Springtime on the library grounds

Springtime on the library grounds
Library gounds

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Chazy Public Library Trustees’ Meeting
Present: Trustees George Brendler, Pat Neverett, Emily Castine, Debby Powers, Tina Trombly and Director Francie Fairchild.
George called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m
Minutes of 10/29/08 meeting were reviewed. Francie suggested that reports be named when referenced. Motion (Emily) to accept the minutes, seconded and passed.
Committee Report: Emily stated that the holiday fund drive was successful. She will report on donors and amounts at the next meeting. She is designing thank you cards to be sent out. Pat will help her with the thank you notes.
Emily had to leave to attend another meeting.
Treasurers’ Report: Debby reported that the ending balance for December was $30553.79. She suggested putting $15,000.00 in a CD. Motion (Emily) to put $15,000.00 in a CD and Debby will determine the length of time with the best interest rate, seconded, passed. Debby reported that she and George had met with Caroline Tetreault to audit our books. She suggested that we adjust our petty cash records but other wise everything looks great. Great job Debby. Debby also revised the directors’ monthly report, I enclosed a copy in the records. Motion(Pat) to accept the treasurers’ report, seconded , passed.
Directors Report: Francie submits a summary of recent events for our review. Overdue book policy needs to be addressed. Francie asked if we can weed the videos. Most VHS can be placed in book sale. DVD is the most current format.
Correspondence: Tina will send thank you cards to; Conrad Bechard, Carolyn Tetreault, Brent Ladue, and Richard West.
Old Business: Directors evaluation is complete. Universal library sign has arrived and Tom Roberts will make a bracket and hang sign. A thank you will be sent to him when complete. George will hang new magazine racks and relocate the plaques. Office 2007 updates for directors computer are tabled for now. Motion( Pat) to house original deed in the Town Hall safe, seconded, passed. George will ask Bob Cheeseman. A record of its location will be kept at the library. The Quadri centennial committee has created a brochure which was passed out. It was mentioned that if any trustees notice over due books over flowing to please bring them in.
New Business: George said the policy committee will meet this winter to work on the holiday and over due book policy. Francie spoke to CEF and said we, Chazy, would be interested in the Family Literacy Library Service grant. CEF asked if member libraries were interested and only Chazy responded. George will work on an end of year review for 2008. He will present this at the next meeting.
Adjourn: Motion (Pat) at 6:12, passed. Next meeting 2/25/09 at 5:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Trombly
Tina Trombly, Secretary

Tuesday, February 3, 2009