Activities related to the Chazy Public Library. Events Albums. Friends of the Library News.
Springtime on the library grounds

Library gounds
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The Library Book Sale Hours
Please note that the hours of the book sale on Saturday the 30th of August will be from 9 am to 2 pm.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Important August dates at the Library!
STORY TIMES 4 p.m. Thursdays August 7 and 14 for children age 3 to 8.
"Catch The Reading Bug" Wind-up Party August 21 at 3:30 for those signed up for the Summer Reading Program and have returned their reading lists. PLEASE BRING YOUR LIST TO THE LIBRARY ON OR BEFORE AUGUST 14.
Friends of the Library Book Sale will be August 30th at the Town Hall.BOOK DONATIONS WELCOME but please NO OLD TEXTBOOKS, ENCYCLOPEDIAS or CONDENSED BOOKS
"Catch The Reading Bug" Wind-up Party August 21 at 3:30 for those signed up for the Summer Reading Program and have returned their reading lists. PLEASE BRING YOUR LIST TO THE LIBRARY ON OR BEFORE AUGUST 14.
Friends of the Library Book Sale will be August 30th at the Town Hall.BOOK DONATIONS WELCOME but please NO OLD TEXTBOOKS, ENCYCLOPEDIAS or CONDENSED BOOKS
Minutes of Trustees' Meeting June 28,2008
Chazy Public Library Trustees’ Meeting
May 28th, 2008
PRESENT: Tina Trombly, George Brendler, Emily Castine, Pat Neverett, Francie Fairchild, Director
EXCUSED: Debby Powers
Tina called the meeting to order. Minutes of the meeting of March 6 were approved upon motion made by George; seconded by Emily; all in favor. Minutes of the meeting of March 15 were approved as presented upon motion made by Emily, seconded by George; all in favor.
Sagamore workshop - Francie attended the workshop and presented a video for review by board members. Following brief discussion, it was decided to table the matter until the next meeting.
Surveys - Emily and Tina volunteered to review the questionnaires returned and prepare a report for the board of the results of same.
Construction grants - George attended the session and stated CEF appeals to people to apply for these grants. George states these are matching funds grants. He found the session very interesting.
Audit - since Debby wasn’t present, it was decided to table this matter until the next meeting.
Director’s report - The new computer has been ordered and should arrive in June. We should receive our check soon, since CEF received a check for 90% of the grant. Our matching funds are $650.00 and the Friends have agreed to pay the same.
Francie will call Dick West about repointing the stonework. She also stated NYSEG’s bill is much lower than for the month of May. The Dell computer has been repaired. A new motherboard and power surge were replaced and they are still under warranty.
CEF has a new server room. It’s much faster. They are asking member libraries for contributions towards purchasing down-loadable audio books, about $25.00 per book. The public would have access to this with their library cards. Following discussion, Francie will follow up with more information on this subject.
CEF has received a grant for teenage volunteers to teach computer skills on a one-on-one basis with whomever would be interested.
New business - Francie would like to kick-off the summer reading program,(Catch the Reading Bug, July8th-August 21st) with a professional story-teller, Karen Pillsworth, on July 8. It would cost $250.00, trustees approved of same upon motion made by George, seconded by Emily; all in favor. Francie will also apply for a $100.00 grant from CEF. Francie also spoke about a science/math workshop,ways to teach young children science and math concepts at library story times.
Quadri - centennial grant/historical maker - There will be a meeting Monday, June 2, of the Friends at K. Rynkowski’s home. Bob Cheeseman will be there to present his findings about the Sweet Ferryboat. All are invited to attend. There is a $1,000.00 grant we may be able to apply for, but it’s questionably, due to cut-backs.
Budget vote - the budget was passed at a vote of 209 for; 60 against. Pay was re-elected for another give year term. She will file her oath of office with the Town Clerk.
Slate of officers - Tina presented a sale of officers as follows: President - George; vice president - Emily; secretary - Tina; treasurer - Debby. The slate was approved as proposed and all were in favor of same.
Wireless access - Francie will contact Betsy to see if she can come and explain exactly what this service is. Matter tabled.
Emily stated that Margaret Dwyer was very upset about the size of the nameplate attached to the computer desks. She apparently expected something larger. Following discussion, it was decided to tell Margaret that under our gifts policy, the board has the discretion as to how large memorials or gifts will be. Em volunteered to explain this to her.
Emily said that Ken Lucia, the gentleman who disposes of all our unsold books from our book sale in the fall, wants to sell our books and other from a bookmobile on Labor Day weekend. Francie said he is already booked for this Labor Day. It was decided to table the matter until he approached us again. The board members feel our sale should be in the town hall where there is more room and people can browse.
We have received an invitation from the Friends group in Plattsburgh to attend their annual luncheon at the Burgundy Room on June 26th, at a cost of $15.00 per person. Carol Heilman, a photographer, will be the guest speaker.
Treasurer’s report - A motion to accept the treasurer’s reports of February 29th and March 31st, as presented was made by George; seconded by Emily; all in favor.
Next meeting date: Wednesday, July 23, 2008, at 5:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia B. Neverett
May 28th, 2008
PRESENT: Tina Trombly, George Brendler, Emily Castine, Pat Neverett, Francie Fairchild, Director
EXCUSED: Debby Powers
Tina called the meeting to order. Minutes of the meeting of March 6 were approved upon motion made by George; seconded by Emily; all in favor. Minutes of the meeting of March 15 were approved as presented upon motion made by Emily, seconded by George; all in favor.
Sagamore workshop - Francie attended the workshop and presented a video for review by board members. Following brief discussion, it was decided to table the matter until the next meeting.
Surveys - Emily and Tina volunteered to review the questionnaires returned and prepare a report for the board of the results of same.
Construction grants - George attended the session and stated CEF appeals to people to apply for these grants. George states these are matching funds grants. He found the session very interesting.
Audit - since Debby wasn’t present, it was decided to table this matter until the next meeting.
Director’s report - The new computer has been ordered and should arrive in June. We should receive our check soon, since CEF received a check for 90% of the grant. Our matching funds are $650.00 and the Friends have agreed to pay the same.
Francie will call Dick West about repointing the stonework. She also stated NYSEG’s bill is much lower than for the month of May. The Dell computer has been repaired. A new motherboard and power surge were replaced and they are still under warranty.
CEF has a new server room. It’s much faster. They are asking member libraries for contributions towards purchasing down-loadable audio books, about $25.00 per book. The public would have access to this with their library cards. Following discussion, Francie will follow up with more information on this subject.
CEF has received a grant for teenage volunteers to teach computer skills on a one-on-one basis with whomever would be interested.
New business - Francie would like to kick-off the summer reading program,(Catch the Reading Bug, July8th-August 21st) with a professional story-teller, Karen Pillsworth, on July 8. It would cost $250.00, trustees approved of same upon motion made by George, seconded by Emily; all in favor. Francie will also apply for a $100.00 grant from CEF. Francie also spoke about a science/math workshop,ways to teach young children science and math concepts at library story times.
Quadri - centennial grant/historical maker - There will be a meeting Monday, June 2, of the Friends at K. Rynkowski’s home. Bob Cheeseman will be there to present his findings about the Sweet Ferryboat. All are invited to attend. There is a $1,000.00 grant we may be able to apply for, but it’s questionably, due to cut-backs.
Budget vote - the budget was passed at a vote of 209 for; 60 against. Pay was re-elected for another give year term. She will file her oath of office with the Town Clerk.
Slate of officers - Tina presented a sale of officers as follows: President - George; vice president - Emily; secretary - Tina; treasurer - Debby. The slate was approved as proposed and all were in favor of same.
Wireless access - Francie will contact Betsy to see if she can come and explain exactly what this service is. Matter tabled.
Emily stated that Margaret Dwyer was very upset about the size of the nameplate attached to the computer desks. She apparently expected something larger. Following discussion, it was decided to tell Margaret that under our gifts policy, the board has the discretion as to how large memorials or gifts will be. Em volunteered to explain this to her.
Emily said that Ken Lucia, the gentleman who disposes of all our unsold books from our book sale in the fall, wants to sell our books and other from a bookmobile on Labor Day weekend. Francie said he is already booked for this Labor Day. It was decided to table the matter until he approached us again. The board members feel our sale should be in the town hall where there is more room and people can browse.
We have received an invitation from the Friends group in Plattsburgh to attend their annual luncheon at the Burgundy Room on June 26th, at a cost of $15.00 per person. Carol Heilman, a photographer, will be the guest speaker.
Treasurer’s report - A motion to accept the treasurer’s reports of February 29th and March 31st, as presented was made by George; seconded by Emily; all in favor.
Next meeting date: Wednesday, July 23, 2008, at 5:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia B. Neverett
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