Springtime on the library grounds

Springtime on the library grounds
Library gounds

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


The Peter Pan Play School made a visit to the Library Wednesday morning in a snow storm!
The children got into the Christmas mood with Diane Sabourin the activity leader.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Friends Christmas Open House

Despite lack of snow the visitors were getting into the Christmas spirit Sunday at the Chazy Friends of the Library Open House. Carol Ladd organized a very successful event.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


TRUSTEES’ MEETING Chazy Public Library Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 5PM.
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President George Brendler at 5:04 PM with all trustees, Emily Castine, Pat Neverett, Debby Powers, and Tina Trombly, present, along with Director Francie Fairchild.
SECRETARY’S MINUTES: Minutes of last meeting were accepted as read. M( Trombly), S (Powers), PASSED
TREASURER’S REPORT: Three monthly financial reports, July, August and Sept., were received as presented. M (Castine), S (Trombly), PASSED
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Trustee Trombly asked why the 2003 used printer was being stored in a closet. Director Fairchild explained that the current printer is working, and she would like to save the other for an emergency situation.Survey MapTrustees agreed that the Town Hall Survey Map, given to us by the Supervisor's office, showing the location of the present library, should be stored in the Town's safe, along with our Deed.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Visit to Dr. Clark’s Office. All Board members except Trustee Neverett walked through the office under direction of Attorney Heather West. Jim Bennett, a library development consultant who now lives in Chazy, also attended. Creation of a Template of Library Routines. President Brendler urged creation of a template of our routine library activities which will serve as a calendar of events for each year. Workshop on Grant Writing. President Brendler will contact the C-E-F Director to express our need to attend this online workshop on Nov. 19, 2009 at system headquarters. We deem it critical to us at this time. Trustee Castine was pleased to know that our library can borrow the C-E-F scanner for inventory. Update on Dr. Clark’s OfficePresident Brendler reported that John Polewchak, a heating expert, found that the furnace in the office building was defective. A new one would be more cost effective than repairing the old one. Attorney West will talk to Attorney Ed Trombley about this concern.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Circulation Policy: The trustees noted the corrections that had been made to the policy in the August minutes. Use of Town Hall. Trustee Neverett will check with Town Supervisor if we as a Board can use the Town Hall Board Room for our future meetings as we go through this expansion process.
CORRESPONDENCE The Board instructed Secretary Castine to write a thank-you note to Krista Boule, Director of Public Relations for Chazy Westport Telephone Co., for sending our surveys to their patronage. The Board decided not to pursue Google advertising on our website.
OLD OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Circulation Policy: The trustees voted to accept the revised Circulation Policy complete with a Challenged Materials form. M (Powers), S (Neverett), PASSED Laptop Trustees agreed to table obtaining a laptop for staff use. M (Neverett), S ( Powers), PASSED Adrian Carr Concert ProgressTrustee Castine reported that 50+ posters have been distributed, and the media is being advised of this concert set for Nov. 15th, at 3 PM, in the CCRS auditorium. Frank Langr will prepare the program and take care of lighting, p-a system, janitor, opening doors, etc. Trustee Powers, Neverett, and Castine will do admissions, CD sales, and hand out programs. Selling Local Authors’ Books: Trustees agreed to allow local authors to sell their books at library functions at the discretion of the Board. M (Neverett), S (Trombly), PASSED Long-Distance Calling Trustees agreed to sign up for long-distance calling at $.06 cents per minute. This is necessary to fax items throughout the US. Leftover Grant Funds Trustees voted to table spending leftover grant funds for technology at this time. M (Trombly), S (Neverett) PASSED
NEW BUSINESS:Holiday Fund Drive Trustees discussed having this annual drive. As it is well-established and brings in sizable donations, it would be a good fund-raiser, but considering the concert set for the 15th, etc. they will decide on this after that date. Discussion of Property A framework is needed for this entire project. We must project all costs, ranging from maintenance to renovations. Trustee Neverett urges taking time as it is a big undertaking. Brendler wants action as it takes at least one year to fill out the application for the matching library construction grant. The land won’t be surveyed until we take possession. We need a lawyer to help us with a formal resolution statement. Trustee Neverett will ask attorney Bill Favro how binding a resolution of acceptance of the property by the Chazy Public Library would be. President Brendler will represent our board at a meeting with the Alice T. Miner Colonial Collection Board Committee for acquisition of Dr. Clark’s home. Opinion Survey Results
TRUSTEES’ MEETINGChazy Public LibraryWednesday, October 28, 2009, 5 PMCALL TO ORDER:The meeting was called to order by President George Brendler at 5:04 PM with all trustees, Emily Castine, Pat Neverett, Debby Powers, and Tina Trombly, present, along with Director Francie Fairchild.SECRETARY’S MINUTES: Minutes of last meeting were accepted as read. M( Trombly), S (Powers), PASSEDTREASURER’S REPORT:Three monthly financial reports, July, August and Sept., were received as presented. M (Castine), S (Trombly), PASSEDDIRECTOR’S REPORT:Trustee Trombly asked why the 2003 used printer was being stored in a closet. Director Fairchild explained that the current printer is working, and she would like to save the other for an emergency situation.Survey MapTrustees agreed that the Town Hall Survey Map, given to us by the Supervisor's office, showing the location of the present library, should be stored in the Town's safe, along with our Deed. PRESIDENT’S REPORT:Visit to Dr. Clark’s OfficeAll Board members except Trustee Neverett walked through the office under direction of Attorney Heather West. Jim Bennett, a library development consultant who now lives in Chazy, also attended. Creation of a Template of Library RoutinesPresident Brendler urged creation of a template of our routine library activities which will serve as a calendar of events for each year.Workshop on Grant WritingPresident Brendler will contact the C-E-F Director to express our need to attend this online workshop on Nov. 19, 2009 at system headquarters. We deem it critical to us at this time.Trustee Castine was pleased to know that our library can borrow the C-E-F scanner for inventory.Update on Dr. Clark’s OfficePresident Brendler reported that John Polewchak, a heating expert, found that the furnace in the office building was defective. A new one would be more cost effective than repairing the old one. Attorney West will talk to Attorney Ed Trombley about this concern.COMMITTEE REPORTS:Circulation Policy: The trustees noted the corrections that had been made to the policy in the August minutes.Use of Town HallTrustee Neverett will check with Town Supervisor if we as a Board can use the Town Hall Board Room for our future meetings as we go through this expansion process.CORRESPONDENCEThe Board instructed Secretary Castine to write a thank-you note to Krista Boule, Director of Public Relations for Chazy Westport Telephone Co., for sending our surveys to their patronage.The Board decided not to pursue Google advertising on our website.OLD OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS:Circulation Policy: The trustees voted to accept the revised Circulation Policy complete with a Challenged Materials form. M (Powers), S (Neverett), PASSEDLaptopTrustees agreed to table obtaining a laptop for staff use. M (Neverett), S ( Powers), PASSEDAdrian Carr Concert ProgressTrustee Castine reported that 50+ posters have been distributed, and the media is being advised of this concert set for Nov. 15th, at 3 PM, in the CCRS auditorium. Frank Langr will prepare the program and take care of lighting, p-a system, janitor, opening doors, etc. Trustee Powers, Neverett, and Castine will do admissions, CD sales, and hand out programs. Selling Local Authors’ Books:Trustees agreed to allow local authors to sell their books at library functions at the discretion of the Board. M (Neverett), S (Trombly), PASSEDLong-DIstance CallingTrustees agreed to sign up for long-distance calling at $.06 cents per minute. This is necessary to fax items throughout the US. Leftover Grant FundsTrustees voted to table spending leftover grant funds for technology at this time. M (Trombly), S (Neverett) PASSEDNEW BUSINESS:Holiday Fund DriveTrustees discussed having this annual drive. As it is well-established and brings in sizable donations,it would be a good fund-raiser, but considering the concert set for the 15th, etc. they will decide on this after that date.Discussion of PropertyA framework is needed for this entire project. We must project all costs, ranging from maintenance to renovations. Trustee Neverett urges taking time as it is a big undertaking. Brendler wants action as it takes at least one year to fill out the application for the matching library construction grant. The land won’t be surveyed until we take possession. We need a lawyer to help us with a formal resolution statement. Trustee Neverett will ask attorney Bill Favro how binding a resolution of acceptance of the property by the Chazy Public Library would be. President Brendler will represent our board at a meeting with the Alice T. Miner Colonial Collection Board Committee for acquisition of Dr. Clark’s home.Opinion Survey Results Results were 85% positive for us to accept the gift of Dr. Clark’s Office for a library.1,125 surveys were sent out. We had a 9% return. Resolution on Dr. Clark’s Office Property Trustees voted in favor of tabling action of making a resolution to accept the gift of Dr. Clark’s office for a library. M (Neverett), S (Trombly), PASSED Invitation to Peru Library Director to Speak on Solar Energy Grant Trustees agreed to invite Becky Pace, Peru Public Library Director, to our January 27th, 2010, meeting to discuss her library’s solar energy grant and its possible application to our situation if we accept Dr. Clark’s gift. NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2009, at 5 PM, hopefully in the Town Hall. Castine will contact Jim Bennett about attending this meeting as our consultant.ADJOURNMENT:M (Neverett) to adjourn at 7 PM.Respectfully submitted,Emily Flachbart CastineSecretary
were 85% positive for us to accept the gift of Dr. Clark’s Office for a library. 1,125 surveys were sent out. We had a 9% return.Resolution on Dr. Clark’s Office PropertyTrustees voted in favor of tabling action of making a resolution to accept the gift of Dr. Clark’s office for a library. M (Neverett), S (Trombly), PASSED Invitation to Peru Library Director to Speak on Solar Energy Grant Trustees agreed to invite Becky Pace, Peru Public Library Director, to our January 27th, 2010, meeting to discuss her library’s solar energy grant and its possible application to our situation if we accept Dr. Clark’s gift.
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2009, at 5 PM, hopefully in the Town Hall. Castine will contact Jim Bennett about attending this meeting as our consultant.
ADJOURNMENT:M (Neverett) to adjourn at 7 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Emily Flachbart CastineSecretary

Thursday, December 3, 2009


The annual Christmas Open House to be held on Sunday, December 6, 2009
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM at the Chazy Library
featuring a
Display of Santa’s.

Delicious refreshments
Christmas breads, cookies, etc. will be also be on sale.

Raffle tickets for adult and children’s baskets on sale December 6th at the Library. Price: $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00.

Come out and support and enjoy this annual holiday event – Bring a friend, children and grandchildren!!

Please call 314 –1161 if you have any questions