds – Use of Remainder of Gates Money: Some funds were used to upgrade and prep computers donated to CPL by the U.S. Border Patrol. Remaining funds are available until 2012 and must be used to upgrade or maintain computers designated for public use. Discussion of new printer. Topic tabled until we move into the Clark building.
Report from Director’s Performance Evaluation Committee: Emily and Tina met with Francie to go over her performance evaluation. Copies have been filed.
Trustees’ Attendance at Town Board Meeting on 12/13/2010 -Water/Sewage Billing: Purpose of attendance was to draw attention to our letter to the supervisor requesting a price break on our current duplicate water and sewer bills. Current bills amount to $450 quarterly in spite of very minimal usage. Request was reviewed and eventually granted. See Correspondence above.
New Business
CEFLS Member Library Contract for 2011 has been signed by President Castine
2. Easter Egg Hunt (Request for Clark Site from Girl Scouts): Request to hold this year’s hunt at the new library site was denied in consideration of the hazards presented by the construction site. Girl Scouts will still sell chances on gift baskets to benefit the library.
Furnishings Committee Meetings and Walk-Throughs: Reports and proposed floor plan attached.
Library Snapshot Day (February): Francie will look into participating February 12.
4. Policy Development pertaining to sanitizing library: brief discussion of the dangers of censorship in public libraries and the “sanitized” versions of books that are being offered to libraries. Board agrees that the full and original version of all the books in our collection must be maintained at all times, per Policy Handbook and Library Bill of Rights.
5. Sunshine Fund contributions are due: $20.00 from each trustee for 2011
6. Work Session/Walk Through (after receipt of Jim Quinn’s plans) – Dec. 12, 2010: Went well. Furnishing plans and circulation desk are nearly finalized. Jim Bennett is assisting the committee with a professional review of proposed plans. Bids for shelving and cabinetry will be solicited from at least three firms. Finalized placement of wiring, lighting, circuitry, monitoring system.
Project Manager’s Report
Fund-raising Team – Tina Trombly and Angela Swan
Lion’s club donated $3,000 last week. Tina attended their meeting last Tuesday and has already submitted the check. Thank you, Lions Club members for your donation and for your standing offer to help with upcoming work projects, like painting and moving the books.
Per Treasurer’s report, the Annual Holiday Fund Drive raised $1205.00. Angela will send thank-you notes.
Grants Team - Emily Castine
Still awaiting final word on the major grant.
Legal Aspects Team – Angela Swan
We do have someone interested in purchasing the building. They understand that we are not currently offering the site for sale and will not be ready to do so for at least a year.
On-site Construction Team – George Brendler
Reports attached.
Wiring/lighting is done. Taping and light fixures are up next.
Review of bills pending/funding remaining.
Motion by Tina to pay Champlain Valley Electric and Chazy Hardware bills. Second by Angela. Motion passed.
Reminder to solicit bids for major projects before awarding contracts.
Reminder to use volunteers whenever possible.
Review of Current Minutes (for motions and seconds): Angela
Next Meeting: February 23, 2011, at 5 PM, Town Hall
Motion by Tina to adjourn at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Angela Swan
Chazy Town Hall at 5 PM
Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees George Brendler, Tina Trombly, Debby Powers and Angela Swan. Also present were Francie Fairchild, Library Director, and Caroline Harding, president of the Friends of the Chazy Library.
Public Forum
Guest Speaker: Jay and Cindy Letts of Total Computer Supplies spoke of their experiences with a home that was listed on the National Historic Registry. They gave an overview of the application process and of the regulations governing renovation of historically designated properties and gave an idea of the value such designation can add to a property. Purpose of the speech was to suggest that it may be in the Board’s best interest to securing a place for the Hubbell building on the National Historic Registry before disposing of the building.
Review of Minutes of Meeting on 11/17/2010: Motion by Tina to accept the minutes as read, second by George. Passed
Review of Minutes of Special Meeting on 11/29/2010: Motion by George to accept the minutes as read.
Motion seconded by Debby. Passed.
Treasurer's Report – Debby Powers, for the months of November and December
Motion by Angela to accept the Treasurer’s report s for the renovation fund. Second by Tina. Passed.
Motion by Tina to accept the Treasurer’s reports for the general fund. Second by Angela. Passed.
Presentation of letter from NYS Department of Taxation and Finance clarifying that the Chazy Public Library is a state governmental entity and as such does not need a tax-exempt number. Vendors requesting proof of tax-exempt status should be given a copy of this letter or a purchase order. Forms attached. All Trustees are now in possession of a copy of the letter.
Director's Report - Francie Fairchild, Library Director
See attached.
Annual report is due in February.
CPL has submitted a $300 matching grant request to Stewart’s Shops for children’s books.
Wish list of book titles sent to Betty Little’s office for state funding in the Health and Behavioral category.
Discussion of Gates grant money and where to spend the remaining balance.
NYS tax forms are now available at the library.
Special Reports: Friends of the Library – Carolyn Harding, President
Holiday Open House was a big success. Sold more tickets than ever.
2. Next meeting Saturday, February 26 at the Station Café. Lunch on your own at 12:00, meeting at 1:00.
3. Annual membership meeting coming up in May.
Letter from the Town of Chazy regarding water/sewage bill: Motion by Angela Swan to accept the resolution by the Town of Chazy which will limit the water and sewer bills for the Clark building to a debt-service charge until the Trustees notify them that the building is occupied. Once the Clark building is occupied, the Hubbell building will be granted the same billing status and the meter turned off. Second by George. Passed. Resolution signed by President Emily Castine.
2. Message from CEF via NYLINE concerning requiring Board approval prior to payment of bills. Discussion of current policy regarding payment of bills followed.
Unfinished Business
Computer Funds – Use of Remainder of Gates Money: Some funds were used to upgrade and prep computers donated to CPL by the U.S. Border Patrol. Remaining funds are available until 2012 and must be used to upgrade or maintain computers designated for public use. Discussion of new printer. Topic tabled until we move into the Clark building.
Report from Director’s Performance Evaluation Committee: Emily and Tina met with Francie to go over her performance evaluation. Copies have been filed.
Trustees’ Attendance at Town Board Meeting on 12/13/2010 -Water/Sewage Billing: Purpose of attendance was to draw attention to our letter to the supervisor requesting a price break on our current duplicate water and sewer bills. Current bills amount to $450 quarterly in spite of very minimal usage. Request was reviewed and eventually granted. See Correspondence above.
New Business
CEFLS Member Library Contract for 2011 has been signed by President Castine
2. Easter Egg Hunt (Request for Clark Site from Girl Scouts): Request to hold this year’s hunt at the new library site was denied in consideration of the hazards presented by the construction site. Girl Scouts will still sell chances on gift baskets to benefit the library.
Furnishings Committee Meetings and Walk-Throughs: Reports and proposed floor plan attached.
Library Snapshot Day (February): Francie will look into participating February 12.
4. Policy Development pertaining to sanitizing library: brief discussion of the dangers of censorship in public libraries and the “sanitized” versions of books that are being offered to libraries. Board agrees that the full and original version of all the books in our collection must be maintained at all times, per Policy Handbook and Library Bill of Rights.
5. Sunshine Fund contributions are due: $20.00 from each trustee for 2011
6. Work Session/Walk Through (after receipt of Jim Quinn’s plans) – Dec. 12, 2010: Went well. Furnishing plans and circulation desk are nearly finalized. Jim Bennett is assisting the committee with a professional review of proposed plans. Bids for shelving and cabinetry will be solicited from at least three firms. Finalized placement of wiring, lighting, circuitry, monitoring system.
Project Manager’s Report
Fund-raising Team – Tina Trombly and Angela Swan
Lion’s club donated $3,000 last week. Tina attended their meeting last Tuesday and has already submitted the check. Thank you, Lions Club members for your donation and for your standing offer to help with upcoming work projects, like painting and moving the books.
Per Treasurer’s report, the Annual Holiday Fund Drive raised $1205.00. Angela will send thank-you notes.
Grants Team - Emily Castine
Still awaiting final word on the major grant.
Legal Aspects Team – Angela Swan
We do have someone interested in purchasing the building. They understand that we are not currently offering the site for sale and will not be ready to do so for at least a year.
On-site Construction Team – George Brendler
Reports attached.
Wiring/lighting is done. Taping and light fixures are up next.
Review of bills pending/funding remaining.
Motion by Tina to pay Champlain Valley Electric and Chazy Hardware bills. Second by Angela. Motion passed.
Reminder to solicit bids for major projects before awarding contracts.
Reminder to use volunteers whenever possible.
Review of Current Minutes (for motions and seconds): Angela
Next Meeting: February 23, 2011, at 5 PM, Town Hall
Motion by Tina to adjourn at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Angela Swan
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Valentine's Day Story Hour
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Trustees of the Chazy Public Library
Special Meeting
November 29, 2010
ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees George Brendler, Tina Trombly and Angela Swan.
Purpose of the meeting was to review NYSEG easement document and complete unfinished business of appropriating funds for current work projects.
Motion by George: to reiterate that the President of the Trustees of the Chazy Publick Library (currently Emily Castine) has the authority to sign all legal documents in the name of The Chazy Public Library. Second by Tina. Passed.
Motion by George to approve payment to R. Deso Inc. for concrete. $810.00 Second by Angela. Passed.
Motion by George to approve payment to Jeffords Steel for purchase of internal steel support structure: $10,847. Also to pay labor costs for installation of steel support structure: $2844. Total expenditure: $13,691. Second by Tina. Passed.
Discussion: Driveway entrance can be widened for about $300 plus cost of one load of gravel. Total cost could approach $800. Questioned the viability of waiting until Phase III to get the job done. Consideration must be made for accessibility to the side entrance, which we anticipate will be the main entrance. Consensus to include driveway work in Phase II construction.
Motion by Tina to adjourn at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Angela Swan
Special Meeting
November 29, 2010
ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees George Brendler, Tina Trombly and Angela Swan.
Purpose of the meeting was to review NYSEG easement document and complete unfinished business of appropriating funds for current work projects.
Motion by George: to reiterate that the President of the Trustees of the Chazy Publick Library (currently Emily Castine) has the authority to sign all legal documents in the name of The Chazy Public Library. Second by Tina. Passed.
Motion by George to approve payment to R. Deso Inc. for concrete. $810.00 Second by Angela. Passed.
Motion by George to approve payment to Jeffords Steel for purchase of internal steel support structure: $10,847. Also to pay labor costs for installation of steel support structure: $2844. Total expenditure: $13,691. Second by Tina. Passed.
Discussion: Driveway entrance can be widened for about $300 plus cost of one load of gravel. Total cost could approach $800. Questioned the viability of waiting until Phase III to get the job done. Consideration must be made for accessibility to the side entrance, which we anticipate will be the main entrance. Consensus to include driveway work in Phase II construction.
Motion by Tina to adjourn at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Angela Swan
Minutes of Trustees Meeting 11-17-10
Minutes of Chazy Public Library Trustees’ Meeting
Chazy Town Hall
ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees George Brendler, Tina Trombly, Debby Powers, Angela Swan. Francie Fairchild, Library Director, was invited to arrive after Executive Session.
Motion by Tina, Second by Debby to go into executive session for the purpose of going over the Director’s Performance Evaluation. Passed.
Motion by George, Second by Debby at 5:15 p.m. to terminate executive session Passed.
PUBLIC FORUM: No presentations were made.
Motion by Tina, Second by George to accept the minutes as presented. Passed.
Debby has received the funds collected by the Town through the Library Assessment. Total annual income from this source: $25,000
Motion by George, Second by Tina to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented. Copy attached.
Mrs. Walsh’s fifth grade class will be coming to the Clark building to present $200 worth of books earned through the CCRS Scholastic Book Fair. Discussion of logistics and safety issues of the presentation at the Clark building work site. Presentation will take place outside the building, press will be invited. Emily will consult with Mr. Tregan, George will act as on-site host.
Francie has accepted an invitation from CEFLS to participate in a two-year Family Literacy Grant program from the NYS Library. Program connects libraries and local childcare providers in a variety of book-based activities and continuing education sessions that will net long term results for our shared clientele. Deadline 11/22/10.
Full report attached.
NYS Library Trustees Newsletter has arrived. Debby will transfer Pat’s subscription to Angela.
Board’s self-evaluation check list (Review 7 scales): Group review of rating checklist. Consensus that our current library offers too little in the way of handicap accessibility, parking, and shelf space to earn a maximum efficiency rating. Consensus that the new library will address all deficiencies and that the Trustees are working well together to achieve current goals. Sample attached.
Holiday fund drive update (Trustee Swan): 150 letters have gone out. Mailing list has been updated and placed in Excel format for mail merge. Fundraising goal is $1600.
Sunshine fund ($20.00 from each trustee for 2010): All donations have been collected for 2010. 2011 due in January.
Work session at Clark building, 10/31: Trustees met on-site to view construction progress and to finalize layout of new library, including location of computer work stations, reading areas, and circulation desk.
Appeal letter for presentation at town board meeting about water/sewage charges for both buildings (Trustee Powers): Basic rate is $225 qtrly. per building. Discussion of actual usage in both buildings and the burden of two bills during construction phase. Trustee Swan will compose a letter of appeal to the Chazy Town Board to request a reprieve until the new building is completed.
Furnishings committee (to study, compare, and report different vendors’ products): New committee will consist of Emily, Debby and Tina. Jim Bennett, library planning specialist, will be invited to join.
Summary of walk-through with Jim Quinn, contract furniture specialist, 11/12: Will present his drawings by November 30. It is agreed that bids should be requested from at least three different furniture vendors before any final decision is made.
Work session scheduled for December 12 at 1:00 to go over Jim Quinn’s drawings.
Fund-raising team – Tina Trombly: No report
Grants team - Emily Castine: No report
Legal Aspects team – Angela Swan
Notified potential bidder that we will not be in a position to sell for at least 18 months.
On-site construction team – George Brendler
Copy of report attached. Total work so far, including installation of interior steel reinforcements, stairs, and safe haven will cost just under $60,000.
NEXT MEETING: January 26 at 5 p.m., Town Hall
ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Tina to adjourn, 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Angela Swan
Chazy Town Hall
ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Emily Castine. Present were Trustees George Brendler, Tina Trombly, Debby Powers, Angela Swan. Francie Fairchild, Library Director, was invited to arrive after Executive Session.
Motion by Tina, Second by Debby to go into executive session for the purpose of going over the Director’s Performance Evaluation. Passed.
Motion by George, Second by Debby at 5:15 p.m. to terminate executive session Passed.
PUBLIC FORUM: No presentations were made.
Motion by Tina, Second by George to accept the minutes as presented. Passed.
Debby has received the funds collected by the Town through the Library Assessment. Total annual income from this source: $25,000
Motion by George, Second by Tina to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented. Copy attached.
Mrs. Walsh’s fifth grade class will be coming to the Clark building to present $200 worth of books earned through the CCRS Scholastic Book Fair. Discussion of logistics and safety issues of the presentation at the Clark building work site. Presentation will take place outside the building, press will be invited. Emily will consult with Mr. Tregan, George will act as on-site host.
Francie has accepted an invitation from CEFLS to participate in a two-year Family Literacy Grant program from the NYS Library. Program connects libraries and local childcare providers in a variety of book-based activities and continuing education sessions that will net long term results for our shared clientele. Deadline 11/22/10.
Full report attached.
NYS Library Trustees Newsletter has arrived. Debby will transfer Pat’s subscription to Angela.
Board’s self-evaluation check list (Review 7 scales): Group review of rating checklist. Consensus that our current library offers too little in the way of handicap accessibility, parking, and shelf space to earn a maximum efficiency rating. Consensus that the new library will address all deficiencies and that the Trustees are working well together to achieve current goals. Sample attached.
Holiday fund drive update (Trustee Swan): 150 letters have gone out. Mailing list has been updated and placed in Excel format for mail merge. Fundraising goal is $1600.
Sunshine fund ($20.00 from each trustee for 2010): All donations have been collected for 2010. 2011 due in January.
Work session at Clark building, 10/31: Trustees met on-site to view construction progress and to finalize layout of new library, including location of computer work stations, reading areas, and circulation desk.
Appeal letter for presentation at town board meeting about water/sewage charges for both buildings (Trustee Powers): Basic rate is $225 qtrly. per building. Discussion of actual usage in both buildings and the burden of two bills during construction phase. Trustee Swan will compose a letter of appeal to the Chazy Town Board to request a reprieve until the new building is completed.
Furnishings committee (to study, compare, and report different vendors’ products): New committee will consist of Emily, Debby and Tina. Jim Bennett, library planning specialist, will be invited to join.
Summary of walk-through with Jim Quinn, contract furniture specialist, 11/12: Will present his drawings by November 30. It is agreed that bids should be requested from at least three different furniture vendors before any final decision is made.
Work session scheduled for December 12 at 1:00 to go over Jim Quinn’s drawings.
Fund-raising team – Tina Trombly: No report
Grants team - Emily Castine: No report
Legal Aspects team – Angela Swan
Notified potential bidder that we will not be in a position to sell for at least 18 months.
On-site construction team – George Brendler
Copy of report attached. Total work so far, including installation of interior steel reinforcements, stairs, and safe haven will cost just under $60,000.
NEXT MEETING: January 26 at 5 p.m., Town Hall
ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Tina to adjourn, 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Angela Swan
Saturday, January 8, 2011
January 8th Children's Reading Hour
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