The term of Christina Trombly as a trustee of the Chazy Public Library expires this spring.
Anyone interested in competing for the position should file a petition at the CCRS office by 5pm April 20th, 2009.
Petition forms are available at the Chazy Public Library.
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Springtime on the library grounds

Library gounds
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Chazy Public Library Trustees’ Meeting
Present: Trustees George Brendler, Pat Neverett, Emily Castine, Debby Powers, Tina Trombly and Director Francie Fairchild.
George called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m.
Minutes of the 1/14/09 meeting were reviewed. Motion (Emily) to accept the minutes, seconded and passed.
Treasurers’ Report: Debby reported that we had a January 09 ending balance of $14170.71. Motion (Pat) to accept the report, seconded and passed.
Director’s Report: Francie requested another computer for the library volunteers to use. She wants the volunteers or subs to do cataloging. Emily expressed concerns with this. This is the librarian’s job and the volunteers and subs should be doing simpler chores. The group thought it would be a good idea to get a laptop to extend service to patrons but we will have to work out a policy. Due to budget constraints the literacy grant has been tabled. Dan Bradley has been helping in the library quite a bit.
Committee Reports: nothing to report at this time.
Correspondence: Thank yous have been sent to Betty Little, Conrad Bechard, Tom Roberts, Jamie Riley, Dick West, Brent LaDue, and Carolyn Tetreault. I will send one to Ray Devins.
Old Business: The international sign has been hung. George has installed the fan. The deed for the library will be housed in the safe at the town offices. The historical maker has arrived and is in the town offices but no bill has arrived. George handed out highlights of 07 and 08 which are in the secretary’s book. Pat will check into prices for a new wooden sign-tabled till next meeting. Emily reported on the holiday gift program-31 people donated for a total of $1265.00. She has sent out thank yous to all who contributed.
Closing Policy change: Motion: (Pat) to include 12/24 as a paid holiday observed, seconded and passed. This change will be added to the policy manual.
New Business: Motion (Pat) to accept the annual report as presented, seconded and passed. Hour: there are no winter and summer hours. Motion: (Emily) to change our hours to Tues. & Thurs. 12:30 -8:00, Wed. 10:00-5:00, and Sat. 9:00-12:00, to be effective once new sign is installed, seconded, and passed.
Next meeting set for 3/25/09 at 5:00p.m.
Executive Session: Once out of session Motion: (Emily) to raise the director’s salary to $11,500.00, seconded and passed.
Adjournment: 6:43
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Trombly
Tina Trombly, secretary to the trustees.
Present: Trustees George Brendler, Pat Neverett, Emily Castine, Debby Powers, Tina Trombly and Director Francie Fairchild.
George called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m.
Minutes of the 1/14/09 meeting were reviewed. Motion (Emily) to accept the minutes, seconded and passed.
Treasurers’ Report: Debby reported that we had a January 09 ending balance of $14170.71. Motion (Pat) to accept the report, seconded and passed.
Director’s Report: Francie requested another computer for the library volunteers to use. She wants the volunteers or subs to do cataloging. Emily expressed concerns with this. This is the librarian’s job and the volunteers and subs should be doing simpler chores. The group thought it would be a good idea to get a laptop to extend service to patrons but we will have to work out a policy. Due to budget constraints the literacy grant has been tabled. Dan Bradley has been helping in the library quite a bit.
Committee Reports: nothing to report at this time.
Correspondence: Thank yous have been sent to Betty Little, Conrad Bechard, Tom Roberts, Jamie Riley, Dick West, Brent LaDue, and Carolyn Tetreault. I will send one to Ray Devins.
Old Business: The international sign has been hung. George has installed the fan. The deed for the library will be housed in the safe at the town offices. The historical maker has arrived and is in the town offices but no bill has arrived. George handed out highlights of 07 and 08 which are in the secretary’s book. Pat will check into prices for a new wooden sign-tabled till next meeting. Emily reported on the holiday gift program-31 people donated for a total of $1265.00. She has sent out thank yous to all who contributed.
Closing Policy change: Motion: (Pat) to include 12/24 as a paid holiday observed, seconded and passed. This change will be added to the policy manual.
New Business: Motion (Pat) to accept the annual report as presented, seconded and passed. Hour: there are no winter and summer hours. Motion: (Emily) to change our hours to Tues. & Thurs. 12:30 -8:00, Wed. 10:00-5:00, and Sat. 9:00-12:00, to be effective once new sign is installed, seconded, and passed.
Next meeting set for 3/25/09 at 5:00p.m.
Executive Session: Once out of session Motion: (Emily) to raise the director’s salary to $11,500.00, seconded and passed.
Adjournment: 6:43
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Trombly
Tina Trombly, secretary to the trustees.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Spring Reading Program
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