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Springtime on the library grounds

Library gounds
Sunday, May 31, 2009
June 4 - THERAPY DOG PROGRAM at 6:30 p.m. for children from grade 1 to 4.Come meet one of Linda LaPier's therapy dogs and she will explain what these wonderful dogs do. We hope to have a 6 week program this summer for individual children to read with a therapy dog as a reading partner.To register phone 846-7676 or email
Present: G, Brendler, E. Castine, D. Powers, P, Neverett, F. Fairchild, Director
Excused: T. Trombly.
George called the meeting to order at 5:07p.m. Following a minor correction in the previous meeting’s minutes, a motion was made by Emily, seconded by Debby, to accept the minutes as presented; all in favor. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report — Debby submitted her report for February, 2009. She stated the mileage rates would be going up to 0.55 per mile, (NYState rate.) Also, Francie decided to stay with the same withholding rate as she has in the past. Emily made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report; seconded by Pat; all in favor. Motion carried.
Debby also submitted the proposed 2009-2010 budget of $26,540 (tax request $19,100) to be presented to the taxpayers in May. Pat made a motion that we accept the same as presented, seconded by Emily; all in favor. Motion carried. Also, Tina’s name will be on the ballot for re-election this year. Her petition is out for signatures. Francie said we should also have included in the school's publicity that anyone interested may also run for the position on the board. Debby told Francie to cancel Citibank accounts. We had two accounts and cards. There was confusion with the accounts so Debby has applied for debit cards from TD BankNorth and Francie, George and Debby will have the cards. The interest rate is 7.99%.
Director’s report - The Gates report needs to be done and the board is hopeful that the Friends will contribute $1,300 for the required matching funds. Francie will check with the officers.
No committee reports or correspondence.
Unfinished business — Francie presented, for George’s signature, a proposed resolution re the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Opportunity Online Hardware Grants 2007-2009, which reads:
"March 25, 2009, To Whom It May Concern: At a regular meeting of the Chazy Public Library Board of Trustees, held on March 25, 2009, the following Resolution was adopted: Motion made by Debby Powers, seconded by Emily Castine Resolved that:
The Chazy Public Library commits $1,300. received from the Chazy Friends of the Library in matching funds to be disbursed when needed for participation in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Opportunity Online Hardware Grants 2007-2009. This is the second year match in the 2009-2010 library budget and will not supplant local funds already dedicated for the library or computer workstations. Voting in the affirmative:
Emily Castine, George Brendler, Pat Neverett, Debby Powers, Voting in the negative:
None. Carried. Certified a true copy. George Brendler, Board President, Chazy Public Library.”
A Gates Grant verification form and non-supplanting form will be submitted with the Resolution. Debby made a motion to approve the Resolution, seconded by Emily; all in favor. Motion passed.
Emily states that she and Pat will do the Christmas donors’ book labels. It was also suggested the secretary write a thank-you note to Stewart‘s for their $300 grant for children’s books.
George suggested a workshop for the trustees on the Horizon system, in the event someone needs to fill in at the library in the future. Everyone thought it was a good idea. No date was scheduled for same. Pat stated she attempted to see Ray Devins twice but hasn`t been able to connect with him. She will follow up on sign. There was discussion regarding purchasing a new printer and a laptop computer and who would be allowed to use it. Matter tabled.
Personnel policy updates: After a review of the same, it was decided to change the hours of the Library to 12:30 to 8:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays; Wednesday 10:00 to 5:00, and Saturdays 9:00 to 12:00, to be effective once the new sign is installed. Pat made the motion, seconded by Debby, Closing Routines c, "The Director must notify at least one of the trustees.” All in favor. Motion carried.
New business — Emily will check with Adrian Carr regarding scheduling a concert and time, et cetera.
There will be a Trustees’ Institute on May 1st and 2d in Syracuse. No one volunteered to go.
Following a review of the current minutes for motions and/or corrections, the meeting was adjourned at 6:47p.m. and went into Executive Session.
Following discussion in Executive Session, Pat made the motion to accept the Salary/Benefit Time Policy as revised, seconded by Debby; all in favor. Motion carried.
Next meeting date: April 29, 2009 at 5:00p.m.
Pat Neverrett
Acting Secretary
Present: G, Brendler, E. Castine, D. Powers, P, Neverett, F. Fairchild, Director
Excused: T. Trombly.
George called the meeting to order at 5:07p.m. Following a minor correction in the previous meeting’s minutes, a motion was made by Emily, seconded by Debby, to accept the minutes as presented; all in favor. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report — Debby submitted her report for February, 2009. She stated the mileage rates would be going up to 0.55 per mile, (NYState rate.) Also, Francie decided to stay with the same withholding rate as she has in the past. Emily made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report; seconded by Pat; all in favor. Motion carried.
Debby also submitted the proposed 2009-2010 budget of $26,540 (tax request $19,100) to be presented to the taxpayers in May. Pat made a motion that we accept the same as presented, seconded by Emily; all in favor. Motion carried. Also, Tina’s name will be on the ballot for re-election this year. Her petition is out for signatures. Francie said we should also have included in the school's publicity that anyone interested may also run for the position on the board. Debby told Francie to cancel Citibank accounts. We had two accounts and cards. There was confusion with the accounts so Debby has applied for debit cards from TD BankNorth and Francie, George and Debby will have the cards. The interest rate is 7.99%.
Director’s report - The Gates report needs to be done and the board is hopeful that the Friends will contribute $1,300 for the required matching funds. Francie will check with the officers.
No committee reports or correspondence.
Unfinished business — Francie presented, for George’s signature, a proposed resolution re the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Opportunity Online Hardware Grants 2007-2009, which reads:
"March 25, 2009, To Whom It May Concern: At a regular meeting of the Chazy Public Library Board of Trustees, held on March 25, 2009, the following Resolution was adopted: Motion made by Debby Powers, seconded by Emily Castine Resolved that:
The Chazy Public Library commits $1,300. received from the Chazy Friends of the Library in matching funds to be disbursed when needed for participation in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Opportunity Online Hardware Grants 2007-2009. This is the second year match in the 2009-2010 library budget and will not supplant local funds already dedicated for the library or computer workstations. Voting in the affirmative:
Emily Castine, George Brendler, Pat Neverett, Debby Powers, Voting in the negative:
None. Carried. Certified a true copy. George Brendler, Board President, Chazy Public Library.”
A Gates Grant verification form and non-supplanting form will be submitted with the Resolution. Debby made a motion to approve the Resolution, seconded by Emily; all in favor. Motion passed.
Emily states that she and Pat will do the Christmas donors’ book labels. It was also suggested the secretary write a thank-you note to Stewart‘s for their $300 grant for children’s books.
George suggested a workshop for the trustees on the Horizon system, in the event someone needs to fill in at the library in the future. Everyone thought it was a good idea. No date was scheduled for same. Pat stated she attempted to see Ray Devins twice but hasn`t been able to connect with him. She will follow up on sign. There was discussion regarding purchasing a new printer and a laptop computer and who would be allowed to use it. Matter tabled.
Personnel policy updates: After a review of the same, it was decided to change the hours of the Library to 12:30 to 8:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays; Wednesday 10:00 to 5:00, and Saturdays 9:00 to 12:00, to be effective once the new sign is installed. Pat made the motion, seconded by Debby, Closing Routines c, "The Director must notify at least one of the trustees.” All in favor. Motion carried.
New business — Emily will check with Adrian Carr regarding scheduling a concert and time, et cetera.
There will be a Trustees’ Institute on May 1st and 2d in Syracuse. No one volunteered to go.
Following a review of the current minutes for motions and/or corrections, the meeting was adjourned at 6:47p.m. and went into Executive Session.
Following discussion in Executive Session, Pat made the motion to accept the Salary/Benefit Time Policy as revised, seconded by Debby; all in favor. Motion carried.
Next meeting date: April 29, 2009 at 5:00p.m.
Pat Neverrett
Acting Secretary
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Make a Note of these dates!
May 23 - STORY TIME at the Chazy Public Library 10:30 a.m.
for children from age 3 to 8.
Learn about WEATHER with Megan Preston. Stories and a Craft
To register phone 846-7676 or email
June 4 - THERAPY DOG PROGRAM at 6:30 p.m. for children from grade 1 to 4.
Come meet one of Linda LaPier's therapy dogs and she will explain what these wonderful dogs do. We hope to have a 6 week program this summer for individual children to read with a therapy dog as a reading partner.
To register phone 846-7676 or email
for children from age 3 to 8.
Learn about WEATHER with Megan Preston. Stories and a Craft
To register phone 846-7676 or email
June 4 - THERAPY DOG PROGRAM at 6:30 p.m. for children from grade 1 to 4.
Come meet one of Linda LaPier's therapy dogs and she will explain what these wonderful dogs do. We hope to have a 6 week program this summer for individual children to read with a therapy dog as a reading partner.
To register phone 846-7676 or email
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